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                               OPPORTUNITIES TO SENIORS

             Lifelong learning is the continuing pursuit of                                            idency is required at the time of registration.
          knowledge to build skills, explore new ideas, en-                                               Often, the process of growing older can isolate
          hance  understanding  and  enrich  life.  Wayne                                              people from each other. As our friends pursue
          County Community College District (WCCCD) of-                                                their own destinies, we can lose touch and find
          fers the over-60 learner the opportunity to attend                                           ourselves ultimately lacking the human contact we
          classes at no cost.                                                                          need to survive.
             “We  are  living  longer  than  ever  before,  and                                           Taking classes at Wayne County Community
          doing  so  in  better  health,  stated  Anthony                                              College District, can remedy that problem, bring-
          Arminiak, WCCCD Downriver Campus President,                                                  ing us into respectful interaction with all sorts of
          “Just because you're retired doesn't mean your col-                                          interesting  people.  In  this  way,  going  back  to
          lege days are over, WCCCD provides an enhanced                                               school—the sheer act of going—can invigorate a
          continuing education experience for older learn-                                             life by coming together with like-minded others.
          ers.”                                                                                        For more information about WCCCD, please visit
             So what can you do when you retire and want                                      or call 313-496-2600.
          to keep your mind sharp or need to gain addi-                                                   About  WCCCD:  WCCCD,  the  largest  urban
          tional skills to stay competitive at work?                                                   community college in Michigan, is a multi -cam-
             According to the American Council on Educa-                                               pus district with six campus locations, University
          tion (AACC), about half of college-going adults age  Music Appreciation, Yoga, Cooking Lite, Personal  Center and the Michigan Institute for Public Safety
          50 and older attend community colleges, prima-  Internet Safety, Computer Training, Estate Plan-  Education (MIPSE), serving 36 cities and town-
          rily for fun, to connect with other people, and to  ning, Painting, Rehire, Rewire, and Re-inspire and  ships,  spanning  more  than  500  square  miles.
          retool for a new career.                      Zumba Gold Fitness, to name just a few.        WCCCD is committed to the continued develop-
             Whether you loved attending college or wanted  Senior  Citizens  who  are  residents  of  the  ment of new programs, hosting community-based
          to attend but never had the opportunity, seniors  WCCCD district and 60 years of age or older may  training sessions, improving student facilities and
          should  consider  the  benefits  of  going  back  to  enroll  in  academic  and  Continuing  Education  services.
          school. Learning at any age is extremely beneficial  classes at Wayne County Community College Dis-
          for  the  brain.  When  you  learn  something  new,  trict tuition-free. Senior Citizen Tuition Waivers
          your brain grows new cells and builds new con-  will be granted on a seat-availability basis in regu-
          nections which has proven benefits for problem-  larly scheduled academic classes. Continuing Ed-
          solving and memory skills.                    ucation classes leading to
             Learning  can  help  improve  cognitive  ability  Continuing  Education  Certificates  are  not  in-
          and memory function. WCCCD’s Silver Circle Pro-  cluded in this tuition waiver. Although student ac-
          gram for senior citizens offers courses that will  tivity fees shall be waived for senior citizens, they
          provide leisure as well as enhance skills.    are responsible for all other fees such as the cost
             Some of the classes that are offered include;  of books and class supplies. Proof of age and res-
                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · November 2021 · 15
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