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Historical Museum digitizes photo collection

             For the past year or so we have
          been working hard at the museum to
          digitize our collections and get them
          online for all to see. So far we have
          scanned in over 15,000 photographs,
          slides, negatives and digital images.
          Many  of  these  images  have  never
          been seen before and show unique
          views  of  Wayne  life,  some  dating
          back to WW1 or before. We have also
          been converting old VHS tapes and
          DVDs to digital and uploading them
          to our Youtube Channel, "Wayne His-
          torical Society". On there you can see
          old  council  meetings,  lectures,
          events  and  Wayne  celebrations.
          While we have a very active facebook
          page where we often post pictures,
          not  everybody  has  a  facebook  ac-
          count,  so  not  everybody  can  enjoy
             We have decided to invest in an
          online  program  called  CatalogIt
          which lets us upload pictures, files
          and data and makes them accessible
          to everyone for free. Our page on Cat-                                by Joshua Howard and Rufus Brown  did  in  1838.  Elizabeth  Street  is
          alogIt has about 1,500 images on it                                   it was laid out with seven streets and  named after Elizabeth Swift Chase
          so far, as it is time consuming to add                                a  town  square.  The  streets  were  (1811-1880)  whose  husband  An-
          all the data to make it searchable,                                   Jones,  Kercheval,  Norris,  Brush,  drew Chase platted out that area of
          but there is a good amount to look                                    Newberry, Biddle and Hastings. Now  town,  they  were  influential  in  the
          through.                                                              some of these names we still know  Methodist Church. Clark is named
             Scan the QR codes here to access                                   today, but some have been changed:  for  James  Clark  who  owned  40
          our Youtube channel and our Cata-                                     Jones is now Park street, Kercheval  acres on the north side of Michigan
          logIt  page  and  start  surfing  Wayne                               is Main street, Norris is Michigan Av-  right around the Old Cemetery. Sims
          history  from  your  smartphone.  If  search  "Wayne  Historical  enue EB, and Hastings is now Wayne  is  named  for  Samuel  Sims  (1807-
          you  dont  have  a  smartphone,  on  Museum" to find us. In total we prob-  Road. What is interesting is that the  1888)  a  Nankin  Township  farmer
          Youtube just search "Wayne Histori-  ably have over 30,000 pictures and  original  seven  names  are  the  last  from England that lived in what is
          cal Society", and on https://hub.cata-  10,000  objects  to  scan  and  photo-  names of the officers of the Michigan  today Inkster.
                                             graph, so if you're interested in help-  Central Railroad in 1835. DeGarmo  Howe Road is named for Philetus
                                             ing us out, or just want to come for  Jones,  Benjamin  Kercheval,  Mark  Howe who owned a 40 acre farm on
                                             a  visit,  remember  the  museum  is  Norris, Edward Brush, Oliver New-  the east side of Howe just south of
                                             open Wednesdays and Thursdays 10   berry,  John  Biddle,  and  Eurotas  the  railroad  tracks,  they  came  to
                                             a.m. – 6 p.m.                      Hastings.  Apparently  naming  the  Wayne from Ohio in 1850. Hubbard
                                                                                roads  after  them  was  a  kind  of  is likely named for Homer Hubbard
                                             Roads and their names continued:   'Thank you" to the board for bringing  (1875-1942) who was a local coal de-
              CatalogIt        Youtube          When Wayne was laid out in 1836  the railroad through Wayne, which it  livery man.

          12 · February 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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