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Wayne Fire                         Chief Strong teaches at Ferris State  fice  (517)  373-2576.  You  can  also  with weigh-ins at 6:20 p.m. to 6:50
          Department Promotions              University School of Criminal Jus-  reach him at his personal cell phone  p.m.  and  meetings  are  from  7:00
             Wayne  Fire  Department  an-    tice.  Chief  Strong  was  impressed  (734) 751-6321.                p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Chapter dues are
          nounced  new  promotions  to  Cap-  with Bouchie's professionalism, in-                                 $7.00 a month and national dues are
                                             tegrity, and down to earth communi- Free credit
                                                                                                                  $32.00 per year. You are welcome to
          tains  and  Lieutenants.  Congrat-  cation  style,  and  Chief  Strong                                  visit a meeting at no cost and see for
          ulations  to  Captain  Jason  Reeves,  encouraged Bouchie to apply.   report available                  yourself  what  TOPS  does.    If  you
          Captain Troy Marlewitz. Lieutenant                                       Members of Wayne Westland Fed-  need more information contact Ros-
          Cullen  McKee,  and  Lieutenant  Je-                                  eral Credit Union can now receive a  alie at (734) 728-0299.
          remy Tima.                         $500,000 for Goudy                 free credit report on the last Friday
                                             Park improvements                  of every month. Visit with member  Become a member of the
          New Police Officers                   Michigan  State  Representative  representatives in the lobby for all  Wayne Historical Society
             Officers  Andrew  Marra  and    Kevin Coleman presented the City of  the details.                       Want  or  need  to  broaden  your
          James Serman were officially sworn  Wayne with a check in the amount of                                 knowledge of Wayne’s amazing his-
          in as Police Officers for the Wayne Po-  $500,000  dollars  for  Goudy  Park  Take off the              tory? Join the Wayne Historical Soci-
          lice  Department  at  the  first  City  Amphitheater  improvements.  Cole-  pounds sensibly             ety to help keep Wayne’s history alive
          Council meeting of December.       man called the amphitheater “a jewel  The Welcome mat is out at TOPS.  for future generations. Dues are $15
             At the second City Council meet-  of the community…it’s a great spot  Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a non-  yearly or you can obtain a lifetime
          ing  in  December,  Officer  Scott  to hang out, especially in the spring  profit  international  organization  membership for $150.
          Bouchie, was sworn in as a Police Of-  and summer.” State Representative  known simply as TOPS. It is a sup-
          ficer for the City of Wayne Police De-  Coleman also thanked State Senator  port group that encourages a posi- Safe exchange zone
          partment.  Officer  Bouchie  filled  a  Dayna Polehanki for securing these  tive attitude while losing weight with  The Wayne Police Department is
          vacant and previously budgeted posi-  funds.                          focus  on  improvement  not  perfec-  proud to announce and display its
          tion. Police Chief Strong met now Of-  If you have an issue you would  tion.  Weekly  weigh-ins  are  private  new  "Safe  Exchange  Zone"  in  the
          ficer  Bouchie  when  Bouchie  was  like to discuss with Wayne’s Repre-  and the scale goes up to 500 pounds.  front parking lot. The Safe Exchange
          taking a criminal justice class that  sentative Coleman, please call his of-  There is a brief business meeting fol-  Zone  is  designated  parking  for  ex-
                                                                                lowed by a program to motivate and  changing items that you purchase or
                                                                                inspire losses each week.  There are  sell online. The Safe Exchange Zone
                                                                                also contests and awards for losses  can also be used for child custody ex-
                                                                                both at the chapter level and nation-  changes.  This  area  is  under  24/7
                                                                                ally.  The Westland Chapter has been  video surveillance and was created
                                                                                proud  to  have  several  state  award  to offer a peace of mind to the parties
                                                                                winners  honored  for  their  losses.  involved.
                                                                                Members receive a bi-monthly maga-   Wayne  Police  Officers  may  not
                                                                                zine  with  helpful  information,  participate or act as an official wit-
                                                                                healthy  recipes,  inspiring  success  ness in the transactions, nor are they
                                                                                stories and much more. TOPS meets  available for legal advice or to settle
                                                                                at  St.  John's  Episcopal  Church  at  civil or pricing disputes between par-
                                                                                555 S. Wayne Road, Westland 48186.  ties involved in the transactions at
                                                                                Meetings are on Wednesday evenings  this location.

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · January 2022 · 9
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