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Ethics Bowl changes lives of seniors at Wayne

        By Khushi Patel                                                       ternational genocide, nothing is left  and for that, I am grateful.
           Wayne-Westland     Community                                       out. These conversations are essen-  I want to thank the A2 Ethics or-
        Schools  offers  students  opportuni-                                 tial  to  high  school  curriculum  as  ganization at the University of Michi-
        ties in learning that reach far beyond                                they  prepare  students  for  college-  gan for creating such a high-caliber
        the classroom according to WWCSD                                      level discourse.                   activity for excited students like me;
        Communications  Director  Jenny                                          Four  years  ago,  I  would  never  Jeanine DeLay for her enthusiastic
        Johnson. “We have staff who ignite                                    raise my hand in class. Now, I’m the  and fierce attitude that gets an entire
        passion in their students.”  Wayne                                    first to do so in classroom discus-  room  energized  and  excited  about
        Memorial senior Khushi Patel shares                                   sions. Our faculty coach, Mr. David  ethical  dilemmas;  my  coaches
        the essay she wrote to the A2 Ethics                                  Kangas, has amplified the voice of  throughout  the  years–Van  Tu,  Dr.
        organization  at  the  University  of                                 many talented individuals at Wayne  Zoe Johnson King, Adam Waggoner,
        Michigan  on  how  important  the                                     Memorial. Mr. Kangas creates a vi-  Dr.  Elias  Baumgarten,  and  Neil
        Ethics Bowls Team at Wayne Memo-                                      brant community where students are  Sykes–who’ve  dedicated  so  much
        rial and its sponsor, David Kangas,                                   able to have a space without restrict-  time  and  energy  into  the  learning
        have been to her high school career.                                  ing  themselves  to  rubrics,  bound-  process. Thank you would truly be
                                                                              aries, and other academic guidelines.  an  understatement  for  how  much
        A Tribute to Ethics Bowl                                              He allows for students to think out  love and respect I have for you all. I
           I sat nervously tapping my pencil  Khushi Patel, Wayne Memorial Class of  loud and work collectively to come to  would also like to thank my team-
        against the cracked wooden desk as  2021.                             a solution, rather than against one  mates throughout the years who’ve
        an unknown, tall, man scribbled the  activity where students are required  another.  In  September,  I  hosted  a  supported  me  and  continuously
        question  onto  the  board:  “What’s  to “solve” a set of cases using philos-  symposium about the Ethics of Edu-  pushed  me  outside  of  my  comfort
        considered a good life?” As a naive  ophy.  It’s  a  place  where  you  learn  cational  Equity  and  started  a  blog  zone to enhance my perspective on
        thirteen-year-old,  I  sat  wide-eyed  how to think critically and speak elo-  with the help and support of Kangas.  our ever-changing world.
        and timidly looked at the others for  quently.  The  cases  that  are  talked  He gives students initiative to take  Lastly, I truly don’t have enough
        help.  Now,  as  someone  who  likes  about are real-world issues that are  learning into their own hands and al-  superlatives to describe Mr. Kangas’
        reading  knotty  philosophy  during  often  reserved  for  individuals  in  lows for them to explore who they  brilliant power in changing the lives
        her  free  time,  that  moment  seems  higher academia or government, but  are. He stresses the importance of  of many students. His wisdom will
        foreign. If there was one activity that  the solutions that high schoolers are  self-reflection  and  self-advocacy,  forever run deep in my heart. The
        has defined my high school experi-  able to come up with are on par with  both of which I learned to prioritize.  passionate  voice  that  I  have  devel-
        ence,  it  would  be  the  Ethics  Bowl,  what’s  being  discussed  at  those  Kangas prepares his students not for  oped did not come naturally–it was
        and its sponsor, Mr. David Kangas.   higher levels. From felon disenfran-  a competition, but for a lifetime. I’ve  the product of Ethics Bowl and Mr.
           Ethics Bowl is a conversational  chisement to animal welfare and in-  become  a  better  version  of  myself  David Kangas was the catalyst.
        Wayne police chief updates the community on Police Department

        By Carolyn Marnon                     The City of Wayne is keeping an  This list is for aged 65 and older res-  murders and fatal car crashes. The
           COVID-19: “There is light at the  interest list for those City of Wayne  idents of the CITY OF WAYNE.  Peer Support Team has been trained
        end of the tunnel,” said Wayne Police  residents who are 65 or older. This  Personnel Updates: The police de-  to help those officers deal with the
        Chief  Ryan  Strong.  There  are  now  is an interest list only. It will be used  partment is up to 26 officers. It is  serious  situations  they  see  on  the
        three vaccines available in the U.S. A  IF another vaccine clinic is held in  currently budgeted for 27.   job. Nixle: The community can stay
        vaccination clinic was held at HYPE  Wayne in the future. To be added to  Peer Support Team: The depart-  up-to-date on severe weather, crimi-
        in late February where over 400 sen-  the  interest  list,  email  Covid@city-  ment  has  three  officers  who  have  nal activities, severe traffic, missing
        ior citizen residents of Wayne were or call 313-923-7531  been specially trained to help other  persons and local events by receiving
        able  to  get  vaccinated.  Those  resi-  with  your  name,  address,  phone  officers in times of distress.  Police  alerts from local agencies via Nixle.
        dents recently received their second  number,  email  and  age.  If  you  are  work is a very stressful job in which  You can get alerts by texting 48184
        dose at a HYPE clinic.             homebound, please state that also.  officers see terrible things, including  to 888777 or

        4 · April 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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