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Library offers more!

          By Carolyn Marnon                  April.  Over 500 new books, DVDs
             242 people responded to the sur-  and  CDs  per  month  are  also  ex-
          vey put out by the Wayne Library on  pected. Patrons will be able to order
          what the community most wanted to  eBooks and audiobooks through an
          see with the money from the library  Overdrive program called Libby. The
          millage that passed last August.  Li-  library staff can help you get this pro-
          brary  Director  Jody  Wolak  ad-  gram up and running on your mobile
          dressed the city council recently with  device.  Finally, the Wayne Public Li-
          the results.                       brary  is  a  member  of  The  Library
             The top priorities were urgent re-  Network,  a  network  of  over  40  li-
          pairs, increasing hours, increasing  braries that share materials. The li-
          materials and increasing programs.  brary  will  be  increasing  the
             The library staff is working with  frequency  of  this  program  sharing
          the  Department  of  Public  Works  materials from 2 times a week to 3
          (DPW) to address the problems with  times a week.
          the leaking roof.  Temporary meas-    The library is already increasing
          ures have been in place this winter.  the number of programs it is able to
          More extensive work will be done in  offer. March programs include free
          the spring. Hours the library is open  tax help from the Wayne Metropoli-
          will be increasing nearly 30% some-  tan Community Action Agency, the
          time  in  April  with  the  addition  of  “Wiggle into Spring” children’s pro-
          both  morning  and  evening  hours.  gram and a weekly storytime.  April
          Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,   programs will include Lost Car Com-
          the library will open 2 hours earlier  panies of Detroit, Blackout Poetry for
          at 10:00 a.m. The library will stay  teens and adults, “Create your own
          open  3  hours  later  on  Thursdays  journal”  children’s  program  and  a
          until 8:00 p.m.                    family game night. May programs in-
             Orders have already been placed  clude  Understanding  Alzheimer’s
          for 44 new magazines and newspa-   and Dementia, fix-a-flat bicycle main-
          pers.  Patrons  should  start  seeing  tenance  workshop  (in  partnership
          these  new  materials  in  March  or  with the Wayne Bicycle Shop).

          6 · March 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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