April 2017 Community Calendar

More than 90 volunteers joined Wayne Main Street for today’s Wayne Community Clean Up Day called, “I Love a Clean Wayne.” Wayne Rotarian John VanStipdonk shows off his new volunteer t-shirt. Photo by John P. Rhaesa
Nankin Transit Service available to residents
Nankin Transit is a connector bus system that offers curb to curb service for seniors and the disabled who reside in Wayne, Westland, Garden City and Inkster. Nankin Transit operates anywhere within the four cities and one mile outside of the four cities. They also service the destination points of St. Mary’s Hospital in Livonia, Henry Ford Health Care on Haggerty in Canton, Oakwood Hospital Main in Dearborn and Metro Airport (one-way drop off only). To schedule a ride, call (734) 729-2710. It is requested that medical appointments be scheduled two days in advance and one day for all other travel needs. The fare is $3 one-way. The one-way only fare to Metro Airport is $5. Each bus can hold a total of 17 without special needs. Each bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift and can hold two wheelchairs. Hours of service are 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The service does not run on major holidays, and the system is closed the week of December 24-January 1.
The Ladies Literary Society of Wayne invites you to their annual scholarship fundraiser on Tuesday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m. The event will be held at the First Congregational Church, 2 Towne Square, in Wayne. The theme this year is “Books in Bloom.” There will be talks about a few different topics such as gardens featured in books, books about edible and medicinal plants, bees and roses. There will be dessert and non-alcoholic drinks, chances to win prizes, socializing and having fun. This event raises funds to award $1,000 scholarships to two young ladies, one from Wayne Memorial High School and one from John Glenn High School. Donations of any amount are accepted.
Wayne Main Street would like to invite you to their Opening Party of the DIA Inside/Out program on Thursday, April 13, at 6:00 p.m. at Helium Studios. The event is free. Participants are encouraged to register by contacting Wayne Main Street, (734) 629-6822.
The Inside/Out program, funded by The Knight Foundation, brings reproductions of masterpieces from the DIA’s world-class collections outdoors to the public. Guests will have the opportunity to receive a copy of the official DIA Inside/Out map, tour the art placements and be one of the first to see these wonderful works of art in Wayne, meet with local stakeholders and community members, and hear about the Inside/Out program and upcoming events.
The Wayne Memorial High School Zebra Marching Band had an outstanding performance in the annual Detroit St. Patrick’s Day Parade last month. The band fought through the cold to earn first place for the second year in a row and for the seventh time in the past eleven years. The band is directed by Matt Diroff with his assistant Pat Brown.
Wayne Main Street presents their second annual Chocolate Walk on Saturday, May 6, from Noon-4:00 p.m. Walkers are able to fill a box with chocolates, made by Corden Chocolates, that they gather at each business that is participating in the walk. Last year, this event sold out quickly. Only 98 tickets are available this year. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 day of the event if any are still left. Call (734) 629-6822 or visit Wayne Main Street, 1 Towne Square inside the Wayne Historical Museum, to get your tickets.
Opioid addiction is on the rise and affects more than just those who are addicted. The Westland Police Department would like the public to know about the Families Against Narcotics (FAN) chapter that has been formed in Wayne County.
“Families feel embarrassed and ashamed that their loved ones are struggling with this disease, and they isolate and withdraw. What they really need to do is reach out for help,” said Andy Hopson, a Livonia resident who lost his son to the opioid epidemic.
FAN is dedicated to eliminating the stigma associated with addiction and providing families struggling with the disease the support and resources they need.
Westland Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik is an advisory board member of the committee, whose members include other members of law enforcement, concerned citizens, families of those affected by addiction, and leaders in healthcare, education, business, and religion.
The first meeting of the Wayne County FAN chapter is scheduled to take place on April 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the LifeChurch Annex located at 6900 N. Haggerty Rd. in Canton. The keynote speaker will be Judge Linda Davis, President and Founder of Families Against Narcotics. These meetings are open and free to the public.
If you need help, please take advantage of this free program. For more information, please visit www.familiesagainstnarcotics.org
After the marshmallow drop, head over to HYPE Recreation Center for the Bunny Brunch on Friday, April 14, at 10:45 a.m. Brunch tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for kids ages 3-11. Pictures will be available for an additional fee. Tickets are on sale at HYPE.
The Wayne Sometimes Travelers (for those 30 years and older) will be travelling with Bianco Tours to Niagara Falls for an overnight, two day trip Monday, April 24-Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Price of $186 per person/double occupancy includes round trip motorcoach transportation and one-night stay at the Clifton Victoria Inn with breakfast. There will be shopping at White Oaks Mall with lunch on your own. You will have a free day to explore Niagara Falls. The trip also includes a stop at the Floral Clock and Whirlpool, an opportunity to visit Casino Niagara and a stop at Fallsview Casino. For a small fee, Niagara Parks offers a shuttle to other attractions. Since the tour will be going into Canada, US and Canadian passengers are required to present proof of citizenship-passport, passport card, enhanced drivers license or certificate of naturalization. For more information or to make reservations, please call Wayne Senior Services at (734) 721-7460.
Refresh your driving skills and know the new rules of the road. Learn research-based driving strategies to help you stay safe behind the wheel. There are no tests to pass. Cost is $15 for AARP members, $20 for others. The program is Wednesday, May 31, and Thursday, June 1, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. You must register by calling Wayne Senior Services at (734) 721-7460. Please leave a message if you reach the voicemail.
Join St. Mary Catholic School as they host three hours of live entertainment by The Dueling Pianos International. Tickets include appeti- zers, dinner and two drinks. A cash bar will be available. There will also be basket raffles, a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and live auction with exciting prizes. Tickets are $40 per person and $75 per couple. The event will be held on Saturday, May 13, 5:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic School, 34516 Michigan Avenue, Wayne. For more information and tickets, please email auction-@stmarywayne.org
The Wayne Masonic Temple is hosting a Charity Car Show on June 10 at the lodge located at 37137 Palmer Rd in Westland. The event is 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Anyone who has a car they would like to show off is welcome to participate; a classic car is not required. The fee will be $15 to park and show-off your car; you will also receive a goodie bag. All you have to do is show up that morning, pay the fee, park and enjoy the day sharing your car with others. For those who like to admire cars, admission is free to walk around and talk to car owners. Parking for viewers will be across the street. Proceeds from the event will go toward programs for the Demolays and Rainbows, the youth groups of the Masons. The poster advertising the event was created by a graphic arts student at the William D. Ford Technical Center.
The annual Wayne/Westland Memorial Day parade will be Sunday, May 28, at 1:00 p.m. The parade will be held in Westland again this year. It will start at the Ford Civic League parking lot on Wayne Rd and head north to the Westland Library Veteran’s Memorial.
The City Council voted to approve Fausone and Bohn as the city’s legal representative. City council interviewed four legal services on February 21 in a special city council meeting. Besides Fausone and Bohn, they also interviewed Pentiuk, Couvreur & Kobiljak, The Correveau Law Firm, and Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton. Breeda O’Leary, attorney for Fausone and Bohn and resident of Wayne, told the council “I love Wayne. I care about Wayne,” as she gave her presentation.
Wayne Garden Club fundraiser
The Wayne Garden Club will not be doing their biennial garden walk this year. Instead, they will be selling $25 gift cards from Schwartz’s Greenhouse. The cards can be used to purchase flats, hanging baskets, Mother’s Day planters, or anything else available in their greenhouse. Clare Maloney will be handling the gift cards. If you wish to help the garden club by purchasing cards, please call Clare at (313) 562-0094 to make arrangements.
If you purchase items for your garden each year, please consider helping the garden club by purchasing a gift card and using that at the greenhouse.
St. Mary Catholic Church in Wayne is hosting their Lenten Fish Fry events again this year. The weekly Fish Fry began in March and will run through Good Friday, April 14. They are offering $7 or $10 dinners. You can choose from fried or baked fish, shrimp dinner or Mac-N-Cheese. Each meal comes with french fries or baked potato, coleslaw, roll and lemonade, water or coffee. For an additional small charge desserts and pop are available. You will have plenty to eat and good conversation with your neighbors and parishioners or you can have your meal ready to take out. The meals are served from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Join author Irene Miller in discussing her new book Into No Man’s Land: A Historical Memoir on Wednesday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wayne Public Library. Irene Miller, a Holocaust survivor, will take you on a survival journey little written and known about. You will sleep in the winter under an open sky on the no man’s land; you will freeze in a Siberian labor camp where the bears come to your door front. In Uzbekistan, you will live on boiled grass or broiled onions, and shiver with malaria. When this is over you will wonder how a child with this background grows up to become a positive, creative, accomplished woman with a joy of living and love to share. To register for this free program, please call the adult reference desk (734) 721-7832 ext 630.
Join Detroit native and local author Dan Grajek in discussing his new book The Last Hobo. In the summer of 1979, 19 year old Ted acts out his dream of being a hobo by hitchhiking (and hopping a train) across the U.S. Ted’s fantasy-fueled trip often collides with reality. The results are hilarious, nerve-wracking and inspiring. Based on a true story, The Last Hobo is a colorful portrait of America and its people during the dramatic transition from the seventies to the eighties. An older-and-wiser Ted narrates the tale with a unique perspective: He’s from Detroit, the icon of America’s highest dreams and its worst nightmares. To register for this program which will be held at the Wayne Public Library on Tuesday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m., please call the adult reference desk (734) 721-7832 ext. 630.
This free workshop is a 6-week commitment of fun, interactive sessions presented by trained culinary and nutrition instructors. Hands-on presentations demonstrate the link between nutrition and health, the affordability of healthy eating, healthy meal planning and cooking tips. Free groceries and cookbooks are included to practice new skills at home. This workshop provides specialized recipes and information for adults living with diabetes and their caregivers. It is appropriate for people who are newly diagnosed as well as those who have been living with Type 2 diabetes for years and those with pre-diabetes. Registration is limited to one class and is open to adults who have not previously enrolled in a Cooking Matters course. The free workshop will run from Tuesday, April 11 through May 16 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please call 1-800-543-9355 or visit www.beaumont.org/classes-events to register. This workshop is offered by Wayne Senior Services and sponsored by Beaumont, Ford
Healthy Wayne has teamed with Citizen Yoga to offer free yoga classes. The next free yoga class will be Wednesday, April 5, at the Wayne Public Library from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Dress comfortably, bring a yoga mat and enjoy an evening of fun. Future dates include April 12, 19 and 26.
Kirk of Our Savior Presbyterian Church, 36660 Cherry Hill Rd, Westland, will be having their annual parking lot flea market on Saturday, May 20, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m, rain or shine. If you would like to participate in the sale, you can rent a two-parking spot-sized space for $25. Call the church at (734) 728-1088 for more information.
The Wayne Historical Society invites you to a Best Loved Doll Tea Party for young ladies of all ages on Saturday, April 29, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Wayne Historical Museum. Petite sandwiches and desserts will be served with tea and pink lemonade. There will also be crafts and door prizes. Bring a doll to the party. Prizes will be given for the oldest doll, the best-dressed doll, the doll who can do the most things, and the doll with the most interesting story to tell. Tickets are available at the Wayne Historical Museum Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Cost is $40 for one adult with a child under 18, $15 for additional children with a paid adult and $35 for adults.
The Wayne Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of each month, March-November. The next meeting will be April 12 at 12:30 p.m. at the Wayne Public Library. The topic will be Plants That Make You Itch. All are welcome to attend and learn more about the Wayne Garden Club and their upcoming events.