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Fire Department announces awards

             New  Wayne  Fire  Chief  Michael                                   ways presented with a positive atti-  censed Emergency Medical Techni-
          Stradtner  recently  awarded  certifi-                                tude and willingness to learn. When  cian/Paramedic in the State of Michi-
          cates and commendations to mem-                                       it comes to training, he is always the  gan.  He  also  worked  without  fail
          bers of the Wayne Fire Department.                                    first one dressed, ready to push him-  during the pandemic, while half of
          Due  to  strict  COVID  restrictions,                                 self to be the best. Shaun continues  his emergency response co-workers
          there  was  not  an  annual  awards                                   to improve and is one of the most  came  down  with  COVID-19.  Kevin
          event held in 2020. However, there                                    trusted firefighters on the scene. He  continued to protect himself, the de-
          were  several  emergency  runs  in                                    has put the time into learning every  partment and the community never
          2019  that  were  important  to  ac-                                  aspect of the job and has proven to  wavering from his duties. Firefighter
          knowledge during the recent awards                                    be reliable, knowledgeable, and com-  Kevin Pietrasinski takes great pride
          event.                                                                petent.  His  diligence  on  the  fire  in his career and serving the citizens
             The Chief Distinguished Service                                    ground has made him one of the best  of Wayne. He truly is a representa-
          Award has only been awarded three                                     pump operators in the department.  tion of what it means to be a Profes-
          times within the Wayne Fire Depart-                                   Shaun was pushed beyond any prior  sional Firefighter. His actions greatly
          ment up until recently. Wayne Fire                                    limits,  due  to  the  COVID-19  Pan-  contributed to the accomplishments
          Chief  Michael  Stradtner  recently                                   demic. COVID-19 changed the way   of and upheld the finest traditions of
          honored  Capt.  William  Thomas,                                      we go about performing our every-  the City of Wayne Fire/EMS Depart-
          Capt.  David  Wylie,  Lt.  Troy  Mar-                                 day tasks, requiring donning Tyvek  ment.”
          lewitz,  and  Firefighters  Jeremy  Firefighter/Paramedic  Shaun  Pek  was  suits, wearing of facemasks, eye pro-  A  Lifesaving  Award  was  pre-
          Tima, Kevin Pietrasinski and Tavis  recognized as Wayne’s 2020 Firefighter  tection,  and  multiple  times  a  day  sented  to  Capt.  Andrew  Stager,  Lt.
          Brehmer  with  this  award  for  their                                sanitizing  equipment,  vehicles,  the  Jason Reeves, FF Cullen McKee and
          “meritorious service performed dur-  of the Year.                     station, and ourselves. All of these  FF Adrian Garduno for meritorious
          ing the significant reduction in man-  high  levels  of  carbon  monoxide  extreme measures were put in place  service performed on April 12, 2019
          power  due  to  the  COVID-19      throughout the townhouse. The at-  to keep us as safe as possible as we  when the Wayne Fire Department re-
          outbreak.  Over  half  of  the  depart-  tached apartment units were moni-  battle against the coronavirus. This  sponded to a 911 call for a motor ve-
          ment’s members tested positive for  tored and three out of the four units  took a toll on our mental and physi-  hicle crash. Upon arrival, firefighters
          the coronavirus and were unable to  held  high  levels  of  carbon  dioxide.  cal health as we became separated  found  a  24-year-old  male  laying
          work,  taking  a  toll  on  our  depart-  Captain Andrew Stager made the de-  from loved ones, watched the horri-  supine,  head  first  under  the  front
          ment’s first responders. These indi-  cision to monitor all 269 units in the  fying news stories on the infection  end of an SUV. Extrication was initi-
          viduals   stayed   vigilant   and  apartment complex for levels of car-  rates and death toll within our state,  ated. Airbags were utilized to lift the
          committed to the job and to the citi-  bon monoxide. Because of the quick  across  the  country  and  the  world.  vehicle to free the patient. Advanced
          zens of Wayne, never allowing a shift  action and diligent investigation of  Firefighter Pek continued to go above  Life Support procedures were intro-
          to be understaffed or an emergency  Capt. Stager, lives were saved.  Capt.  and  beyond  every  day,  sometimes  duced including IV treatment, drug
          to go unanswered. These six firefight-  Stager received a Merit Award for his  multiple days in a row, with a posi-  therapy, cardiac monitoring, amputa-
          ers answered the highest call of duty  actions.  Deputy  Chief  Jeremie  tive attitude and a smile on his face.  tion protocol, and c-spine stabiliza-
          that the City of Wayne Fire Depart-  Schneider,  Capt.  William  Thomas,  He went about his day, never com-  tion.  Because  of  the  quick  action
          ment has ever seen. The demand on  Capt.  David  Wylie,  Lt.  Troy  Mar-  plaining,  never  expecting  special  taken by the firefighters, the patient
          these firefighters was even more ex-  lewitz, Lt. Jason Reeves, Lt. Robert  treatment,  recognition,  or  praise.  received  aggressive  treatment  and
          acerbated  by  the  daily  changes  to  Caccia, FF Cullen McKee, FF Kevin  Pek puts on the uniform and serves  has  recovered.    These  department
          EMS protocols, the closure of Beau-  Pietrasinski and FF Tavis Brehmer  the citizens of the city of Wayne with-  members also received a Unit Cita-
          mont Wayne, the uncertainty of their  received a Department Citation for  out hesitation, without fear, and with-  tion Award for their actions.
          own safety as well as the inability to  their lifesaving actions. A Unit Cita-  out  ever  a  bad  word  to  say  about  All  members  of  the  Wayne  Fire
          comfort  loved  ones  during  an  un-  tion was awarded to Deputy Chief Je-  anyone  or  anything.  Firefighter  Department received a Merit Award
          precedented pandemic. By their mer-  remie  Schneider,  Capt.  William  Shaun Pek has shown what it truly  for their service during the COVID-
          itorious  service,  these  firefighters  Thomas, Capt. David Wylie, Lt. Troy  means to be a public servant and has  19  pandemic.  “These  individuals
          contributed significantly to the city of  Marlewitz,  Lt.  Jason  Reeves,  Lt.  excelled   in   every   aspect.  stayed  vigilante  and  committed  to
          Wayne and upheld the finest tradi-  Robert  Caccia,  Firefighter  Cullen  Firefighter/Paramedic  Shaun  Pek  the  job  for  the  citizens  of  Wayne,
          tions of the Wayne Fire Department.”  McKee,  Firefighter  Kevin  Pietrasin-  lives  in  Southgate  with  his  family,  never allowing the City to be under
          These firefighters were the only de-  ski, and Firefighter Tavis Brehmer.  Kristina and daughter Allison.  serviced  during  this  global  pan-
          partment  firefighters  who  did  not  Firefighter/Paramedic Shaun Pek  An Honorable Mention Firefighter  demic.
          have COVID during the height of the  was  recognized  as  Wayne’s  2020  of  the  Year  Award  went  to  Fire-  The daily changes to EMS proto-
          pandemic and were on duty most of  Firefighter of the Year. According to  fighter/Paramedic Kevin Pietrasinski.  cols, the closure of Beaumont Wayne,
          that timeframe.                    Fire Chief Stradtner, “Firefighter Pek  Chief  Stradtner  wrote,  “Firefighter  the uncertainty of their own safety,
             On February 1, 2019, the Wayne  has  been  a  member  of  the  City  of  Pietrasinski  began  his  career  with  the inability to comfort loved ones
          Fire Department responded to a 911  Wayne Fire/EMS Department for 5   Wayne  Fire  Department  in  April  during an unprecedented pandemic
          call for a possible carbon monoxide  years  and  during  this  time  he  has  2018. In the last 3 years Kevin has  and  the  stressful  demands  on  all
          incident  and  medical  emergency.  gone above and beyond what is re-  evolved into a knowledgeable, dedi-  members of our department did not
          Upon arrival at the scene, the crew  quired  of  his  position.  The  Wayne  cated   professional.   Firefighter  go unanswered. By their meritorious
          made  entry  with  their  primary  Fire Department has always had the  Pietrasinski,  under  great  pressure  service,  these  firefighters  con-
          search locating one female victim on  reputation  of  having  the  toughest  and  through  a  pandemic,  invested  tributed  significantly  to  the  city  of
          the main floor and one unresponsive  probationary period, demanding the  hours  of  time  to  successfully  earn  Wayne and upheld the finest tradi-
          male in the basement. Air monitor-  highest  level  of  commitment  and  the rigorous national registry para-  tions of the Wayne Fire Department,”
          ing  was  conducted  which  revealed  dedication.  Firefighter  Pek  has  al-  medic certification and become a li-  read the award.
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · May 2021 · 13
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