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Dining out in Wayne in the 40’s and 50’s

          By Darlene Hawley                                                                                       gan Ave. across the street from the
             Growing  up  in  Wayne  in  the                                                                      State  Wayne  Theater.  The  Wayne
          1940’s and 50’s, our family of seven                                                                    Dairy provided our community with
          (later to grow to nine) very seldom                                                                     milk and milk products plus an ice
          ate out.  Money was tight with a large                                                                  cream parlor serving sodas, sundaes
          family  and  just  getting  everyone                                                                    and other treats.  It was located on
          dressed  up  and  ready  to  go  to  a                                                                  the south side of Main Street, west of
          restaurant was challenging.  But, it                                                                    Newberry.
          was always a real treat when we did                                                                        Ed’s Lunch was located at 3924
          go out for dinner in Wayne.  There                                                                      Wayne  Rd.  between  Norris  and
          was  no  shortage  of  restaurants  in                                                                  Brush.  Besides serving food it was
          Wayne in those days and fast food                                                                       a pool hall and was a front runner in
          restaurants had not appeared on the                                                                     selling  pizza  before  all  the  pizza
          scene as yet.  Downtown Wayne serv-                                                                     shops opened.  Ed’s Lunch was also
          iced all of the needs of the people of                                                                  the  site  of  many  professional  bil-
          our community and the surrounding                                                                       liards competitions in days gone by.
          area.    There  were  clothing,  shoe,                                                                  Long ago the Chocolate House sat at
          music, variety, drug, hardware, gro-                                                                    35203  Michigan  Ave.  and  later  be-
          cery and jewelry stores, as well as                                                                     came  Flo’s  Grill  and  then  Sheila’s
          beauty  shops,  barber  shops,  car                                                                     Grill before closing.  Frenchy’s Coney
          dealerships, garages and many busi-                                                                     Island  was  on  Wayne  Rd.  across
          ness and utility offices.  Wayne also                                                                   from Jake’s which was originally We-
          had many restaurants which served                                                                       berline’s.    Lee’s  Hamburgers  and
          the people who worked downtown as  The recently demolished Brownies Restaurant on Michigan Avenue was also a pop-  Catering on Main St. was run by Jim
          well  as  those  who  shopped  down-                                                                    Leright and was located across from
          town.  These restaurants were filled  ular place to eat pictured above, will soon be replaced by Lee’s Chicken. Photo courtesy  the  old  Roosevelt  school  between
          with local people having breakfast,  of The Wayne Historical Museum                                     Sophia and Clark streets.  The white,
          lunch  and  dinner  at  their  favorite  named after the railroad which ran  and is now McDonald’s.)    cinder  block  building  still  stands
          spot during the week and on week-  through Wayne.  Passengers disem-    In  1946  there  was  a  Dolly’s  today across from the Westchester
          ends.  I have many fond memories of  barking from the trains could get a  Lunch at Wayne Rd. and Van Born,  Towers.      Mr.  Leright  also  had  a
          walking to downtown Wayne with my  meal at The Central.  In 1939, some  The Pit Barbecue at 32746 Michigan  restaurant on the west side of Wayne
          sisters and friends in the summer or  may remember The Club Restaurant,  Ave.  and  the  Hamburger  House  at  Rd. south of Chestnut.  It later be-
          on Saturday mornings to go to the li-  The Cottage, The Village Coffee Shop  35826.    Others  restaurants  along  came  Howard’s  Hoagies.    Another
          brary, shop at the 5 & 10 Cent Vari-  and The Wayne Café, which were all  Michigan Avenue were The Hearth-  eatery was the Northside Restaurant
          ety store and have lunch at the soda  located along Michigan Ave in down-  stone Inn at 35604 and Papa Harry’s  located on Wayne Rd. in the south-
          fountain in Kresges or Cunningham’s  town Wayne.   The Wayne Café was in  at 35002. The Barrick’s Restaurant  ern section of the building housing
          on the north east corner of Michigan  the Wilson Building which later be-  was at 2920 Washington and was for-  Northside  Hardware.    The  Ledge-
          Ave. and Wayne Rd.                 came  Kresges.    In  1947  Mr.  R.  merly  called  the  Princess  Cafe.  rock Restaurant was located in the
             In  1824  when  George  M.  John-  Reynolds bought a restaurant run by  Avery’s  Restaurant  was  located  at  building where the US 12 is today.  It
          son bought property in a vast wilder-  the senior Leright family and opened  35714  Main  Street.    Chums  Fine  later became the Cameo.  This block
          ness and built a tavern on the Old  Chappie’s Coffee Shop.  It was built  Food could be found on the south  of buildings originally housed other
          Saulk Trail which meandered from   on  Michigan  Ave.  (where  Stuart’s  side of Michigan Ave. east of Second  stores  including  the  Wayne  Hobby
          Detroit to Chicago, our community  Dress  Shop  was  built  a  few  years  Street and was a favorite of locals for  Shop.
          had its beginnings.   Johnson’s Tav-  later) and was across the street from  many years. The owner, Mr. Stock-  The  Alamo  was  located  on  the
          ern  might  be  considered  the  first  Mulholland’s  and  Brownie’s  Taxi  well, eventually moved to Glenwood  north side of Michigan Avenue east
          “restaurant”  in  our  community.  It  Stand.    Chappie’s  was  a  family  across the street from Wayne Memo-  of Venoy and the Town House was lo-
          serviced  travelers  on  foot,  horse-  restaurant  which  employed  the  rial where his son, Larry Stockwell,  cated near it.  Claude Howard (a city
          back, stage coach and wagon.  Since  whole  Reynolds  family  including  ran the popular Chums Donut Shop.  councilman) purchased it and built
          that  time,  many  eating  establish-  grandma, aunts and uncles.     The Chat and Chew Grill was located  Howard’s Town House on the south
          ments have been built in our area     Fessler’s was a long time restau-  on Michigan Avenue across from Old  side of Michigan Ave. which is now
          and have thrived, changed owners,  rant at 35103 Michigan Ave at Wash-  Wayne  High  (which  later  became  the Red Apple.
          changed names, rebuilt, moved loca-  ington St.  It later became the Cameo  West Side Junior High and then the  Sambo’s Restaurant opened in a
          tions and always served the growing  and  then  the  Golden  Boy.    The  Administration  Building  for  the  new  building  on  the  north  side  of
          community.  Long time residents of  Golden  Boy  moved  to  Elizabeth  Wayne Westland Schools. Today The  Michigan  Ave.  west  of  the  train
          Wayne will remember many of these  Street (where The Avenue sits today)  Korean Village sits on the site).  On  viaduct and west of the Wayne Bowl-
          eateries  mentioned  in  this  article  when Chuck Muer bought the prop-  the south side of town, Temple’s Din-  ing Alley.  Sambo’s and the property
          and many will recall others that may  erty  and  built  a  new  building  to  ing  Room  was  located  on  the  east  it sat on were bought out by the Ford
          not be mentioned.  All have provided  house his restaurant Chuck Muer’s  side  of  Wayne  Road  at  Harroun  Motor  Company.    When  the  Metro
          people of our community with suste-  at Michigan and Wayne Rd.  Chuck  Street  and  provided  patrons  with  Mall was built it housed the Wayne
          nance and a place to socialize.    Muer closed his restaurant and sold  fine  dining.    It  later  became  The  Cafe, later to become a Coney Island
             In 1929 The Central Restaurant  the  building  which  became  Rex’s  Prince and the Pauper.  The Tip Top  which  is  still  operating  today  as
          sat on Michigan Ave. It was probably  Restaurant.  (Rex’s  was  torn  down  Grill was on the south side of Michi-  Nick’s Coney Island.
                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · April 2023 · 5
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