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Makers Market now open Downtown Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         grow  your  business,  a  waitlist  has
             The City of Wayne Downtown De-                                                                       been created for future spots in the
          velopment Authority (DDA) opened                                                                        Market.
          an exciting new experience for entre-                                                                      If you would like to be added to
          preneurs in the City of Wayne.                                                                          the waitlist, or are interested in more
             The  Downtown  City  of  Wayne                                                                       information about the Market, con-
          Makers Market is being operated by                                                                      tact Lori Gouin, City of Wayne DDA
          the  DDA  with  the  purpose  of  sup-                                                                  Director,  at  (734)722-2002  or  by
          porting  small  business,  while  also                                                                  email at
          providing a unique shopping experi-                                                                        The  DDA  also  launched  the
          ence that draws shoppers into the                                                                       “Shop Wayne Passport Program” on
          Downtown.                                                                                               Small Business Saturday in Novem-
             “The whole idea behind this was  Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa and Downtown Development Director Lori Gouin cut the  ber. Through this program, individu-
          giving an opportunity for makers in  ribbon on the new Wayne Makers Market.                             als will receive a passport that can
          Wayne  to  grow  their  business.  We  spots available for makers. However,  from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m., Saturday from  be stamped at local businesses for a
          [the  DDA]  hope  they  can  make  due to popular demand, the Makers  Noon – 8 p.m., and Sunday Noon -5  chance to win some exciting prizes.
          enough connections to create a cus-  Market has 14 individual makers.   p.m.  The  Market  will  run  through  The   Experience   Downtown
          tomer-base and be able to open up     Handmade items available at the  the end of January. The DDA has the  Wayne Gift Card Giveaway will also
          their own business in the city,” said  Makers Market include but are not  ability to extend the lease past Janu-  take place again this year. You will
          Lori Gouin, DDA Director.          limited to cocoa bombs, candles, lo-  ary if the traffic remains steady.   find gold boxes located at the Down-
             The  Downtown  City  of  Wayne  tions, custom ornaments, mini corn   All of the vendors have expressed  town  Wayne  Makers  Market,  Leo’s
          Makers Market opened on Thursday,  hole  boards,  Christmas  wreaths,  an interest in staying longer.   Jewelry,  Helium  Studio,  Northside
          November  11th,  and  is  located  at  crystals, jewelry, and much more.  “It  has  been  fantastic  since  we  Hardware, US-12 Bar and Grill, and
          34852 W. Michigan Avenue.            “It’s creating a destination in our  opened  and  the  makers  are  very  the State Wayne Theatre.
             The  3,000  square-foot  retail  downtown.  This  market  is  really  happy. We are actually hoping we are  All you have to do is fill out the
          space has been converted into multi-  pulling  from  a  30-mile-radius  out-  able to keep the Market up and run-  entry slip for a chance to win a $50
          ple spaces, which have been made   side of the City of Wayne for people  ning past January,” said Gouin.   gift  card  to  one  of  our  local  busi-
          available for individuals to rent for a  to come to our downtown looking for  For  the  time  being,  the  Market  nesses. Head to the new Downtown
          reasonable  monthly  fee.  The  DDA  unique Christmas gifts,” said Gouin.  does not have any available spots. If  Wayne Makers Market and check it
          originally planned on having only ten  The Market is open on Thursday  you are an entrepreneur looking to  out.

          8 · December 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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