Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 4

The “road of the future” coming to Wayne

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       work  with  MDOT  to  establish  five
             The  majority  of  motor  vehicle                                                                    Working Groups to strategically ad-
          crashes  involve  human  inattention                                                                    dress key dimensions of the project.
          or  error  according  to  the  NHTSA                                                                    Once established, those groups are
          (National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-                                                                    expected  to  deliver  a  set  of  goals
          ministration.)  The road of the future                                                                  within six months.
          could change those statistics.                                                                             The  City  of  Wayne  and  its  resi-
             On August 13, Trevor Pawl, Chief                                                                     dents  would  most  likely  be  inter-
          Mobility Officer of the State of Michi-                                                                 ested  in  the  Routes,  Community
          gan’s new Office of Future Mobility                                                                     Engagement, and Economic Develop-
          and Electrification, announced along                                                                    ment Working Groups since Wayne
          with  other  federal,  state  and  local                                                                will be along the futuristic corridor.
          partners, that SE Michigan regional  A Cavnue concept rendering of the new Michigan Connected Corridor vehicles. Photo  The six-month deliverables of this
          transportation is going to be trans-  Courtesy of Cavnue                                                group include:
          formed. Michigan is doing something  was that this corridor could serve as  personal  vehicles.  Connecting  De-  • Finalize a set of key points of in-
          that has never been done that will  a  proving  ground  where  Ford  and  troit to Ann Arbor with communities  terest and route options.
          change the world-creating the road  partners could design, test and inno-  along  Michigan  Avenue  and  Inter-  • Develop a process for commu-
          of the future. “Today,” he said, “we  vate on services and solutions that  state 94 that link to destinations like  nity engagement with residents along
          begin building the road of the future:  would connect communities and pro-  University of Michigan, Detroit Met-  and affected by the Project, including
          a  self-driving  vehicle  corridor  be-  vide affordable and equitable trans-  ropolitan Airport and Michigan Cen-  evaluating the need to engage an ad-
          tween Detroit and Ann Arbor.”      portation.” The vision is to build for  tral Station is the vision.   visor or firm with a track record of
             The  proposed  corridor  will  im-  the world we are moving into.    Phase One of the CAV-C project  success in Michigan community en-
          prove  access  to  transportation  for  Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan com-  will focus on testing technology and  gagement.
          those who have had trouble access-  mented, “Today is a day that I think  roadway design and exploring differ-  •  Provide  an  initial  analysis  of
          ing it in the past. Pawl proclaimed  nobody  would  have  predicted  five  ent viable financing models to deter-  critical factors on potential routes,
          that Michigan will be an early leader  years ago.” People thought the expert-  mine  the  feasibility  of  the  project.  including  traffic  patterns,  demo-
          in a new way of transport, one that  ise was in Silicon Valley and North-  This  phase  is  expected  to  last  24  graphics,  physical  characteristics,
          has a smarter and safer infrastruc-  ern California. He said that Waymo  months, with construction and im-  utility  and  contamination  surveys,
          ture for the next generation.      is installing self-driving systems in  plementation part of future phases.   redevelopment, and land assemblage
             Michigan  Governor  Gretchen    vehicles at a Detroit plant nearby. Ac-  During the feasibility analysis in  activities.
          Whitmer said that in 2019, Michigan  cording to Duggan, Michigan Avenue  Phase One, work will focus on tech-  • Identify key economic develop-
          had record-breaking investments in  has the width needed to provide this  nology testing and roadway design,  ment objectives and opportunities.
          next  generation  automotive,  ad-  futuristic transportation corridor.  and  exploring  different  financing
          vanced  manufacturing  and  cutting-  Ford  is  investing  $750  million  models  with  an  aim  toward  deter-  12-Month deliverables include:
          edge technology. Michigan will close  and 5000 people into Michigan Cen-  mining project viability from both a  •  Begin  an  ongoing  community
          transportation gaps with the ambi-  tral Station to design and engineer  technology and business perspective.  and  public  engagement  process  to
          tious project of building the “world’s  the vehicles of the future. Now, there  Subsequent construction and imple-  garner  feedback  and  align  on  sup-
          most sophisticated roadway.”       is a need for a place to test those ve-  mentation  would  be  part  of  future  port by stakeholders.
             “With opportunity also comes re-  hicles.                          phases  of  the  project,  to  be  deter-  •  Based  on  engagement  with
          sponsibility to advance our State’s   No longer will the road of the fu-  mined following the initial 24-month  stakeholders, identify key opportuni-
          technology  and  automotive  land-  ture be considered science fiction. It  period.                     ties for encouraging economic devel-
          scape in a way that also has the po-  will be coming said Jonathan Winer,  According  to  a  Fact  Sheet  pro-  opment.
          tential to improve the quality of life  co-founder and co-CEO of SIP (Side-  duced  by  Cavnue,  “While  billions
          for countless individuals in our State  walks  Infrastructure  Partners.)  He  have been invested into developing  24-Month deliverables:
          that includes our workforce, small  and  his  partners  have  formed  on-vehicle  technologies  -  including  • Complete Phase 1 community
          business  owners  and  residents  in  Cavnue, the company that will work  advanced driver assistance systems  engagement,  supporting  alignment
          communities all along the corridor,”  with MDOT and other stakeholders  (“ADAS”) and fully autonomous driv-  with residents along and affected by
          said Gov. Whitmer.                 to implement this project. The inter-  ing solutions - a small fraction has  the Project.
             Two years ago, Ford Motor Com-  state  system,  launched  in  1956,  been spent on developing infrastruc-  • Complete analysis of economic
          pany Chairman Bill Ford stood out-  changed how people across the US  ture  to  support  and  enhance  ad-  development opportunities.
          side  Michigan  Central  Station  and  connected with each other through a  vanced roads. Cavnue is developing  •  Finalize  a  route  and  phasing
          announced its purchase with the in-  high-speed,  high-capacity  system  and integrating technologies that will  proposal for the Project, drawing on
          tention of restoring it and making it  without  stoplights  and  with  exits  power the world’s most technologi-  civil engineering, environmental, and
          a hub of mobility for Corktown and  spaced  at  least  a  mile  apart.  The  cally connected roads. Cavnue’s ap-  other key analyses.
          Detroit.  He  wanted  to  make  trans-  CAV-C (Connected and Autonomous  proach is centered around creating a  Intelligent vehicles are here. Au-
          portation more convenient and help  Vehicle Corridor) is the next major  digital model of a roadway that ana-  tonomous  vehicles  are  coming.
          restore a Detroit icon to beyond its  transportation infrastructure move  lyzes and optimizes road conditions  Michigan is getting ready.
          former glory.                      to the future.                     in real-time, shares information, and  “This is great news to have Ford
             “When I announced the purchase     The project is expected to begin  provides proactive guidance to vehi-  Motor Company and Google working
          of  Michigan  Central  Station,  I  laid  with  connected  buses  and  shared  cles and drivers. This supports en-  together to create the road of the fu-
          out a vision for a mobility corridor  mobility vehicles such as vans and  hanced  safety,  efficiency,  and  road  ture  and  to  have  Wayne  be  in  the
          that would span from Detroit to Ann  shuttles,  later  expanding  to  addi-  operating environments.”   middle of it all,” said Wayne Mayor
          Arbor,”  Ford  said.  “And  my  vision  tional types of CAVs like freight and  Moving  forward,  Cavnue  will  John Rhaesa.
          4 · September 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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