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Always in Style

          Designer Wearhouse, the store generations have grown

          up loving, celebrates 40 years of keeping fashion fresh

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     You have to apply, they have to ap-
             At the age of 45, my memory isn’t                                                                    prove you, and you have to get credit.
          horrible, but it’s been better.                                                                         You can buy through wholesalers—
             If I didn’t write it down, I would                                                                   and then resell. But I wanted to buy
          be  liable  of  forgetting  that  I  had                                                                direct from the company so I could
          signed up to bring the paper plates                                                                     get the most current inventory.
          for my son’s Detroit Tigers opening
          day party at school, for example.                                                                          CC: You seem so confident! But
             There are some things, however,                                                                      owning this store could be consid-
          that  have  a  way  of  never  escaping                                                                 ered risky. Fashion is fickle. Things
          your consciousness.                                                                                     go in and out on a dime. How did
             Like  when,  as  a  label-obsessed                                                                   you  manage  to  stay  ahead  of  the
          junior  high  schooler,  my  mother                                                                     times?
          took me to Designer Wearhouse for                                                                          ZC:  The  whole  hip-hop  move-
          the very first time. The money I had                                                                    ment of 1990s really made clothing
          earned from babysitting was burning                                                                     more  important—through  music.
          a hole in my pocket. And I knew just                                                                    Music  and  fashion  go  hand  and
          what  to  do  with  it.  If  jeans  didn’t                                                              hand.  At  least  that’s  how  it  felt.  I
          have the Guess signature triangle or                                                                    would watch MTV, read up on what
          a Get USED leather patch affixed to                                                                     was going on in both the music and
          the back pocket, I didn’t want them.                                                                    fashion industry. Also, I just followed
             And my tale is far from unique.                                                                      my gut. If I look at something and get
             Designer Wearhouse is to the City                                                                    a good feeling, I order it. And, over
          of  Wayne  what  J.L.  Hudson’s  on                                                                     time, I’ve learned that if I’m indeci-
          Woodward was to the City of Detroit.                                                                    sive, I need to skip it. And, if I look
             Located at the corner of Wayne                                                                       at something and say no, then it’s no.
          Road and Michigan Avenue, the store                                                                     Whenever I’ve gone against my gut,
          has  become  a  landmark  of  sorts—                                                                    I’ve paid the price.
          one that is quintessentially modern                                                                        CC: Let’s do a quick then-versus-
          Wayne.                                                                                                  now  comparison.  What  were  your
             Well, the store just turned 40.                                                                      most popular items, say, back in the
             And  while  that  revelation  may                                                                    90s, the early 2000s, and today?
          make some of us feel terribly old, the        Store Manager Shane Mroue proud to be part of the family business.    ZC: In the 1990s, it definitely was
          undeniable upside is that, with the  says Clark, whose mother was a pro-  commitment  and  keep  your  faith,  denim—Get USED, Major Damage,
          unyielding support of each new gen-  fessional seamstress in Brazil. “The  you will be rewarded. I came in after  Cross Colors. But Guess was the big
          eration, Designer Wearhouse contin-  only  business  classes  I  ever  took  Leo’s Jewelry & Gifts, but now we  one. At that time, a huge part of our
          ues to thrive.                     were in high school.”              have  other  businesses  that  have  store  was  devoted  to  Guess—so
             Long before Designer Wearhouse     Clark  says  it  was  meant  to  be,  come [into the downtown corridor],  much, that people actually thought
          was  even  thought  of,  owner  Zaina  and she most definitely credits her  and they’ve seen that we survived…  we were a Guess store. We carried
          Clark, a graduate of Michigan State  faith  for  providing  the  necessary  CC: Zaina, back then, what was  more  Guess  than  the  department
          University, was working as a dietary  guidance in the form of knowledge-  your vision for the store? I’m sure  stores. The 2000s saw more hip-hop
          supervisor at a nursing home. She  able  individuals,  who,  at  times,  you wanted to sell a lot of clothes, of  merchandise—oversized shirts and
          took a one-year leave from that posi-  seemingly came out of nowhere.  course. But what were you ultimately  denim,  designers  like  Phat  Farm,
          tion to help her brother with his ven-  Here,  The  Wayne  Dispatch  sits  striving for?                Akademiks, and Karl Kani for men.
          ture,  a  close-out  store,  which  was  down  with  Clark,  62,  and  her  ZC:  Well  back  then,  there  was  For women it was Fubu, Baby Phat,
          headed for foreclosure.            nephew and partner, Shane Mroue,   Mulholland’s Dry Goods Store, and  Apple  Bottom,  and  Derion.  Today,
             Overtime, Clark, who always had  30, to discuss Designer Wearhouse’s  I thought, Why not have a mini ver-  the fit of clothing has become slim-
          an interest in fashion design, com-  past, present, and future.       sion of a department store for men,  mer. And instead of designer cloth-
          pletely rebranded the store’s image   Courtney Conover: Thank you to  women, kids? And at that time, I saw  ing,  premium  brands  are  more
          and  introduced  an  always-current  the both of you for your time today.  that denim was becoming very popu-  popular.  So,  the  name  of  the  de-
          selection of inventory.            Zaina, let’s start with you. How does  lar—Jordache,   Sergio   Valente,  signer isn’t as important. With pre-
             Clark  never  returned  to  her  di-  it feel to still be here?    Calvin Klein, Chic, Gitano, and Glo-  mium goods, there is more of a focus
          etary  supervisor  position,  and  the  Zaina  Clark:  [This  store’s]  ria Vanderbilt—I wanted to get some  on the material and how it’s crafted.
          building  her  brother’s  store  was  longevity is proof that you don’t have  of those brands into the store. And I  CC: Speaking of changes through-
          housed  in  eventually  became  De-  to  be  in  a  mall,  you  don’t  have  to  wanted to buy directly. But just be-  out the years, many of the shoppers
          signer Wearhouse.                  have all the money in the world to  cause  you  want  to  sell  a  brand,  it
             “I had no business background,”  start a business. But if you make a  doesn’t mean you’re allowed to sell it.  See WEARHOUSE, page 4

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · April 2022 · 3
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