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Wayne Memorial welcomes new athletic director

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       can  tell  the  culture  here  is  a  very
          and Ryan Wright                                                                                         friendly culture and welcoming. The
             Married 14 years to his middle-                                                                      kids have been awesome in their off-
          school sweetheart, Jason Malloy and                                                                     season training. They’ve been work-
          his wife, Ornella, have been together                                                                   ing hard.” He’s excited to be part of
          since middle school. They have two                                                                      the long tradition of the Zebra fam-
          daughters, Ariana (age 11) and Jada                                                                     ily.
          (age  9).  “I  love  my  family.  I  love                                                                  In the short-term, Jason would
          spending  time  with  them.  I  love                                                                    like the Zebra athletic program to be
          being a husband and a father,” says                                                                     recognized as competitive. He also
          Jason as he opens up about himself                                                                      wants  to  build  great  relationships
          to share a bit about himself with the                                                                   with the student athletes, the parents
          community.                                                                                              and the community. “I’m a relation-
             Jason is the new Athletic Director                                                                   ship  person.  One  of  my  favorite
          at  Wayne  Memorial  High  School.                                                                      quotes is ‘They don’t care what you
          Prior to this position, he was the ath-                                                                 know until they know that you care.’”
          letic  director  at  Robichaud  High                                                                    He  wants  the  kids  to  understand
          School in Dearborn Heights. He also                                                                     that  being  a  student  athlete  does
          served there as head football coach.                                                                    more for them than just playing the
          His career started in 2005 as assis-                                                                    sport.  “I’m  always  calling  myself  a
          tant coach/defensive coordinator at                                                                     life coach. I’m one of the biggest com-
          Robichaud. He went on to coach at                                                                       petitors you may ever meet. If we're
          Ypsi  Lincoln,  was  assistant  head                                                                    playing  one-on-one  or  throwing
          coach at Ann Arbor Pioneer, became                                                                      paper in a basket, I'm trying to win,
          head coach at Ypsi High School and                                                                      but ultimately that's not what we're
          then took an opportunity to coach at                                                                    trying  to  do  with  our  student-ath-
          Concordia  University  and  Wayne                                                                       letes. We’re trying to prepare them
          State as an assistant defensive line                                                                    for life. To be better husbands and
          coach.                                                                                                  better  wives  and  better,  you  know,
             Graduating from Western Michi-                                                                       granddaughters   and   daughters.
          gan  University  with  an  elementary                                                                   Those are the things that we hope to
          education  background,  Jason  has                                                                      instill through sports.”
          been a 5th grade teacher. “It was a                                                                        Jason’s  job  as  athletic  director,
          great opportunity for me. I love kids,                                                                  he says, is to coach the coaches up
          and I love impacting kids. I just felt                                                                  so they can maximize their potential
          like I began to grow outside of the                                                                     to reach the student athletes and to
          classroom as a coach, and I wanted                                                                      build relationships. He wants every-
          my  impact  to  be  much  larger  and                                                                   one to know that when you come to
          with the kids that I was working with                                                                   play Wayne Memorial, “we are going
          on the football field.” When he got                                                                     to compete.”
          the opportunity to get his master’s                                                                        Long-term,  Jason  wants  to  be
          degree in Sports Administration, he                                                                     sending student athletes to college
          was able to go back to Robichaud. “I                                                                    on scholarships. He wants to posi-
          was able to help change the culture,  Jason Malloy is the new Athletic Director at Wayne Memorial High School.  tion them to go to two-year or four-
          the mindset. Some of the facilities we                                                                  year  schools  with  the  character
          were  able  to  renovate  some  things  “I  had  an  opportunity  to  go  to  He goes on to say, “it's an exciting  foundation  of  hard  work  learned
          and  just  put  a  new  face  on  Ro-  Southfield High School as an assis-  time. The kids are awesome. When  through  athletics.  “Our  job  is  to
          bichaud….We  started  an  Athletic  tant AD.” He was soon able to take  you  have  someone  like  Greg  Am-  teach them to be a holistic student.”
          Hall of Fame there which was phe-  over as the AD which he says was a  brose (the former Athletic Director at  When  he’s  not  working,  Jason
          nomenal, not only for the great ath-  great opportunity for him. “One of  WMHS)  who  has  been  here  for  a  loves to fish, an activity he took up a
          letes  from  there,  but  it  was  the top schools in the state of Michi-  while now gives me an opportunity  few years ago. He finds the water re-
          phenomenal for our community we    gan  where  we  were  again  able  to  to come into what he's already estab-  laxing. He loves the challenge of try-
          were  able  to  just  draw  back  our  change some facilities around. Our  lished.  I  think  through  my  experi-  ing to find what kind of bait he needs
          alumni to want to be a part of the  girls program went to the state finals  ence,  there  are  some  things  that  I  and  what  he  needs  to  do  to  try  to
          things that we were doing in the Ath-  and we were able to do a lot of great  can put in place that I can just add  catch the fish. “Sometimes not even
          letic Department. So it was a great  things at Southfield.”           to the experience of our sports pro-  catching a fish is good as well.”
          learning curve me as an athletic di-  “What drew me to Wayne Memo-    gram, so we have a solid foundation  Another cornerstone of his life is
          rector putting some of the things that  rial  was  the  opportunity  to  come  here. I'm just excited to be here and  working with the youth at his church.
          I have done in the past as a football  back close to home. Me growing up  to put my stamp on the athletic pro- “I believe that God has led me in the
          coach to work as an athletic director,  in this area, living in the area, close  gram in the community.”  position that I am in to impact young
          just kind of see the change in the di-  to the area, gives me an opportunity  Jason has found the staff to be  people not only in the church, but in
          rection we were going in.          to be really vested in the community.”  “awesome”  and  very  welcoming.  “I  the school. I really value my position.
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2019 · 3
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