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President, Continued from page 3                                                                        the  community.  Additionally,  we
                                                                                                                  keep the other two past presidents
          about the Fisher House and still sup-                                                                   around, so we retain that knowledge.
          port them as well.                                                                                      And I told them, “You guys just pass
                                                                                                                  me the torch, and I’m not going to
             CC: You worked on the shop floor                                                                     drop it.” We’re going to improve and
          for  six  years,  before  choosing  to                                                                  keep this legacy—this tradition that
          enter the political arena with a run                                                                    Local 900 has—going.
          for district committee representative.
          What was the deciding factor in your                                                                       CC: And to top it all off, you and
          decision to run?                                                                                        your wife of 21 years, Shawna, enjoy
             DW: I think it stems from when                                                                       a blended family with four adult chil-
          you realize that there’s a need and                                                                     dren, who are all in their twenties
          that people are looking for help and                                                                    and thirties and prospering.
          guidance. I was willing to give my all                                                                     DW:  My  wife  and  I  have  done
          and  make  a  difference.  It’s  some-                                                                  great  service  in  the  community—
          thing my dad always told me: “Just                                                                      she’s a former school board member
          get up every day and try to go make                                                                     and myself as a former member of
          a  difference.”  And  once  you  figure                                                                 [Westland’s] Zoning Board. We enjoy
          out  you  can  make  a  difference  in                                                                  each  other’s  company.  And  even
          someone’s life, that motivated me be-                                                                   small  things  like  when  I  went  to
          cause  I  was  doing  something  that                                                                   Chicago  to  ratify  the  contract,  she
          was beneficial to all of us.                                                                            came with me.
                                             Bobby Ramirez, Dwayne Walker, Bob Stover and Laura Dickerson Region 1A Director
             CC: Following your nine years as  at the Local 900 during the strike.                                   CC: As this year ends, where do
          district  committee  representative,  inated me as an alternate. Then, at  where we need to be so that we both  you see yourself both personally, as
          you then took the position of bargain-  the  last  minute,  the  primary  guy  can move on? There were days when  well  as  professionally,  in  the  new
          ing representative from 2005 until  stepped aside when he got promoted.  I’d  walk  through  there  [the  plant],  year?
          2017. How did your previous role as  So, I kind of fell into it. But we [the  and it seemed like nothing could go  DW:  Personally,  I’m  in  a  good
          district  committee  representative  negotiators] are the ones who actu-  right. But all it takes is one person  place.  When  you  get  to  a  certain
          prepare you for this next step?    ally make the resolutions from the  to  say  [to  a  worker]  that  the  job  point in life, you reach that comfort
             DW: Well, it kind of laid the foun-  floor,  from  the  different  locations.  you’re doing is not going in vain. It’s  zone. And we’ve been through a lot,
          dation. That was the learning part  We’re the ones who sit down and bar-  like playing golf: You could be having  but  we’ve  accomplished  a  lot.  We
          because I had no knowledge of what  gain with the company. That’s what  a bad day, but you sink a putt on the  made  it  through  a  pandemic,  we
          a district rep did or what transpired.  a negotiator does.            last  hole,  and,  hey,  you’re  coming  went on strike, which is something
          But being on the night shift, you had                                 back.                             that hasn’t happened in forty years.
          to make decisions. And right, wrong,  CC: I assume that hearing a lot of                                So,  most  of  us  have  never  experi-
          or indifferent, if that decision got me  complaints comes with the territory,  CC: How long have you served as  enced  that.  But  we  came  through
          through—or held me over until a bet-  which requires tremendous people  the president of Local 900?     with a good contract, which enables
          ter one could be made, I was okay  skills to handle it with tact. How did  DW: Six years. I’m going into my  a  decent  standard  of  living.  When
          with that. That’s where you get all  you learn not to internalize all the  third term.                  they  retire–just  like  the  other  re-
          your learning.                     criticism and feedback?                                              tirees,  they  can  retire  with  dignity
                                                DW:  Growth  and  maturity.  Be-  CC: Where do you see Local 900  and respect. We have done our job.
             CC: In 2011, you served as a na-  cause it’s not easy to do when you’re  in the future?              The UAW’s mission is to uplift the
          tional  negotiator,  which  honestly  in your twenties. After a while, you  DW: Well, we constantly want to  standard of living and to take care of
          sounds like kind of a big deal. What  learn  that  their  concerns  are  how  make sure that Local 900 is recog-  the community. And I feel like we’ve
          was that like?                     they feel. You have to always try to fig-  nizable  and  that  we  are  partners  accomplished that. Going into 2024,
             DW: It’s kind of funny, they nom-  ure  out,  Okay,  how  do  we  get  to  with the community because we are  I feel good.

          4 · December 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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