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3rd graders receive the gift of words

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       words and their meanings.”
             For  the  17th  year,  the  Wayne                                                                       Because of COVID-19 and virtual
          Michigan Rotary Club is embarking                                                                       learning, last years 3rd graders did
          on  their  annual  dictionary  project,                                                                 not  receive  a  dictionary.  As  4th
          the “Gift of Words.” After the diction-                                                                 graders, they will receive their books
          aries are presented this month, over                                                                    with this year’s distribution.
          5000  3rd  graders  who  attended  a                                                                       Rotary members generally go into
          public  or  private  school  located                                                                    the  classrooms  and  put  the  chil-
          within  the  City  of  Wayne  will  have                                                                dren’s names on the bookplate at the
          benefited from this generous dona-                                                                      front of the books. Because COVID
          tion.                                                                                                   is still prevalent, the books are being
             According to a press release, “In                                                                    delivered  to  the  schools  involved
          2005  Rotarian  Nate  Weiser,  of  the                                                                  (Taft,  Roosevelt-McGrath,  Schweit-
          Wayne Michigan Rotary Club, came   The Wayne Rotary are celebrating their 100-year anniversary by performing one  zer,  St.  Michael’s,  and  St.  Joseph
          across a Rotary project to provide  service project per month. January's project was distributing a dictionary to every  Catholic) whereby the teachers will
          dictionaries to 3rd grade students.                                                                     distribute  the  books  to  their  3rd
          The project had begun with a Califor-  3rd and 4th grader in Wayne. Because of the pandemic, the teachers will distribute  grade students.
          nia  Rotary  Club  in  1999  and  had  the books. The picture above is pre-covid.                          The dictionary is the MacMillan
          spread across the country.  Nate saw  vestment in actual cost or $100,000  ter explaining the program.”    for  Children  Dictionary.  At  832
          the value in providing a dictionary as  in value in the education of students  “Often  when  we  distribute  the  pages, the dictionary also provides
          a resource to students – he called it  in the City of Wayne.”         books  students  tell  us  of  an  older  beautiful photos and illustrations for
          the ‘Gift of Words’.”                “Each  year  Rotarians  from  the  sibling  who  was  given  a  book  and  students to learn by.
             “In the 2005/06 school year the  Wayne  Club  go  to  the  schools,  in-  how  excited  they  are  to  now  have  Wayne Rotary Chairperson of the
          project was approved as a perpetual,  scribe each student’s name on the  their own.  Teachers tell us what a  dictionary project, Cynthia Schofield,
          on-going project to provide dictionar-  dictionary’s bookplate and present  valuable resource this is to the stu-  said “Rotary works with education
          ies to all 3rd grade students attend-  the dictionaries to the students.  We  dents in their classroom.  We have  and literacy, so this really works with
          ing a public or private school located  include with the dictionary a book-  had  the  pleasure  of  watching  stu-  what Rotary promotes.” The Wayne
          in the City of Wayne.”             mark  with  the  ‘4  Way  Test  of  the  dents’  eyes  light  up  as  they  page  Rotary  is  celebrating  their  100th
             “This  represents  a  $50,000  in-  things we think, say, or do’ and a let-  through the book, discovering new  year in Wayne.

          Powers, Continued from page 3      quences, and between she and Jesse,  next door to their only son, who has  says Susan.
                                             she was far more likely to be the one  lived in his home for over 10 years.   “We are really fortunate to be able
          sight, it was a good thing. But I re-  to  dole  out  punishment—or  as  Fun  fact:  Both  homes  are  100  to  spend  time  with  our  grandkids.
          member feeling envious of friends. I  Susan called it, “house arrest.”  years old. To say that The Powers are  They are the jewels in our crown,”
          had one girlfriend who went to The   “However, we were also never the  pleased  with  how  everything  has  continues Susan.
          Kentucky Derby every year, and we  type to criticize, condemn, or com-  turned out would be an understate-  Case in point: The front room of
          knew  people  who  were  out  doing  plain about anyone in authority, in  ment.  Next  up  on  the  agenda,  the  Susan  and  Jesse’s  farmhouse  is  a
          things…but  our  lives  revolved   particular  at  school,  their  friends’  couple would like to plan a few trips  kid’s paradise, replete with a variety
          around our kids. We were a family,  parents, etc. We wanted to give every-  together, an act that one might con-  of blocks, a play kitchen, and a pack-
          and there was never any question of  one the benefit of the doubt and set  sider an uncharacteristic one, con-  n-play. Sometimes the more things
          ‘No, this isn’t working’ or ‘Oh, we’re  that  example  for  our  kids,”  says  sidering that Susan and Jesse are  change, the more they stay the same,
          not getting along.’ I’ve always been  Susan,  who  currently  works  for  self-professed homebodies.    which not only serves as a source of
          conscious of setting an example for  Starfish Family Services.          They’ve never been ones to paint  comfort—but  is  also  confirmation
          our kids. That’s always been impor-   Another ingredient in their secret  the town red.                 that where you are is exactly where
          tant to me. My [adult] kids will say  sauce  was  the  emphasis  on  giving  “We never went out…still don’t,”  you want to be.
          to  me  now,  ‘You  know,  you  guys  back.  Susan  made  it  a  priority  to
          never fought.’ Well, Jesse and I did  bring the kids along when she volun-
          disagree. There were many times we  teered;  Jesse  took  them  with  him
          didn’t like each other very much, but  when he gave blood.
          we never did it in front of them [the  Turns  out,  that’s  the  brand  of
          children],” says Susan.            tough  love  that  often  tends  to  age
             Above  all  else,  The  Powers’  ap-  well—and create stellar parent-adult
          proach  to  trudging  through  the  child relationships.
          rough  moments  involved  simply      Today, Susan and Jesse’s adult
          being there: theirs was the house all  children range in age from 39 to 46
          the kids hung out at, and their chil-  years old, and the couple enjoy won-
          dren’s  childhood  friends  still  call  derful  relationships  with  all  four.
          them “Mom” and “Dad.”              Rounding out the circle are 8 grand-
             But that’s not to say it was always  children  who  range  in  age  from  6
          smooth sailing: Susan wasn’t one to  months to 26 years old.
          blindly stick up for her children, she  Susan and Jesse have been resi-
          was a firm believer in natural conse-  dents of Wayne for 20 years and live
          4 · February 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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