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This Truck Is Going After Your Taste Buds

          Favazza is putting his own spin on something we can all get behind: Pizza

          Here’s why a G.Faz slice just might be “The best pizza you’ve had in a long time.”

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     in cash. Favazza offered to pay the
             Slice by slice, George Favazza, a                                                                    truck builder as the truck was being
          life-long resident of Wayne, is wow-                                                                    built. The builder obliged, and the
          ing palates all over Metro Detroit.                                                                     truck was built in nine months.
             With  a  delectable  menu  of  pies                                                                     There was just one hiccup: After
          with names like Fazzy Cheese Pizza,                                                                     Favazza  obtained  his  food  license
          Pepper-Faz-a-Ronni!,  Meat-Z-Pizza,                                                                     and worked a few events in the truck,
          Super-Z, and Faz-A-Laua, it’s quite                                                                     he realized the truck simply wasn’t
          easy to see why Favazza’s following is                                                                  big enough.
          growing. And if you haven’t experi-                                                                        Favazza then sold the truck and
          enced the flavor for yourself just yet,                                                                 bought the one he is using today.
          it’s likely you’ve seen Favazza—and                                                                        And  the  G.Faz  pizza  truck  that
          his pizza truck—in action on South                                                                      has  been  making  its  way  through
          Wayne Road.                                                                                             and  around  these  parts  is  giving
             Favazza, 55, took quite the inter-                                                                   local pizza connoisseurs something
          esting route to get there.                                                                              to write home about.
             The story of how G.Faz Pizza got                                                                        In  addition  to  the  pizzas  men-
          its unofficial start dates back more                                                                    tioned above, patrons will also find
          than thirty years—1988, to be exact.                                                                    breadsticks,  garlic  cheese  bread,
             That’s  when  a  17-year-old  long-                                                                  and  another  pizza  specialty—the
          haired Favazza, who was rocking out                                                                     chicken bacon ranch—on the menu.
          in a band, also worked as a driver                                                                      The latter pizza features a combina-
          for  Domino’s  Pizza  along  with  his                                                                  tion of ranch sauce, BBQ sauce, and
          bandmates.                                                                                              marinated chicken, which is sure to
             But the hair, ultimately, proved to                                                                  be a real crowd-pleaser.
          be a sticking point.                                                                                       Patrons  should  also  stay  tuned
             “They [management] wanted us to                                                                      for  the  G.Faz  BLT  pizza,  which  is
          cut  our  hair,”  remembers  Favazza.                                                                   slated to arrive shortly.
          “We ended up trying to do everything                                                                       “I make things old school,” says
          we could…put it under our hair net,                                                                     Favazza, a graduate of Wayne Memo-
          but they would not let us work there                                                                    rial High School’s class of 1984, in
          because of our hair.”                                                                                   reference  to  what  he  brings  to  the
             The remedy? They quit.                            George Favazza puts a spin on making pizza in his food truck.  table  that  other  brands  don’t.  “I
             Technically, they were fired.                                                                        shred my own cheese, make my own
             Favazza  and  his  crew—who     for 17 years total, eight of them full-  Pizza Hut had helped him hone his  dough, and my sauce is unique. I’m
          wholeheartedly  believed  that  they  time.                           skills in more ways than one: A few  always  in  search  of  the  perfect
          would  one  day  make  a  living  with  But  in  2012,  Favazza  took  his  years after Favazza started working  meat—and the best flavor.”
          their band—refused to cut their hair,  pizza prowess to a whole new level.  there, the manager found himself in  The  G.Faz  flavor  is  the  main
          so Domino’s refused to put Favazza    Favazza  started  experimenting  need of someone to cut the establish-  draw, for sure, but Favazza still has
          and his friends on the schedule.   with making dough and concocting   ment’s lawn.                      excellent customer service front and
             But, as the saying goes, When one  his own sauce, a move which he says  Favazza stepped right on up.  center on the menu, too.
          door closes, another one opens.    was prompted—at least in part—by     And he didn’t stop there: Favazza  “I want customers to have a quick,
             And  in  this  case,  the  new  door  his  Italian  heritage.  Favazza  didn’t  went on to launch his own lawn care  great experience,” he says.
          was attached to a different pizza de-  know  where  his  ingenuity  would  company, too, which he continued to  This whole food truck experience
          livery vehicle: One that belonged to  lead, but he was certainly open to the  maintain while working at Pizza Hut.  has been a win-win for Favazza: Not
          Pizza Hut, which was up-and-coming  possibilities.                      Translation: The prospect of ma-  only is he doing what he loves, he’s
          at that point.                        He estimated that he would need  neuvering  a  long,  back-heavy  vehi-  also doing it with the people he loves.
             “The  manager  from  Pizza  Hut  somewhere  in  the  ballpark  of  cle—i.e., a food truck—wasn’t at all  Says Favazza, “It’s definitely been
          [here in Wayne] had heard that we  $150,000 in seed money to launch a  intimidating to him.             a surprise bonus working with fam-
          were great drivers,” recalls Favazza.  restaurant,  but  that  didn’t  seem  The more Favazza thought about  ily members…it’s been a riot! I didn’t
          “He actually tracked us down while  likely. He then toyed with the idea of  it, owning and operating a food truck  expect it to be fun as well as work.”
          we  were  on  a  delivery  for  Hungry  launching his own line of take-and-  would be right up his alley.  Business aside, Favazza and his
          Howie’s Pizza at the time.”        bake pizzas that patrons could buy   So Favazza started searching for  wife of 33 years are the parents of
             Favazza  eventually  left  Hungry  and then bake at home.          food trucks, and eventually ran into  three adult children who have long
          Howie’s  and  landed  at  Pizza  Hut,  “But then I thought, A food truck  someone who builds them. But there  since flown the coop. Favazza is a fan
          where he was offered more money.   would be awesome,” says Favazza.   was one stipulation: Favazza’s wife,
          He ended up being employed there      After  all,  Favazza’s  tenure  with  Sue, wanted him to pay for the truck       See PIZZA, page 6

                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · May 2022 · 3
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