Page 13 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 13

Students don’t care about what you know until they know you care

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     How did you hear about            at Wayne Memorial.
             Wanting  to  recognize  students                                   this position and why did         What qualities do you
          who make positive contributions to                                                                      think makes an effective
          the school community, Wayne Memo-                                     you want to apply for it?
          rial  High  School’s  new  Principal,                                   I  heard  about  the  position  high school principal?
          James Anderson, Ed.D., answered a                                     through a friend and the timing was  Principals make a lot of decisions
          few  questions  about  himself,  his                                  right for a change.  I actually applied  in a given day.  I believe some of the
          background in education and what                                      for another position in the district to  things that make the most effective
          he  is  striving  towards  for  the  stu-                             start, but the district and I both liked  principals are the ability to listen, to
          dents and staff of WMHS.                                              the possible fit for this position.  I  reflect, and to make tough decisions.
                                                                                enjoy working with high school stu-  Effective principals are also visible
          Tell us a little                                                      dents, so I am excited to be a Zebra!  and present, so they need to spend a
                                                                                                                  lot of time in the role both during the
          about yourself.                                                       What have you                     school day and at after school events.
             Where to start? I was born in Sag-                                 determined to be your top
          inaw, Michigan and moved to Long-                                                                       What qualities do
          mont, Colorado when I was 2.  We                                      3 goals/strategies for your       you think teachers
          lived there for about 8 years before                                  first year at WMHS?
          returning  to  Saginaw  where  I  fin-                                  My  top  three  goals  all  build  on  should have in a
          ished school.  I then attended West-                                  the  strong  foundation  Mr.  Weber  high school setting?
          ern Michigan University where I got                                   (built)  over  his  time  at  WMHS.    I  I believe that teachers need to be
          my bachelors degree in Elementary  James Anderson, Ed. D. is the new prin-  want to increase student engagement  engaging and relationship focused.  I
          Education.  I went on to get my Mas-  cipal at Wayne Memorial High School.  in classrooms.              believe the old saying is true, "A stu-
          ters from Michigan State University                                     I  want  to  reduce  tardiness,  ab-  dent does not care about what you
          and my Doctorate from the Univer-  Photo Credit-Focal Point Studio of Photography  sences, and truancy, which is a di-  know until they know that you care."
          sity of Michigan Dearborn.         High  School,  and  my  youngest   rect result of the first goal.  A third  It  is  one  of  the  strongest  parts  of
             I  am  married  and  have  3  chil-  daughter is a sophomore at the same  goal is to build systems to recognize  Wayne Memorial and one of the rea-
          dren.  My son is a senior at Central  school.                         those  students  who  do  the  right  sons I love working here so much.
          Michigan  University,  my  oldest     Some of my hobbies include fish-  things day in and day out; they need
          daughter is a senior at Farmington  ing and jeeps.                    to be the students who get the focus        See Principal, page 14

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · December 2019 · 13
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