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WWFCU announces executive promotions

             Wayne  Westland  Federal  Credit
          Union (WWFCU), a financial institu-
          tion that’s served its local commu-
          nity  for  66  years,  is  pleased  to
          announce the promotion of three key
             Joleen  Bowman  is  being  pro-
          moted  to  chief  executive  officer
          (CEO), effective July 1, 2020. Bow-
          man  will  succeed  Thelma  Dasho,
          long-time president and CEO, who
          will be retiring at the end of June.
          Prior to being named CEO, Bowman
          started as a teller 13 years ago and
          then soon moved into the member
          service department. Since that time,
          she succeeded in heading multiple
          divisions of the lending department
          such as consumer and indirect lend-               CEO Joleen Bowman                  COO Tracy Whittaker              CFO Becky Schoonover
          ing, and commercial and real estate  ager for WWFCU. Her attention to de-  visor. Schoonover brings with her a  they will achieve the objectives for
          lending. Bowman was most recently  tail and loyal dedication to the credit  strong background in credit union  the  credit  union  and  its  members.
          WWFCU’s member service supervi-    union have brought her to where she  accounting  as  well  as  exemplary  My  sincere  congratulations  to  all
          sor.                               is today.                          management skills.                three of them.”
             Tracy  Whittaker  is  being  pro-  Becky Schoonover is being pro-    “It isn't the norm to find so many  “I am both humbled and excited
          moted  to  chief  operating  officer  moted  to  chief  financial  officer  qualified applicants to promote from  to  be  WWFCU's  new  CEO,”  stated
          (COO).  She  began  at  WWFCU  33  (CFO).  Schoonover  began  as  a   within one credit union with only 36  Bowman. “The shoes I have to fill are
          years ago as a part-time teller and  WWFCU  teller  22  years  ago  and  employees,” said CEO and President  both  expansive  and  highly  experi-
          was most recently the credit union’s  joined the accounting department in  Thelma  Dasho.  “I  work  with  out-  enced  and  I'm  confident  that  with
          compliance  manager.  In  between  2008.                              standing and very qualified staff, and  our wonderful team in place, we will
          those positions, Whittaker was also   Her most recent position before  these three ladies rank high on the  transition smoothly and continue on
          a loan supervisor and branch man-  the promotion was accounting super-  list of qualified applicants. I know  our dedicated path toward growth.”
          Man finds $27,000 and returns it to local credit union

                                                                                rity footage, she says five cars drove  being replaced, it held only $27,000.
                                                                                by the box before George stopped for  Doris Pruett, ATM Specialist Co-
                                                                                it.                               Supervisor in the cash department
                                                                                  The  black  box  was  a  cartridge  of  WWFCU,  says  the  security  com-
                                                                                that  had  been  removed  from  the  pany called her as soon as the em-
                                                                                ATM when an employee of the secu-  ployee  realized  he  didn’t  have  the
                                                                                rity company that maintains the con-  canister.  She  says  when  George
                                                                                tents  of  the  ATM  machines  was  brought the canister in, no one knew
                                                                                servicing them. The cartridge origi-  what to think because they had never
                                                                                nally held $40,000 when it had been  actually  seen  the  ATM  cash  car-
                                                                                inserted in the machine. When it was  tridges before.

          George Condash placed a big black box on the counter at the Wayne Westland Federal
          Credit Union and asked if there was a reward for turning in $40,000.
          By Carolyn Marnon                  pening.  George  Condash  had  been
             It was just another day at the re-  by the drive-thru when he noticed a
          ception  desk  for  Ciara  Bowie-Kid-  big black box outside the ATM. Amy
          well. Ciara greets customers as they  Neale,  Marketing  Director  for
          enter Wayne Westland Federal Credit  WWFCU,  says  George  thought  the
          Union in Westland. In January, a gen-  box was a computer component of
          tleman walked into the lobby, put a  some type. Apparently, curiosity got
          big  black  box  on  the  counter  and  the best of George when he got out of
          asked if there was a reward for turn-  his vehicle to investigate. Amy says
          ing in $40,000.                    George  didn’t  think  twice;  he  just
             Confusion  set  in  as  employees  brought  the  box  into  the  credit
          tried to comprehend what was hap-  union. When they checked the secu-
          10 · February 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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