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Wayne DDA partners with Cruisin’

          US12 to bring big changes to event

          By Sarah Shurge
             Mark your calendars because the
          annual car cruise, Cruisin’ US12 is
          quickly approaching. The event will
          be  happening  on  July  10th  from
          about 10AM to 10PM.
             For the 15th year in a row, Michi-
          gan  Avenue  and  downtown  Wayne
          will be packed with classic and cus-
          tom cars. But this year, downtown is
          going to look a little different.
             The City of Wayne Downtown De-
          velopment Authority has partnered
          with  the  cruise  to  facilitate  family
          friendly  activities  up  and  down
          Michigan Ave.
             This year there will be pit stops
          down Michigan Ave for the commu-
          nity to enjoy. There will be two air
          conditioned shuttles running every
          15  minutes  from  2nd  St.  to  New-
          burgh Rd. to transport people from
          stop to stop.
             Each stop will be marked with a
          sign and shuttles will be marked as
             The first stop is on 2nd St. in Vet-
          eran’s  Plaza.  There  will  be  a  large                                    Great cars will be out in force Cruisin’ US12 on July 10th.  Photo by J. Byrnes
          vendor  show  with  30-40  vendors.  a bathroom available for the public.   nations will be accepted.   Facebook  page  for  the  cruise.  You
          There will also be two food trucks.   The fifth and final stop is at Jack  A porta potty will be stationed at  can  find  it  by  searching  Cruisin’
          One selling deep fried oreos and fun-  Demmer Ford, Inc. on Michigan Ave,  Jack Demmer, along with two porta  US12.
          nel cakes. The other is a taco truck.   before Newburgh Rd. Jack Demmer  potties at the museum and church  As  things  in  Michigan  begin  to
             The  second  stop  is  on  Towne  is working with the DDA and Ford  for the block party.             head back into the direction of nor-
          Square  St.  behind  the  PNC  Bank.  Motor  Company  is  allowing  Jack  Each pit stop will have a double  mal, Cruisin’ US12 is a great oppor-
          This stop is called the Family Fun  Demmer  to  display  the  new  Ford  checkered flag marked outside.  tunity for people to come out, walk
          Zone.                              Bronco at this stop.                 “I’m excited to see the DDA part-  downtown,  and  enjoy  themselves
             There is going to be a block party  This  stop  will  also  have  a  car  ner with the cruise this year to get  with all the classic cars and new ac-
          at the Wayne Historical Museum. Be-  show and three food trucks. There  more  businesses  involved,”  said  tivities the cruise has to offer.
          tween the church and the museum,   will be a lobster truck, The Grill Fa-  Mayor John Rhaesa.              When you’re in downtown Wayne,
          there  is  going  to  be  a  flea  market.  ther will be selling BBQ, and Rafic’s  Parking  lots  in  downtown  are  you might catch Goci cruising down
          There will also be a craft and game  Falafel  will  be  selling  things  like  hosting local car clubs, while other  Michigan Ave. in his brother Scott
          area for kids, along with a bounce  chicken wraps.                    cars  will  be  driving  up  and  down  Gocaj’s 1969 red Cougar.
          house and a DJ.                       All of the food trucks at each stop  Michigan  Ave.  Thousands  of  cars  “Downtown  really  makes  it  spe-
             There will be two food trucks at  will  be  running  from  11AM-2PM.  show  up  each  year  for  the  cruise,  cial. It’s about the town, to showcase
          the second stop as well. Good Eats  Trucks may stay later if they choose  and  there  are  lots  of  regulars  and  our  auto  heritage.  It’s  perfect  for
          Grill  selling  hamburgers,  chicken  to.                             crowd favorites expected to make an  cruising,” said Goci.
          tenders,  and  more.  And  Kona  Ice  Other  pit  stops  along  Michigan  appearance.                      If Cruisin’ US12 leaves you want-
          selling snow cones and shaved ice.   Ave are US12 Bar and Grill on the  You can bring a lawn chair and  ing  more  car  events,  don’t  worry,
             The third stop will be at Karma  corner of 2nd St. with live music and  find a spot to sit on the side of Michi-  US12 Bar and Grill has got you cov-
          Coffee Shop & Kitchen on Michigan  a bathroom available for the public.  gan  Ave  to  watch  the  action  in  be-  ered with weekly events that started
          Ave,  past  Sophia  St..  They  will  be  Blast  Cornhole  will  be  in  Derby’s  tween  visiting  the  nine  pit  stops  at the end of May and will continue
          serving ice cream and have an out-  Alley in between 2nd St. and Wayne  throughout downtown.            throughout summer.
          door family friendly event.        Rd. Along with Benders Downtown      “The  fans  love  it.  They  are  die  Saturday is Car Shows from 5PM
             The fourth stop will be at Kurt's  Wayne next to US12.             hard,” said John Goci.            through 9PM in the US12 parking
          Caps on Michigan Ave, past Clark St.  Harry J. Will Funeral Homes on    Goci has been involved with the  lot.  Thursday  is  Jeep  Night  from
          They  will  be  serving  popcorn  and  Michigan Ave, past 4th St. is also a  cruise for over 10 years. He kept the  5PM through 9PM in the parking lot.
          water. Kurt’s Caps will also be selling  pit  stop  and  is  having  a  car  show  cruise alive when it got renamed to  And  Wednesday  is  Minivan  Mom
          shirts  and  have  an  outdoor  family  event in the morning. Come around  Cruisin’ US12 after the Michigan Ave  Night  from  5PM  to  close  with  $3
          friendly event as well. This stop has  11AM for hot cake and hot rods. Do-  Cruise left for Westland. He runs the  Daiquiris and select drinks/shots.
          8 · June 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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