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These are a few of the proposed sample homes for Jaycee Park and Kiwanis Park. This project has not gone before the City Council to be approved.
          New home development plan proposed

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     Because the park is already platted,  The homes would be slab homes;
             Community members gathered at                                      people who buy homes there will be  they would not have basements. Con-
          the Wayne Public Library recently to                                  maintaining  their  own  space.  An-  ceptual drawings were shared with
          listen to Steve Schafer of Schafer De-                                other asked what would happen to  the audience showing nice one and
          velopment  present  his  proposed                                     the new play structure that was put  two-level  homes  with  attached
          plan  for  new  homes  to  be  con-                                   in at Jaycee Park; it would be moved  garages.  Each  park  project  plan
          structed on property he is interested                                 elsewhere.                        shows  22  60-foot  lots.  Storm  and
          in buying in the City of Wayne. The                                     The  biggest  concern  residents  sewer  systems  would  run  under-
          two parcels of property are currently                                 seemed to have is losing the green  ground  behind  the  houses.  There
          known as Kiwanis Park and Jaycee                                      space  the  park  currently  provides.  would  be  ample  side  lots  as  the
          Park.                                                                 Several times the subject of the de-  homes   range   from   20-38-feet
             Residents  who  live  within  300                                  veloper keeping some green space in  frontages. The homes would range in
          feet of the parks had the opportunity                                 the development was brought up. It  price,  depending  on  size,  from  ap-
          to discuss with Steve the proposed                                    was noted that Kiwanis Park users  proximately $130,000-150,000.
          development,  ask  questions,  and                                    could  just  cross  the  street  to  Maintenance  of  the  parks  has
          voice their concerns.  He wants peo-                                  Attwood  Park.  Mr.  Schafer’s  tone  been an ongoing issue for the city as
          ple  to  have  correct  information                                   seemed to change slightly with green  city officials have worked together to
          about what his plans are. “We feel,”                                  space  at  Jaycee  Park.  It  appeared  find solutions and cost-cutting meas-
          Steve told attendees of the first meet-                               there could be more of an opportu-  ures to address the city’s financial is-
          ing,  “Wayne,  with  its  proximity  in                               nity  for  residents  to  get  the  re-  sues.  Steve  said  the  parks  sale  is
          Wayne County, is a place for young                                    quested  green  space  in  that   “not  a  windfall…but  you’ve  got  to
          families to afford homes.”                                            development.  Steve  stressed,  how-  start somewhere.”
             The two parks are currently up                                     ever, that it depends on how much it  Between the two meetings, held
          for sale by the city. The City of Wayne,                              impacts the bottom line of the proj-  on consecutive nights, about 40 peo-
          which occupies six square miles, has                                  ect.  It would be an economic and  ple were in attendance. Mayor John
          17 parks and 2 walking trails within  and new play equipment.         business decision on whether to do  Rhaesa, Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Porter,
          its boundaries. These two particular  City Councilman Phil Wagner is  it or not.                        Councilman Phil Wagner and Coun-
          parks can be sold because they have  concerned  that  the  new  homes   The homes would be built by a   cilman Tony Miller all made appear-
          no deed restrictions on them. To be  would  make  the  current  1950s  national company if Mr. Schafer de-  ances.
          clear, the parks have not been sold.  homes look bad. Steve said the new  cided to move forward with purchas-  It is important to Steve Schafer
          Mr. Schafer is considering the pur-  homes would be about 25-50% over  ing  the  park  land.  He  said  the  that IF he were to develop the land,
          chase and wanted community feed-   the current market rate in that area,  company would build and complete  he has the support of the community.
          back before making an offer.       but this could also raise the value of  a home before it was offered for sale. “I want you to understand what we
             Kiwanis  Park  is  across  from  the current properties. Please note  This  would  not  be  a  development  are  trying  to  do,”  Steve  said.  He
          Attwood Park. All the amenities at Ki-  that because of the Headlee Amend-  where orders would be taken or a  wants community feedback.
          wanis  Park  are  offered  at  Attwood  ment,  the  taxable  value  of  current  model  home  shown  and  then  the  If city council were to vote on the
          Park. Residents expressed concern  homes can only increase by a limited  houses would be built.         sale  of  the  parks  to  Mr.  Schafer,
          about children having to cross Howe  amount each year.                  City of Wayne Community Devel-  there would first be a public hearing
          Rd. to go to Attwood to play.         One  audience  member  com-     opment Director Lori Gouin said she  process  before  the  council  vote
             Steve told those gathered that he  mented  that  there  were  no  vacant  wants to protect the value of homes  where community members would
          has been redeveloping property for  houses around the parks, something  in  Wayne.  She  wants  homes  to  be  have  another  opportunity  to  voice
          40 years. He said the community has  that is not seen in other parts of the  owner-occupied. She mentioned that  their opinions. If Mr. Schafer decides
          to grow for there to be stronger pub-  city where there are no parks nearby.  the city can make it a condition of de-  to make an offer on the properties, it
          lic services. He does, however, under-  Another  member  asked  if  there  velopment that the homes be owner-  would take 5 yes votes from the city
          stand that people want green space  would be a homeowner’s association.  occupied.                      council to sell the city property.
                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · February 2019 · 3
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