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Six tips for better sleep
          HYPE, Continued from page 5

             “Patrons  walking  the  track  will
          soon  be  able  to  enjoy  a  sprawling
          view which overlooks the new and      Honestly, tell the truth: Is the                                  and  vitamin  D  content.  And  while
          improved fitness area,” Sayed says.  quality of your sleep satisfactory?                                turkey  put  tryptophan—the  amino
             But, one thing that won’t change,                                                                    acid  needed  to  produce  sleep  hor-
          Sayed says, is HYPE’s family-friendly  If you’re like most Americans, the                               mones—on  the  map,  milk,  yogurt,
          environment. “We are different than  answer is no.                                                      eggs, nuts, and seeds also contain
          Planet Fitness, Edge, and Lifetime.   According to the National Center                                  tryptophan. And here’s a relatively
          We offer more than just fitness.”  for Biotechnology Information, forty                                 unknown contender: Research also
             More than just fitness also means  percent of people aged 40 to 59 re-                               gives a nod to tart cherry juice for its
          stepping up in a time of crisis.   ported that they are getting less than                               inflammatory  cytokines  and  mela-
             Sayed often uses the word agile—  recommended  amounts  of  sleep.                                   tonin—ingredients  that  help  with
          the ability to think quickly—to char- reports that 50 to  2. Don’t eat the wrong foods   both sleep time and sleep efficiency.
          acterize HYPE’s approach to solving  70 million people in the US suffer  What we eat and drink prior to
          challenges as an organization, and a  from one or several sleep disorders.  bedtime can greatly affect our sleep.  4. Tune out and unplug
          prime example of this was the action  And lack of sleep costs the United  Of course, we already know to nix  Try to disconnect from the out-
          HYPE took despite their closure dur-  States over $411 billion annually, ac-  the caffeine. But do you also know to  side world. A lot of us are guilty of re-
          ing the shutdown in 2020.          cording to Fortune Magazine.       say no to alcohol, too? While an alco-  lying  on  electronics  to  wind
             “We said, okay, people are home,   So,  clearly,  many  of  us  are  al-  holic drink in the evenings may help  down—like  turning  on  the  TV  or
          they don’t have access to food, they  ready coming up short in the sleep  you fall asleep, studies have shown  tablet, or by scrolling through social
          don’t have access to various things,”  department.                    that it can prevent us from entering  media  on  our  phone  while  in  bed,
          explains  Sayed.  “So,  we  had  food  And  then  along  comes  an  addi-  the deep stages of sleep that are vital  but this can actually have the oppo-
          drives [at HYPE in Wayne] every Sat-  tional roadblock—like the ending of  to restoring our mind and body. And  site effect. Turn off devices: the light
          urday, which fed over 10,000 fami-  Daylight  Savings  Time—to  really  then there’s this: High-fat and high-  they emit can activate our brain and
          lies. We distributed semi-trucks-full  screw things up. That’s right, folks:  protein  foods  (steak),  as  well  as  cause our body to think it’s time to
          of  fresh  produce,  milk,  and  even  On Sunday, November 7, 2021, at 2  those  containing  high  amounts  of  wake up instead of sleep.
          masks.”                            a.m.  clocks  are  turned  backward  fiber  (broccoli  or  cauliflower),
             HYPE also converted their sites’  one hour.                        shouldn’t be eaten too close to bed-  5.  Get regular exercise
          parking lots into drive-thru COVID    On one hand, “falling back” early  time  because  these  kinds  of  foods  Regular exercise, especially when
          testing sites.                     next month sounds amazing (Yay for  take longer for our bodies to digest,  done earlier in the day, can help us
             “We  did  these  things  because  and gaining an extra hour!). But this  which can cause discomfort while we  fall  asleep  faster  and  increase  the
          we’re a service-based organization,  change  can  affect  our  circadian  sleep.                        amount of time we spend in the deep,
          and  we  have  to  figure  out  ways  to  rhythm and potentially further dis-  It’s best to eat dinner earlier in  restorative stages of sleep. The key
          continue  to  serve  those  in  need,”  rupt sleep patterns.          the evening, and if we’re still hungry,  is, though, to complete any moderate
          says Sayed. “And that’s what we do.”  The good news, however, is that  have a light snack before bedtime.  to vigorous exercise more than three
             At its core, HYPE’s focus—as well  even  small,  subtle  changes  to  our  Furthermore,  spicy  foods  have  to four hours before bed. If done too
          as  Sayed’s—really  hasn’t  changed  nighttime  routine  can  help  us  been known to increase our metabo-  late  in  the  evening,  exercising  can
          throughout the years.              achieve the deep, restful sleep our  lism and body temperature, making  make falling asleep even more diffi-
             Sure, Sayed is no longer a single  bodies deserve.                 it harder to sleep. Some people even  cult.
          19-year-old—he’s  now  a  husband     Here are six tips that can lead to  report  that  spicy  foods  seem  to
          and father of four girls. And HYPE—  waking up feeling refreshed:     cause vivid or weird dreams or night-  6. Don’t stay up too late
          with its multiple facilities, array of  1. Establish a routine–and stick to  mares that disrupt their sleep.   It may be tempting to squeeze in
          programs,    and   unquantifiable  it                                                                   one more hour-long episode of your
          reach—has come a long way since its   We’re creatures of habit, so if we  3. Do eat the right ones      favorite show on the night Daylight
          first three-on-three basketball tour-  create  a  routine  for  ourselves,  we  Many of us know from experience  Savings Time ends, but don’t do it.
          nament twenty years ago.           will reset our internal clock to expect  that few meals make us as sleepy as  According  to  Dr.  Ilene  Rosen  who
             But the purpose of both the or-  sleep after a certain time each night.  a  warm  Thanksgiving  dinner.  But  serves on the board of the American
          ganization and the man—the heart—  One way of achieving this is by going  other foods can contribute to good  Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM),
          remains the same.                  to sleep and waking up at the same  sleep,  too.  Bananas,  for  example, “One of the biggest mistakes that peo-
             Sayed still cites Popeye the Sailor  time each day. Another way is to find  contain serotonin, a hormone that  ple  make  is  staying  up  later  and
          Man  as  his  favorite  cartoon.  And  one calming activity that works for  helps set us up for sleep. Berries and  thinking that they’re going to get an
          those classmates from Bryant Mid-  you and make that your pre-bed rit-  almonds  are  ripe  with  melatonin,  extra hour of sleep.” That internal
          dle School Sayed competed with?    ual (i.e., dim the lights, read—even if  which  is  known  as  the  sleep  hor-  clock of yours is likely to wake you
             “Those  guys  are  like  my  broth-  it’s just a page or two, or listen to  mone.  Fatty  fish  like  salmon  may  up early that Sunday so don’t count
          ers,”  Sayed  says  with  a  chuckle.  soft music).                   help  us  sleep  due  to  its  omega  3s  on an extra hour.
          “We’re  still  super-cool  with  each
          other.”  Although  things  change,  in
          this case, much hasn’t.
             “To me, strengthening the infra-
          structure  means  strengthening  the
          family, then the block, the neighbor-
          hood, then the school, the recreation
          center,  the  city,  and  so  on,”  says
          Sayed. “It’s all connected.”
                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · October 2021 · 13
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