Page 10 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 10

Solving a black history mystery

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     subdivision  in  Westland.    After  14  ing to, Benjamin re-
             If you have ever visited Glenwood                                  years of marriage, Susan died, leav-  ceived a Bachelor’s degree from De-
          Cemetery in Wayne, you might have                                     ing James with a family of small chil-  troit  Institute  of  Technology  and
          noticed a rather large gravestone and                                 dren. When James died, his obituary  received his juris doctorate from De-
          plot of the Simons family. This im-                                   listed his children as Miss Prudy and  troit College of Law. He married Lucy
          pressive gravestone caught the eye of                                 Ben Simons of Wayne and Mrs. Mar-  Cahoon. He was in law and real es-
          Wayne  resident  and  former  Wayne                                   garet Norwood of Cherry Hill. It is  tate  before  dying  at  his  home  in
          Historical  Society  president  Ann                                   unknown how his name came to be   Dundee in 1979.
          Zimmerman when the group did a                                        James Simons from Sammons.  indicates James
          cemetery  walk  for  the  community                                     James’s  obituary  headline  read  Simons was a Civil War veteran of
          several years ago.                                                   “Wayne Pioneer Dies Suddenly.” He  Company  B,  1st  Colored  Infantry,
             Ann wondered who the Simons                                        was 95 in 1924 when he died at his  Michigan.  This  was  later  redesig-
          family was to have such a prominent                                   home on Dewey Avenue after an at-  nated  to  102nd  Regiment  United
          grave  marker.  She  set  out  to  re-                                tack of paralysis lasting 3 days.  States  Colored  Troops.  USCT  was
          search James Simons. In her search,                                     Ann’s research of the family led  an African-American infantry unit of
          she  uncovered  data  from  different                                 her to a website that listed James as  the Union Army during the American
          sources that indicated James could                                    being in the Colored Troops during  Civil War.
          have been an African American, a Na-                                  the Civil War. She has since been in  The search is now on to find a
          tive American, a mulatto.                                             touch with the Sons of the Civil War  family member descendent of James
             James lived 1829-1924. He made                                     group in Dearborn about getting a  Simons  who  can  help  obtain  the
          his home in the area that is now the                                  grave  marker  or  dedication  for  Civil War marker for the gravesite. If
          Birch Hill Golf subdivision in West-                                  James to show he was a Civil War  you happen to have information that
          land, by the current Westland Munic-                    James Simons  veteran. It was recommended to Ann  can help solve this genealogical mys-
          ipal Golf Course.                  in Pennsylvania.  At age 23, he mar-  that she try to find any family mem-  tery, please contact Ann Zimmerman
             Born  in  1829  in  Kent  County,  ried  Susan  Keys  (Grimace  is  the  bers that might still live in the area.  at  the  Wayne  Historical  Museum.
          Delaware to Benjamin Sammons, Sr   name  used  in  his  obituary).  They  James had a grandson named Ben-  She can be reached at waynehistori-
          and  Sarah  (Miller)  Sammons,  he  moved to Michigan and settled on a  jamin Simons who graduated from or call the mu-
          went on to spend his boyhood years  farm that is now the Birch Hill Gold  Wayne High School in 1923. Accord-  seum (734) 722-0113.

             Harold Rediske                  Planning  Commission.  Harold  be-   Visitation  was  held  Thursday,
          Jr.       Retired                  longed to many clubs and organiza-  January 17th, 2019 from 2-9pm at
          owner/director  of                 tions  including  the  Wayne  Rotary  Uht Funeral Home. A funeral mass
          Uht Funeral Home,                  Club, the Wayne Masonic Lodge, and  was  held  at  St.  Mary  Catholic
          Westland  passed                   Michigan Funeral Directors Associa-  Church,  of  Wayne  Friday  at  11am.
          away  on  January                  tion where he had just been recog-  Burial took place at Glenwood Ceme-
          16,  2019.  Harold                 nized  for  50-years  as  a  licensed  tery, Wayne, Michigan.
          was  a  Wayne  Me-                 funeral director.                    Family requests donation to An-
          morial High School                    Harold  is  survived  by  his  wife,  gela Hospice, 14100 Newburgh Rd,
          graduate and was very active in the  Claudia  Rediske,  son,  Harold  Livonia,  MI  48154  or  John  Bolde
          community  through  the  years.  He  “Howie” (Gayle) Rediske II, daughter  Food  Depot  at  St.  Mary  Catholic
          had served in many functions for the  Heidi  Rediske,  and  granddaughter,  Church,  34530  W  Michigan  Ave,
          City of Wayne, the last being on the  Mackenzie Rediske.              Wayne, MI 48184.

          10 · February 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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