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Trafficking, Continued from page 7                                                                      showed up from Kentucky or what-
                                                Indicators of Human Trafficking                                   ever southern state she was living in
          hard by the time the 6th man came                                                                       at the time. Mom told the police that
          into the room, he broke her nose.        From the Department of Homeland Security website               Devaun  was  rebellious,  that  she
             Bill was angry. He took Devaun        Recognizing key indicators of human trafficking is the first   didn’t want to follow the rules, that
          into  the  bathroom,  cuddled  her    step in identifying victims and can help save a life. Here are    her  bruises  were  from  falling  be-
          against him and then cleaned her up.  some common indicators to help recognize human trafficking:       cause she was an alcoholic. She told
          The Doctor set her nose. The birth-                                                                     police Devaun was a runaway. Police
          day party was over.                   • Does the person appear disconnected from family, friends,       took  Devaun  back  to  live  with  her
             The next day, she says she woke    community organizations, or houses of worship?                    older sister and Bill. She says she
          up sore, bruised and with black eyes.  • Has a child stopped attending school?                          slept in a corner of the room. Her
          Bill was very excited about how suc-  • Has the person had a sudden or dramatic change in behav-        mom said she was being dramatic.
          cessful the night had been. The Doc-  ior?                                                              To  this  day,  Devaun  believes  her
          tor gave her more medications. She    • Is a juvenile engaged in commercial sex acts?                   mother  was  getting  financial  gains
          missed school until her face cleared                                                                    from Bill and her sister.
          up.                                   • Is the person disoriented or confused, or showing signs of         The police were at school again
             Every weekend until she was 16     mental or physical abuse?                                         the  next  day.  The  first  part  of  the
          1/2 the “party” continued. She had    • Does the person have bruises in various stages of healing?      nightmare was over.
          “regulars.” She says Bill had some    • Is the person fearful, timid, or submissive?                       Devaun  started  speaking  about
          other friends that apparently threw   • Does the person show signs of having been denied food,          her ordeal about ten years after she
          the same kind of parties. She occa-   water, sleep, or medical care?                                    was removed from the situation. Her
          sionally  went  to  other  homes  to  • Is the person often in the company of someone to whom he        husband didn’t know the details of
          “work.”                                                                                                 her past. She had three kids.
             When she first moved in with her   or she defers? Or someone who seems to be in control of the          One  of  Devaun’s  friends  had  a
          sister,  Devaun  says  her  sister  and  situation, e.g., where they go or who they talk to?            heart for the issue of human traffick-
          Bill both worked. Soon, her sister no  • Does the person appear to be coached on what to say?           ing  and  heard  of  an  event  called
          longer worked outside the home and    • Is the person living in unsuitable conditions?                  SOAP (Save Our Adolescents from
          Bill did not work either, saying he   • Does the person lack personal possessions and appear not        Prostitution)  she  wanted  to  go  to.
          had  hurt  his  back.  As  she  looks  to have a stable living situation?                               She dragged Devaun along. “It was
          back, she says “No way we could af-                                                                     very  emotional.  I  felt  sick,  but  re-
          ford  everything  we  had.”  She  was  • Does the person have freedom of movement? Can the person       lieved too. It was an epiphany to me,”
          promised a car for her 17th birthday.  freely leave where they live? Are there unreasonable security    she  said  of  hearing  SOAP  founder
             One day she was walking home       measures?                                                         Theresa  Flores  speak  of  her  own
          from school with a male friend. She      Not all indicators listed above are present in every human     story.
          hugged  the  friend  before  she  got  trafficking situation, and the presence or absence of any of the    Not  wanting  the  guilt  anymore,
          home. Bill saw the hug and called     indicators is not necessarily proof of human trafficking.         Devaun wants to help everyone she
          her a slut for hugging the male.  His                                                                   can.    She  runs  the  Metro  Detroit
          punishment?  Not  letting  her  work                                                                    chapter of SOAP, one of the most suc-
          that weekend. He locked her in her                                                                      cessful chapters, she says. She tries
          bedroom  from  Friday  to  Sunday  her  Bill  was  hurting  her,  and  she  visible burn marks and bite marks.  to help survivors of human traffick-
          with  a  bucket  to  use  as  her  bath-  wanted to go home. The sister said  Devaun  says  the  counselor  then  ing.  Most  human  traffickers,  she
          room. All weekend, she could hear  she’d pick her up after school. In the  reached out, touched her hand and  says, are husbands, boyfriends, and
          the sounds of a new girl upstairs.  meantime, the gym class friend had  said, “Let me help you.”        uncles.  Of  the  approximately  200
             At school Monday, a friend saw  gone to a counselor about what she   The police soon arrived and gave  survivors on a Facebook group she’s
          her covered in bruises during gym  saw. Devaun was called to the office  her to the other sister who lived in  involved  with,  only  two  were  ab-
          class.  She  told  the  friend  she  was  to  see  the  counselor.  She  told  the  Westland. She says she apologized to  ducted  into  trafficking.  Major  out-
          going  to  call  her  other  sister  who  counselor  she  was  not  being  hurt.  her  older  sister,  saying  that  she  reaches of SOAP occur locally during
          happened to live nearby in Westland.  The counselor repeatedly asked her  didn’t start all this.
          She did call the other sister, telling  if she was being hurt. Devaun had  Devaun’s   mother   suddenly         See Trafficking, page 11

          10 · January 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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