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              Wayne Business and Professional Women looks back on 92

            years of service and success - and embraces what’s to come.

          By Courtney Conover
             The roles of women in our society
          today are varying and wide-ranging.
          Still, it is not at all uncommon for
          women to be thought of—at least ini-
          tially—within  the  confines  of  the
          roles above.
             And  there’s  a  good  reason  for
          that: The contributions that women
          make  in  their  capacity  of  wife,
          mother, sister, or daughter are un-
          doubtedly unique and cannot be de-
             But, wait, there’s more.
             There is so much more that is in-
          extricably  woven  into  the  fabric  of
          what it means to be a woman.
             And sometimes those individual
          fibers  identify  themselves  as  feel-
          ings—gratifying ones.                                           Wayne Business and Professional Women, fashion show at the Wayne Recreation Center.
             That’s  how  Helen  Glandon  de-  and the roots of the organization run  driving force of BPW/Wayne. And the  in Providence, Rhode Island.
          scribes  her  longtime  involvement  deep. Its objective is to serve as the  women have spread their energy far  “One of our members follows her
          with  Wayne  Business  and  Profes-  leading advocate for working women,  and wide through the years, having  on  Instagram,  and  she  says  that
          sional Women, which entered her life  and the group’s mission is to achieve  assisted First Step, which provides  she’s really enjoying college life and
          during  a  time  of  unprecedented  equity  for  all  working  women  support and assistance to survivors  is involved in many things,” Glandon
          change.                            through advocacy, education, and in-  of domestic and sexual violence, as  adds. “And we love to hear that.”
             “It was right after my divorce, and  formation.                    well as local high school students by  The two high school scholarships
          it  was  just  a  good  feeling  to,  you  Beyond  BPW/Wayne  resides  the  sponsoring  Reality  Store,  which  might  not  be  possible  without
          know, be with women,” Glandon re-  Michigan chapter, which got its start  opened students’ eyes to the reality  BPW/Wayne’s annual Christmas Tea
          calls.  “Previous  to  that,  I  was  my  in  1920  and  marked  100  years  of  of dealing with real-world finances.  Party, which provides the lion’s share
          kids’ mother, I was a wife, but when  service   in   2020.   Much   like  The  group’s  biggest  yearly  en-  of the money for the scholarships.
          I  joined  [BPW/Wayne],  and  I  was—  BPW/Wayne,  BPW/Michigan  also  deavor  is  the  distribution  of  two  The event makes two things evi-
          me—Helen. And it just felt good.”  champions itself as the voice of work-  scholarships—$1,000—each to two  dent.
             Glandon, who currently serves as  ing women and aims to promote is-  deserving  Wayne  Memorial  High   The first is that, for the women of
          president  of  the  Wayne  chapter  of  sues  that  matter  to  the  lives  of  School female students who are sen-  BPW/Wayne,   giving   knows   no
          Business and Professional Women,   working women state-wide. Per the  iors. Applications from qualified ap-  bounds.
          joined the organization back in 1980.  web   site,,  plicants are provided to BPW/Wayne  The second is that the level of fun
          Having worked in real estate for over  BPW/Michigan’s objective is to edu-  by WMHS counseling staff.   and excitement these women gener-
          40 years, Glandon became aware of  cate and advocate for social, political,  “We consider [a variety of factors  ate—while  giving  back—is  off  the
          BPW/Wayne  through  a  chance  en-  and economic issues facing women—  including] community and school in-  charts as well.
          counter  with  another  BPW/Wayne  and their families—at each stage of  volvement  and  whether  [the  stu-  The  latest  tea  fete,  which  was
          member who was just embarking on   life.                              dents] work; we’ve had girls whose  held in December of 2021 at Wayne’s
          a career in real estate.              And while the City of Wayne is far  mother or father was incarcerated,”  St. Mary Catholic Church, was no ex-
             And Glandon hasn’t looked back.  from the largest in the Great Lakes  Glandon explains. “Basically, we try  ception.
             Says Glandon of her impression  State, the city has represented itself  to look at the whole picture.”   “We  had  such  a  great  turnout!”
          of the club—and the support it pro-  well within BPW/Michigan over the  Whomever  is  chosen  this  year  says Glandon, her voice powered by
          vides its members, “I said to myself,  years: three women from the Wayne  will  be  joining  the  ranks  of  an  es-  enthusiasm. “I was overwhelmed; we
          ‘I need this in my life.’”         chapter have served as officers at the  teemed few, indeed: One of the orga-  had nearly 80 women in attendance.
             Glandon was—and continues to    state level in the last seven years.  nization’s  most  recent  scholarship  And [at first] we were worried that
          be—in good company.                   The organization’s philanthropic  recipients is currently bettering her  we didn’t have enough door prizes,
             The history of BPW/Wayne, which  efforts,  which  are  primarily  in  the  education at Brown University, a pri-
          launched in 1930, is a storied one  form  of  fundraising,  serve  as  the  vate Ivy League research university        See Wayne, page 4

                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · March 2022 · 3
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