Page 5 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 5

A Place to Paddle

          Rouge Rescue will focus on LR Water Trail efforts

             Rouge Rescue, the annual volun-
          teer-led effort to clean up the Rouge
          River, will be happening all over the
          Rouge watershed this spring. Here in
          Wayne,  volunteers  will  concentrate
          their  efforts  on  opening  logjams
          along  a  3-mile  stretch  from  Com-
          merce Court to Goudy Park.
             The goal is to continue momen-
          tum  on  the  recently  designated
          Lower Rouge Water Trail, a collabo-
          rative  effort  between  10  communi-
          ties, including Wayne, Wayne County
          and a number of organizations to de-
          velop a water trail along the Lower
          Branch of the Rouge -- from Canton
          to the Detroit River.
             The vision is to have the 29.25
          mile  LRWT  open  to  canoeing  and
          kayaking.  Most  of  the  LRWT  trav-                                                          Friends of the Rouge break up log jams on the river.
          erses through land owned by Wayne     While there are many amenities    “We really want to help keep the  see families have the ability to canoe
          County Parks made up of forest and  being  planned,  including  canoe/-  momentum for the water trail. I’ve al-  or  kayak  together  on  our  river.
          wetlands. Further downstream near  kayak launches at places like Venoy  ways said Wayne has a unique oppor-  That’s why we do what do,” Mulhol-
          the mouth of the river, paddlers can  Dorsey  Park  and  in  Dearborn,  the  tunity. It boasts a great river corridor  land said.
          experience the unique industrial his-  biggest obstacle to making it a func-  that  is  underutilized,”  said  Kurt  Rouge Rescue will take place on
          tory of the Rouge River with the mas-  tional trail are the dozens of logjams  Kuban, one of the Rouge Rescue or-  Saturday,  June  1.  Volunteers  will
          sive   Ford    Rouge    complex,   that choke the river.              ganizers.                         meet  at  Goudy  Park  at  9:30  a.m.
          suspension bridges and a freighter    Volunteers have been working on   Kuban  and  Wayne  resident     From there will shuttle to work sites.
          or two.                            opening the river in Wayne for many  Mathew  Mulholland  founded  the  Work will conclude by 1 p.m. Kuban
             Friends of the Rouge, the lead or-  years, and it is considered the inspi-  non-profit   organization   River  said volunteers should be prepared
          ganization in the water trail effort, re-  ration for other communities, includ-  Restorations, which has supported  to get wet – and dirty.
          cently hosted an open house about  ing Canton, Dearborn, Inkster and  Friends of the Rouge and the LRWT    So, if you want to help make the
          the  LRWT  at  the  Jefferson  Barns  Westland, getting involved.     concept from the beginning. Over the  LRWT a reality, please call Kuban at
          Community  Vitality  Center,  where   Of course, the logjams are a re-  years, they have also worked closely  (734) 716-0783 to register and for
          they unveiled preliminary strategic  curring issue, especially after high  with the City of Wayne administra-  more  details  about  Wayne’s  Rouge
          plan. The meeting was well attended  water events in the spring. Organiz-  tion, which also supports the LRWT.  Rescue event. You can also email him
          by many stakeholders, who provided  ers of the Wayne Rouge Rescue event  “I grew up playing on the Rouge.  at
          input about what they would like the  are hoping to get about 25-30 volun-  It was in my backyard. It’s amazing  For  more  information  about
          LRWT  look  like.  Many  Wayne  resi-  teers who can work in the river and  how much cleaner the river is than  Rouge  Rescue,  visit  https://ther-
          dents attended the meeting.        help open up the logjams.          when I was younger. I would love to

                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · May 2019 · 5
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