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Golden beauty joins Police Department

          By Carolyn Marnon
             The newest copper-haired mem-
          ber of the Wayne Police Department
          is only three years old and does not
          require a salary. Zeke, a beautifully            It’s like my
          coated  golden  retriever,  has  been
          working out of the police department          dog got a job!”
          since November.
             One Friday last fall, Police Chief
          Ryan Strong brought his dog, Zeke,           Chief Ryan Strong
          to  the  police  station  to  keep  him
          company while some staff had the
          day off. That also happened to be a
          day that on-duty police officers had
          responded  to  a  particularly  trau-
          matic call. When they came back to
          the station, says Chief Strong, they
          gravitated toward the dog.  Zeke was
          thrilled with the attention, and the of-
          ficers  were  able  to  have  a  calming
          moment with him. It was at that mo-
          ment  that  Chief  Strong  decided  to
          sign Zeke up for classes to become a
          certified  therapy  dog.  “It’s  like  my
          dog got a job!” exclaims Chief Strong.
             Since  Zeke  was  already  Chief
          Strong’s dog, he was under the care
          of a veterinarian and was being fed
          and  cared  for.  There  would  be  no
          costs to the City involved in making
          Zeke a therapy dog. The costs of the
          training and certification were cov-
          ered by Chief Strong.
             Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD)
          provides support to those who use
          dogs to visit nursing homes, hospi-
          tals,  schools  and  other  facilities
          where a canine can provide smiles
          and joy to others. According to ATD,
          therapy dogs can reduce stress and
          anxiety, provide companionship, and
          ease loneliness. They help people get
          through emotionally trying times. A
          therapy dog does not need special-                                               Chief Strong’s dog, Zeke, in his bed at the Wayne Police Department.
          ized training because their only goal  very stressful job. Murders, horrible  Strong has implemented as part of a  meeting the community for which he
          is to provide comfort and support.  accidents, and seeing people on the  larger  wellness  program.  In  2020,  now serves. The police department
          However, a therapy dog does need to  worse days of their lives can wear on  the  department  is  partnering  with  has already received requests for vis-
          have the temperament to be around  an  officer,  especially  when  these  Hegira Health who obtained a grant  its from the high school, the court-
          new people all the time, have good  events happen continuously over the  to provide additional wellness pro-  house,  the  dispatch  center  and  a
          manners, and be friendly.          career of the officer.  According to  grams for the Wayne officers.  domestic violence shelter. “The com-
             Zeke underwent 24 weeks of obe-  the National Alliance on Mental Ill-  Zeke’s  Coffee,  a  family-owned  munity  feedback  has  been  over-
          dience training before being given an  ness (NAMI), nearly 1 in 4 police of-  neighborhood  small  batch  coffee  whelming,”  says  Chief  Strong.  “So
          obedience test. After that, he under-  ficers  have  thoughts  of  suicide  at  roastery  in  Baltimore,  was  part  of  much positive feedback. People have
          went a series of observations by ATD  some point in their life. In the small-  the  inspiration  for  Zeke’s  name.  already stopped into the police de-
          while visiting various public places,  est departments, NAMI says the sui-  Chief Strong loves their coffee. The  partment to meet Zeke.” Zeke enjoys
          such as a hospital and a psychiatric  cide  rate  for  officers  increases  to  other  part  of  the  inspiration  came  the attention he has been getting and
          facility. He was also observed at the  almost 4 times the national average.  from  Zeke  the  Wonder  Dog  who  sharing golden moments with others.
          police department.                 More officers die by suicide than in  catches frisbees during halftime at  Zeke  will  be  worth  more  than  his
             A  larger  wellness  program  is  the line of duty. Having Zeke in the  Michigan  State  University  football  weight  in  golden  opportunities  to
          being instituted at the police depart-  police  station  can  help  provide  a  games.                  serve  the  men  and  women  of  the
          ment under the command of Chief    form of stress-relief to the officers.  After the holidays, Zeke will head  Wayne  Police  Department  and  the
          Strong.  Being  a  police  officer  is  a  This  is  just  one  step  that  Chief  out  into  the  community  and  start  community at large.
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · January 2020 · 3
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