February News Briefs

City officials and Chamber of Commerce members joined the staff at Captain Nemo’s to celebrate their grand re-opening at their new location on Wayne Road next door to Seven Star Liquor. They now have a dine-in area in addition to their carry out counter.
Captain Nemo’s grand re-opening
It’s a new location but the same delicious menu. Captain Nemo’s Submarine Shop, 4422 S. Wayne Road just north of Annapolis has moved next door to Seven Star Liquor. Their new larger location includes a dine-in area with a television in addition to their take-out counter. Mom and son owners Bev and Brad Wiggins have been in Wayne for six years. They said some of their more popular subs are the pizza and steak and cheese. They also offer salads, french fries, mini tacos, hot dogs, wings and drinks. They open at 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Mon-Wed, 10 a.m.- midnight Thurs and Fri, 11 a.m.- midnight on Sat and noon- 9 p.m. on Sunday. They also offer delivery. Call them at 734-729-3330.
Join Wayne Rotary
Wayne Rotary meets at 12 p.m. every Tuesday at the Wayne Community Center, 4635 Howe Road in Wayne. The last Tuesday of the month they meet at 6 p.m. at US-12 on Michigan Ave. and Second Street. President Trish Hampton invites the public to come and be a guest to see what the Wayne Rotary is all about. For more information, please contact Trish Hampton at 734-890-6934.
New Website
In an effort to continue to bring positive community news, The Wayne Dispatch has a new website. Visit www.thewaynedispatch.com and check out our new features. All of the past issues are available but there are also new sections like breaking news, current news stories, a chance to comment on articles, advertising and weather. We are also looking for your feedback. What would you like to see on our website? Let us know at jenny@thewaynedispatch.com.
Relay for Life
The 2014 Westland-Wayne Relay for Life will be on June 7-8 at Attwood Park. “We were at Attwood Park last year for the first time and the site was wonderful,” said Meriem Kadi, chairperson, Relay for Life. They are having their kick-off party on March 6 at the Wayne Community Center. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. and the event starts at 7 p.m. This meeting is for all returning teams and anyone who is interested in getting more information on Relay for Life. “We are looking for more teams and sponsorship,” she said. “We have our kick-off party for Relay and it helps encourage people to think about joining.” Last year they had 23 teams and raised $64,000. This year their goal is 25 teams and $70,000. But the main purpose of Relay for Life is to help people diagnosed with cancer celebrate more birthdays. For more information, visit www.Relayforlife.org/westlandwaynemi.com or check out their Facebook page at Facebook.com-/rflwestlandwayne.
Zebra Safari Dinner
Come support Wayne Memorial High School and buy a ticket to the annual Zebra Safari. This adult only event will be at 6 p.m. on April 4 at the Wayne Community Center, 4635 Howe Road, Wayne. This event has a fabulous dinner made by Chef Tony and his wonderful culinary arts students, live auction, silent auction, raffles, and dancing. This event raises money for scholarships and activities for WMHS students. Tickets are $25 each and are available by calling Pam Rawson at 734-419-2206.
Visit Museum
The Wayne Historical Museum, One Town Square, has two special collections on display. Former Wayne resident Judy Dittmar-Fidh has loaned the museum antique baking tools including rolling pins, cookie cutters and baking equipment. Her twin sister Joan, a member of the Wayne Historical Commission, has set up a display of antique cameras including flash bulbs. The collections will be on display for three months. The Wayne Historical Museum is open from 1p.m.-4p.m. Thur. & Fri. and by appointment Mon-Wed. For more information call, 723-722-0113.
Daddy/Daughter Date Night
Calling all Dads! Grab your little girls and come create a special memory at Daddy/Daughter Date Night from 6-8:30 p.m. on Feb. 13 at the Wayne Community Center. Enjoy snacks, square dancing and a photo. The cost is: Residents: $12/Couple or $16/Dad & 2 Daughters Non-Res.: $13/Couple or $18/Dad & 2 Daughters. Tickets are available at the front desk at the Wayne Community Center, 4635 Howe Road, Wayne.
Mother/Son Sports Night
Moms do you want to have a fun night out with your little guys age 5-12? Then bring them to Mother/Son Sports Night from 6-8:30 p.m. on Feb. 27 at the Wayne Community Center, 4635 Howe Road, Wayne. Enjoy an evening of sports, games and food. The cost is: Residents: $12/Couple or $16/Mom & 2 Sons Non-Res.: $13/Couple or $18/Mom & 2 Sons. For more information, call 734-721-7400.
Travel Group
Sometimes Travelers Group is available for all 30 and older. Membership is $5 per year from July through June. Enjoy day, overnight and extended trips on luxurious motor coaches. Individual trip flyers are located in the Senior Lounge at the Wayne Community Center.
Casino Trip
The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Casino Bus Trip to Motor City Casino in Detroit on March 15. The bus leaves from the Wayne Community Center, 4635 Howe Road at 10 a.m. and will leave from the casino at 4 p.m. Tickets are $30 and includes $30 of free slots play. Please call 734-721-0100 to register by the end of February.
Baseball registration
The Wayne Baseball Association is looking for players age 3-18 for youth baseball and softball. Registration is at the Wayne Community Center, 4635 Howe Road on the following dates: Feb. 6th 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Feb. 8th 9 a.m.-12 noon Feb. 13th 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Feb. 20th 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Feb. 22 9 a.m.-12 noon Feb. 27 7 p.m.-9 p.m. All new registrants must show proof of birth date. Registrants from all cities are welcome. Included in the registration fee is a complete uniform – hat, shirt, and pants. For more information, please call the WBA office: (734) 722-6400 or visit www.waynebaseballassociation.org.
AARP Tax Assistance Program
The Senior Services Office is taking reservations for this year’s tax program. The program will be held at the Wayne Community Center. Dates of preparation will be each Wednesday during the tax season. Assistance is done by appointments only. All tax returns are e-filed for your convenience. Golden Hour Club The Wayne-Westland Parks and Recreation Department offers weekly social activities for senior residents at the Wayne Community Center. There is always something going on and new faces are always welcome. They meet every Thursday at 11 a.m. and enjoy a pot luck lunch.
Offered every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 1:00pm at the Wayne Community Center. It is a great way to spend a few hours. Improves memory and offers a chance to win some extra money. Bingo is a fund-raiser, offered by the Wayne Golden Hour Club.
St. Patty’s Dueling Piano Party
The Wayne Rotary Club is hosting a Dueling Piano show on March 14 at the Wayne Community Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 each or a table of 10 for $180. There will be a cash bar, 50/50 raffle and food available for purchase. For more information, contact Gayle Rediske at gaylerediske@gmail.com or 734-502-3202. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Wayne Rotary Holiday Parade of Lights.
Hockey Night in Westland
Westland Mayor Bill Wild and the Westland Wild Wings will face the Red Wings Alumni on March 21 at the Mike Modano Ice Arena, 6210 N. Wildwood in Westland. For ticket sales and sponsorship opportunities for this charity hockey game, contact 734-467-3200.