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Start your holiday                                                                                      the next Distinguished Young Women
          shopping early!                                                                                         Scholarship Program being held on
             The  Ladies  Literary  Club  of                                                                      November 18, 2022 at Wayne Memo-
                                                                                                                  rial High School.  There is an Orien-
          Wayne  is  hosting  a  Michigan-Made                                                                    tation Event being held on Sunday,
          FUNdraiser on Tuesday, October 18,                                                                      October  23,  at  12:30  p.m.  at  the
          from    6:00-8:30    p.m.    The                                                                        William P. Faust Public Library, 6123
          FUNdraiser  benefits  their  yearly                                                                     Central  City  Parkway,  in  Westland.
          scholarships to senior females, one                                                                     The meeting will run no longer than
          from Wayne Memorial High School                                                                         an hour. There will be plenty of time
          and  one  from  John  Glenn  High                                                                       for questions.
          School.    Products  for  sale  are  all
          handmade Michigan-Made products.                                                                           The DYW program is part of a na-
          Come support local businesses. En-                                                                      tional program that empowers young
          trance  fee  is  $5  and  includes  an                                                                  women to reach their full potential
          entry  for  the  Michigan-Made  raffle                                                                  by providing scholarships, life skills
          basket. Event is at First Congrega-                                                                     workshops, and a positive peer net-
          tional  Church,  2  Towne  Square,  Surviving Cancer Update                                             work.
                                             Mayor John Rhaesa and Natalie Rhaesa pictured with Dr. Liu after finding out on  To  register,  go  to:  www.Wayne-
          Wayne Ripple Effect to             September 8th that Natalie’s CT scan showed no signs of residual cancer.   and
                                                                                                                  click on "Apply Now." You can also
          celebrate past volunteers          volunteers.  The  free  event  will  in- Looking for high            email  the  event  organizers  at
             Wayne  Ripple  Effect,  formerly  clude  music  by  Abbigale  Rose,  school senior girls     In-
          Wayne Main Street, is hosting a Vol-  pumpkin painting, games, costume                                  formation will be forwarded to the
          unteer Appreciation and Thank You  contest,  Heavenly  Hotdogs,  Thank  for scholarship program         local  program  directors,  Lauren
          Event on Saturday, October 15, from  you  t-shirts,  candy  giveaway,  and  The Distinguished Young Woman  Perry and Jodi Berry who will then
          Noon-4:00 p.m. The event will be at  Kona Ice. This event is in lieu of the  of Wayne County program is recruit-  contact  them  with  Orientation  de-
          Goudy Park and will celebrate past  annual Scarecrow Contest.         ing girls from the Class of 2023 for  tails.

          6 · October 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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