Page 9 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 9

A new kind of “house hunters” near you

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       being  achieved  at  comparatively
             Did you know there was a time                                                                        small cost. The ornamental trellised
          when you could buy a kit through a                                                                      porch is a typical English feature. It
          catalog  and  then  build  your  own                                                                    is cozy and graceful and the colonial
          home?  Last  September,  Novi  resi-                                                                    and  French  windows  with  their
          dents and kit home experts Andrew                                                                       flower boxes make this type of house
          and Wendy Mutch came to the Wayne                                                                       at home in any American community.
          Historical Museum and spoke about                                                                       The  proud  possessor  will  quickly
          their own kit house, a 1926 Sears                                                                       avail  himself  of  the  special  advan-
          Hamilton, the history of kit houses                                                                     tages which an artistic grouping of
          and an overview of some kit houses                                                                      shrubs  and  flowers  will  secure.
          found here in Wayne.                                                                                    Vines or ivy on the trellis and side
             Kit homes got their beginnings in                                                                    walls will transform this house into
          the early 1900s in Bay City, Michi-                                                                     a bower of beauty.”
          gan. The Aladdin Company, owned                                                                            Andrea’s home was mentioned in
          by two brothers, Otto and William                                                                       Matt Miller’s column “Rearview Mir-
          Sovereign,  was  one  of  the  longest-                                                                 ror” in the June 2009 issue of The
          lived  manufacturers  of  mail-order,                                                                   Wayne Dispatch. Andrea was tickled
          or kit, homes.  Several years after                                                                     because he called it “the most charm-
          the Sovereign’s introduced kit homes                                                                    ing house on Chestnut.” This 3-bed-
          to the nation, Sears, Roebuck and                                                                       room,  1  bath  home  is  thought  to
          Company and Montgomery Ward en-                                                                         have  been  built  around  1928.  An-
          tered the market. Aladdin and Sears,                                                                    drea  says  some  records  say  1926,
          the  largest  companies,  sold  thou-                                                                   but  the  3-bedroom  model  doesn’t
          sands of kit homes per year in the                                                                      show up in catalog information until
          1920s.  The  1930s  brought  de-   Andrea Graham owns The Hathaway model from the Sears catalog of kit homes.  1928. It is thought the original home
          creased  kit  sales.  The  final  Sears  This English cottage-style home in Wayne was built around 1928.  was owned by the brother of a for-
          Modern  Homes  catalog  came  in                                                                        mer  Wayne  mayor;  Andrea  thinks
          1940 and the last home kit was sold  carpenter hours to build as opposed  same attention to detail was used on  she is the fourth owner.
          sometime around 1944.              to  583  hours  for  a  conventional  the inside of the doors where people  “When I walked in here,” she says
             A potential buyer of a kit home  house, a time reduction of 40%.   might not think to look.          about  the  first  time  she  saw  the
          would find a postcard in a newspa-    When  the  Mutch’s  bought  their  Andrea’s home, the Sear’s Hath-  home, “it spoke to me. It had detail.
          per  or  magazine.  The  postcard  home in 2003, the previous owner   away model, stands like a tall red  It was charming. It had a fireplace,
          would be mailed to the company re-  gave them a binder full of informa-  sentry on the corner of Chestnut and  the  wood  floors.  I  had  never  seen
          questing  a  catalog.  The  catalog  tion  about  their  house  and  about  Third. The open-air front porch that  anything like this before. It said An-
          would be mailed to the person who  Sear’s kit homes in general. It wasn’t  wraps slightly around the entrance  drea all over it.”
          would then go through it and find  until about 2012 when they decided  corner has the original ornamental  The living room and dining room
          their new home. They would send an  to  investigate  whether  there  were  trellis detailing. This English cottage-  share  an  open-air  concept.  Plan
          order into the company noting any  other  “Hamilton”  homes  in  their  style home, according to a page from  drawings in the Sears catalog ad ap-
          changes they might like to make, up-  area.  Their  first  discovery  was  an-  a Sears, Roebuck and Co. catalog ad-  pear to show a wall dividing the two
          grades or additional items like win-  other  Hamilton  in  Ypsilanti  found  vertising the model “is a striking ex-  areas.  Andrea  thinks  the  builder
          dows,  trims,  furnaces.  Once  the  through a Sears archive of homeown-  ample of this style of architecture in  never put up those walls. The origi-
          company got the order, they would  ers.  The  kit  housing  hunt  was  on.  frame construction and wood shin-  nal oak floors are in place. A previ-
          pack it into a railcar (or two, depend-  Since then, the Mutch’s have become  gle siding. It makes a home suitable  ous  owner  had  covered  over  the
          ing on home size) with all the compo-  a local authority on the subject, giv-  for suburb or country. The treatment
          nents needed for the new owner to  ing presentations at many of the li-  is  unique  and  artistic,  the  result      See House, page 10
          build their own home (or have some-  brary’s throughout Michigan.
          one build it for them.) It would be   Attendees of the presentation at
          shipped to the closest railroad sta-  the Wayne Historical Museum were
          tion to the owner. Once it arrived at  able to ask questions and make com-
          the local station, the owner was noti-  ments.  One  attendee,  Andrea  Gra-
          fied that he would have 48 hours to  ham, pointed out that a red house in
          come  and  unload  the  railcar.  He  Wayne that appeared on screen dur-
          would then take all the components  ing  the  Mutch’s  presentation  hap-
          to his land where he would have al-  pened  to  be  her  house.    She  had
          ready, hopefully, put in the founda-  purchased  the  home  in  2005.  She
          tion for the home. A kit home saved  spoke  to  those  gathered  about  the
          a homeowner money and time. The    details that were put into the homes.
          instruction book that came with the  She  had  discovered  that  not  only
          kit might be 75 pages long, but at  was  there  wood  trim  framing  the
          least the wood pieces were all pre-  doorways of her closets, but she had
          cut to size. The precut house with fit-  stepped inside a closet one day to
          ted  pieces  would  take  about  352  clean it out and discovered that the
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · January 2020 · 9
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