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Officer, Continued from page 6                                                                          tation  process,  particularly  Lt.
                                                                                                                  Amore and Sgt. Boruta.”
          McKay several years ago. They laid                                                                          Lt. Amore is currently a road pa-
          the foundation for Wayne getting ac-                                                                    trol Lieutenant.
          credited,” said Lt. Amore. “Sergeant                                                                       “My  favorite  part  about  being  a
          Boruta and I took over the process                                                                      police officer is having an impact on
          about two years ago.”                                                                                   the public that I serve. Knowing that
             Accredited  agencies  must  not                                                                      my  work  contributes  to  the  well-
          only  show  that  they  have  rigorous                                                                  being  of  society  gives  me  a  strong
          and modern policies, but they must                                                                      sense  of  purpose  and  fulfillment,”
          prove that they follow those policies.                                                                  said Lt. Amore.
             “We  gathered  several  hundred                                                                         Lt.  Amore  specifically  thanked
          proofs needed and drafted multiple                                                                      his retired coworkers, trainers, and
          policies to gain accredited status. Al-                                                                 command  officers,  along  with  his
          though  Sgt.  Boruta  and  I  led  the                                                                  current support staff, officers, ser-
          process, we had great support from                                                                      geants,  his  fellow  lieutenants,  and
          Chief Strong,” said Lt. Amore. “The                                                                     Chief Strong.
          accreditation process was truly a de-                                                                      “I've  formed  strong  bonds  with
          partment  effort.  Everyone  was  in-                                                                   colleagues, both past and present. I
          volved in making changes that made                                                                      have  the  pleasure  of  working  with
          WPD a better agency.”                                                                                   very talented and professional offi-
             Representatives  from  MACP  at-                                                                     cers. My coworkers are like family
          tended the Wayne City Council meet-                                                                     and  I've  formed  life-long  friends,”
          ing on Tuesday, May 2nd, to officially                                                                  said Lt. Amore.
          award accreditation to the Wayne Po-                                                                       Lt. Amore has been married to
          lice Department.                                                                                        his wife for 13 years and they have
             The  WPD  stated  that  less  than  Lieutenant Robert Amore was presented with the 2022 Wayne Police Department  four children. “One of things I like
          10% of law enforcement agencies in                                                                      about  the  award  process  -  it’s  not
          the State of Michigan are accredited,  Police Officer of the Year Award by Chief Ryan Strong.           just me making the decision. It's a
          so this is a significant honor.    said Chief Strong. “Accreditation al-  words  and  actions.    I  am  tremen-  decision made by all of us. This was
             We could not have done the ac-  lows us to prove to the community  dously proud of the hard work that  a  team  decision  and  it’s  well  de-
          creditation without him [Lt. Amore],”  we are true professionals in both our  our entire team put into the accredi-  served,” said Chief Strong.

          10 · August 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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