Page 9 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Horror, Continued from page 6                                         with  Michel,  our  director,  saying  I  started  watching  footage  they  had
                                                                                want to do this, let’s do this and then  shot and piecing it together. Maggie
          while living in LA. “It woke me up. It                                her husband Mikey saying yea and  got  slammed  at  TV  Boy,  so  Mikey
          was  terrifying.  I  just  grabbed  my                                the two of them just, the project hap-  and Michel started editing and put-
          notebook and wrote everything I re-                                   pened because of the two of them.  ting it together. “I was worried when
          membered.”  The  dream  became  a                                     Those two gave me the help and mo-  we shot it that we lost so much time.
          screen  play  which  she  showed  to                                  tivation to make something.”      We didn’t get everything we wanted to
          friends. “If that’s a dream,” she was                                   “The  one  rule  of  production  is  shoot.  I  am  really  happy  with  the
          told, “I’d hate to see what you have                                  hope for the best, plan for the worst,  final product.”
          for a nightmare.”                                                     and it’s still all the unexpected things  The  film  was  completed  earlier
             One day while talking to co-work-                                  that  happen,”  said  Maggie  as  they  this year. A screening for cast and
          ers, it was decided they should do a                                  prepared  for  the  weekend  during  crew, friends and contributors was
          project  together.  Maggie’s  friend,                                 which the film, which is 15-minutes  planned with a party at a Brooklyn
          Michel  Dominguez-Beddome,  de-    Maggie Colligan, 1993 Wayne Memorial  long, would be shot. It turns out it  venue  for  Friday,  the  13th.  March
          cided she wanted to direct Maggie’s                                   was a challenging weekend.        13th. And as things should go with a
          screen play. The screenplay was al-  graduate, recently finished filming her  “Literally anything that could go  horror  story,  New  York  Governor
          ready 10 years old, so Maggie had to screenplay, What's in the Woods  wrong did go wrong.” The truck car-  Cuomo declared that he was locking
          transform it with modern dialogue.                                    rying the gear got a flat on the way to  down New York on March 10. The
          Then came the hard parts: finding a  mind. It was very humbling. I was  the location, a tree farm in Pennsyl-  screening had to be postponed. No
          location  to  film,  determining  how  just so grateful that people wanted to  vania that was closed for the season.  one has seen the film yet except for
          many  cast  members  were  needed,  help  me  out.  One  of  my  favorite  Another car got stuck in the mud be-  Maggie, Michel and Mikey.
          creating  a  budget  and  doing  a  things  was  friends  from  my  child-  cause  it  was  raining  so  hard.  “I  What’s in the Woods is an official
          fundraising campaign. “All of the not  hood I hadn’t talked to since middle  haven’t  slept  in  five  days,  This  is  selection  for  the  Fall  2020  Oregon
          fun stuff. My most hated process (the  school donating.”              great,” she laughingly recalls about  Scream Week happening this month.
          fundraising) AND the thing I loved   “I’ve always loved horror movies,”  that  weekend  in  November  2018.  It’s  also  a  selection  for  the  Indie
          about it.”  Maggie confides, “I’m not  said Maggie. “I blame that on my sis- “People don’t understand how many  Memphis  Film  Festival,  appearing
          comfortable asking for money. I had  ters. It was a neat experience to go  people it takes to put something to-  later this month.
          so much anxiety when we launched   from all that uncomfortable anxiety  gether. You just have to have the right  “When I think of my first love of
          it  (the  fundraising  campaign)  and  to validity of what you are doing.”  team.  I  am  very  grateful  I  had  so  movies  as  a  kid,  it  was  the  State
          put it out there, but the amount of   Maggie  gives  a  lot  of  credit  to  many  connections  to  so  many  tal-  Wayne Drive-in on Michigan Avenue.
          support we got from people, from lit-  Michel  and  her  husband,  Mikey  ented people to help us out.”  My  parents  would  take  us  to  the
          erally all walks of my life, it blew my  Dominguez-Beddome.  “It  started  A  few  weeks  after  filming,  they  drive-in, and I have good memories,”

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · October 2020 · 9
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