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Mother and daughter share their love of music

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       says Zoom. There were about 6000-
             Karen Lawrence, also known as                                                                        7000  people  there.  Zoom  says  all
          Zoom, was born at Annapolis Hospi-                                                                      those people believed in their talent.
          tal in Wayne in 1959. She has lived                                                                     “How  many  people  believe  in  their
          in Wayne her entire life, or has she?                                                                   selves and working toward a goal?”
          She says she has lived in the same                                                                         Airey  is  now  following  in  her
          house on Wayne Rd. her entire 61                                                                        mother’s musical footsteps, pursu-
          years, but the house has changed ad-                                                                    ing a career in blues.
          dresses,  originally  being  in  Wayne,                                                                    Airey says her love of blues began
          but later being changed to a Romu-                                                                      when  she  saw  the  Woody  Allen
          lus  residence.  Her  mother  was  a                                                                    movie, Blue Jasmine. She was blown
          teacher  with  the  Wayne  Public                                                                       away  by  the  song  “A  Good  Man  Is
          Schools; her father worked at Ford                                                                      Hard to Find” sung by Lizzie Miles
          in Wayne.                                                                                               and  started  studying  Lizzie.  The
             She says her parents would have                                                                      movie  has  become  one  of  her  fa-
          parties in the basement with every                                                                      vorites.
          kind of music. At about 3-4:00 a.m.,                                                                       When  she  was  19,  Zoom  says
          she would hear the blues music waft- Karen Lawrence, also known as Zoom, at the America’s Got Talent auditions.   they were going to a doctor’s appoint-
          ing to her room, and it would have                                                                      ment when “Salty Dog” came on the
          her mesmerized.                    favorite  blues  singer,  Koko  Taylor,  the World,” and “Silent Night.” Airey  radio. “Mom, that’s me!” exclaimed
             Zoom performed the blues for 20  for one night. This was about 1990.  says  she  doesn’t  remember  any  of  Airey. Zoom goes on talking about a
          years  and  travelled  all  over  the  Three weeks later, “out of nowhere”  this, but she does say her first mem-  competition  put  on  by  the  Detroit
          world. At 17, she performed with a  Zoom says, she got an eight-week Eu-  ory was learning “Jingle Bells” when  Blues Society which will send people
          pop band. Her first gig was at what  ropean  tour.  The  tour  had  her  she was 3.                     to Memphis, Tennessee to compete
          is now the Crystal Bar and Grill in  singing  in  France,  Germany,  Italy,  Airey   remembers   that   her  with other people from all over the
          Westland. It was an upscale supper  Austria,  Switzerland,  Amsterdam  grandma liked jazz music and would  world.  Although  no  prizes  are
          club then. She would also include 1-  and Spain.                      play cassette tapes on car rides. Her  awarded to youth competitors, the
          2 blues songs in her repertoire. Her  Blues music is “about life. This  grandma also liked going to concerts.  critique participants receive is just
          favorite song was Journey’s “Lovin’,  coffee  is  hot…My  back  hurts…etc”  Airey was in the band in middle  as prestigious.
          Touchin’, Squeezin’.               says Zoom. She says she sang with  school  and  high  school.  As  a  high  Zoom says she called Steve So-
             Playing in bars and at festivals,  the Chicago Blues Festival and trav-  school freshman, she performed in  viak of DBS touting the talents of her
          Zoom  travelled  around  the  area-  elled non-stop from 1990 to about  the talent show, playing piano and  daughter  who  only  sings  1920s-
          Westland, Dearborn, Detroit, Ham-  1999/2000.                         singing “Stay” by Rihanna, and win-  1940s  blues.  She  played  Steve  a
          tramck. She later branched out with   Her travel slowed drastically in  ning first place. “It was completely  recording of Airey’s “Salty Dog” and
          Zoom and the Blue Diamonds, play-  1998 when  her daughter Airey was  unexpected!”                      said  he  told  her  the  hairs  on  the
          ing  all  over  Michigan  and  Canada.  born.  She  continued  to  perform,  Airey has been to music camps in  back of his neck were standing up.
          She also did some appearances with  however, saying “You don’t turn any-  Wisconsin. She says she auditioned  Airey was sent to Memphis to per-
          other bands.                       thing down” while she worked tire-  for  Interlochen  and  AMDA  College  form at Silky O’Sullivan’s where she
             She recalls singing the National  lessly to now support her daughter.  and Conservatory of the Performing  received  invaluable  criticism,  both
          Anthem  at  the  old  Tiger  Stadium.  She became dedicated to raising  Arts in Los Angeles. An only child,  good and bad.
          She  says  she  was  wearing  a  navy  her daughter and bought Airey her  Zoom wanted to send Airey to a per-  Steve says big-time blues movers
          blue  and  white  suit  and  her  heels  first 88-key electric piano when she  forming arts school.     and shakers in the Detroit area have
          would stick to the ground.         was 2 years old. With one finger and  Not  long  ago,  Airey  and  Zoom  taken notice of Airey. When talking
             At  a  gig  in  London,  Ontario,  by ear, Airey taught herself to play  each auditioned for “America’s Got
          Zoom was scheduled to open for her  “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” “Joy to  Talent.” “I thought it would be fun,”    See Music, page 12

                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · May 2019 · 11
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