Page 12 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 12

HOUSE, Continued from page 11

          Paul’s grandmother’s house. Ginger
          made the cushions for the kitchen
          chairs that Paul made along with the
          kitchen  table.  Toothpicks  from
          Cracker  Barrel  were  used  for  the
          chair spindles, while spindles that
          appear on the bed were turned on
          Paul’s small lathe. His first piece of
          furniture is also his favorite piece, a
          Lear table.
             The  1940’s  era  decorated  doll-
          house takes up permanent space in
          a  side  window  of  the  Cook  home
          after it’s years of travel to and from
          Germany  (twice  in  fact).  It  has
          adorned  the  bay  window  of  an  an-
          tiques store in Glendale, Kentucky                                    Paul made the baby cradle so it would rock. It resides in the master bedroom of the
          where Paul made full-size furniture                                   tiny home.
          to order. It also was proudly on dis-  Ginger Cook holds a photo of her mother,  Ginger  adds  the  tiny  homemade  to a pond with a fairy garden nearby.
          play  at  the  Wayne  Public  Library  the original dollhouse kit owner, while  touches that make a house a home-  Paul has a Model A and a Boat Tail
          about three years ago.                                                curtains,  bedspreads,  chair  cush-  Speedster  on  a  1931  frame  he  is
             Ginger  compares  the  dollhouse  Paul stands with her.            ions, and rugs made from tapestry  building. They recently showed the
          to a Pandora bracelet, always adding  a  wrecked  dollhouse  in  someone’s  fabric. She says her mom did do one  Model A at a Greenfield Village car
          to it and keeping it. Although they  trash along the street that is being  thing  for  the  dollhouse:  she  cro-  festival.  The  very  creative  Cooks
          love dollhouses, none of their four  fixed  up  for  a  little  girl  at  their  cheted  pillows.  The  Cook’s  don’t  keep moving and making while Gin-
          children, the youngest being 49, have  church.  They  also  found  another  seem to rest. They have a butterfly  ger’s mother looks on from heaven.
          had dollhouses. Ginger had a metal  dollhouse kit in a box on the shelf at  garden in their backyard and Ginger  Perhaps her spirit roams the minia-
          one when she was small.            Value  World  that  they  have  slowly  also raises butterflies from butterfly  ture house made with love by Ginger
             As  if  one  dollhouse  could  not  been tackling.                 eggs  left  on  the  plants.  Paul  has  a  and  Paul  that  she  was  able  to  see
          keep them busy enough, they found     Paul  crafts  the  furniture  while  dulcimer that he built. They attend  completed before her death.

          12 · November 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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