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5 ways to live fearlessly in 2023

             At first blush, your response may                                  something: Thou shall feel like a mil-  point is to give yourself something to
          be, “Of course not.”                                                  lion  bucks  upon  leaving  the  salon.  look forward to. That joy has a way
             In  all  seriousness,  don’t  we  all                              I’m joking. But, also, not really. It’s  of  seeping  into  other  areas  of  our
          yearn  for  something  better  in  one                                nothing short of amazing how good  lives.  It  helps  our  self-confidence
          area of our lives or another? A nicer                                 we feel when we have a positive self-  grow legs.
          car. A bigger home. Less credit card                                  image.  The  same  can  be  said  for  Try a wellness app like
          debt. Or perhaps you measure suc-                                     wearing nice clothes—be it a dress  Headspace, Calm or BetterHelp
          cess in a manner that isn’t quantifi-                                 suit or fancy PJs. It can be an instant  These  convenient  apps  are  an
          able with numbers—you might want                                      mood booster. And why should that  easy, helpful way to add awareness,
          more  freedom  regarding  your  per-  “The key is to understand its origin  kind of good mojo only be reserved  intention, and even purpose to your
          sonal  time,  or  maybe  you  desire  and  work  through  your  emotions.  for when we’re in front of others?  day. And the fee to download them is
          more fulfilling relationships.     That  way,  it  won’t  hold  you  back  Sign up for a class you’ve   nominal—we tend to spend more on
             Whatever tickles your fancy, the  from getting what you really want.”  been hesitant to take         things that have little to no positive
          bottom line is this: You want success,  And  if  squashing  fear  is  some-  Pilates, creative writing, or wood-  impact on our lives.
          and you certainly don’t fear getting it,  thing  you  have  in  your  crosshairs,  shop, anyone? If we turn inward and  The objective with all the above is
          right?                             then Mel Robbins is your gal.      really examine our interests, there’s  to become comfortable with allowing
             Right?                             You  may  have  already  heard  of  usually  something  we’re  curious  our interests to prompt us to branch
             Caroline  Castrillon,  a  Forbes  Robbins.  Her  TEDx  Talk,  “How  to  about exploring but for some reason  out of our comfort zone. One affirma-
          magazine contributor whose area of  Stop  Screwing  Yourself  Over,”  has  haven’t. It doesn’t matter what it is;  tion at a time. One outfit at a time.
          expertise centers on career and en-  amassed  over  30  million  views  on  what matters most is jumping in and  One class at a time. One activity at a
          trepreneurship, begs to differ.    YouTube, and her books, The 5 Sec-  trying it.                       time.
             “Fear of success may not sound  ond Rule and The High 5 Habit, have  Plan something cool                Let this be the year to go for it.
          like  a  legitimate  concern  to  some,  made her a best-selling author.  to do this year
          yet, to many people, it is a very real  Robbins’ goal is to make us real-  This tip doesn’t even warrant fur-  Courtney Conover is wife, mom,
          barrier to achievement,” Castrillon  ize our potential, and she has five rel-  ther explanation. Whether you plan  yoga instructor, and Chicken Soup
          says. “But surprisingly, it’s not the  atively simple ways to get us started:  a  quick,  inexpensive  getaway  or  for  the  Soul  contributor  who  has
          wealth or accomplishment that is so   Change your passwords to an af-  come  up  with  a  new  project,  the  called Wayne home since 1995.
          scary.  Instead,  the  fear  centers  on  firmation
          what success might ultimately cost.   Now, this one is fairly effortless
          Whether  the  concern  revolves    and  involves  modifying  your  pass-
          around  losing  friends  or  privacy,  word  to  an  empowering  phase.  It
          [there are several reasons why] peo-  could  be  something  like  IAMamaz-
          ple have a fear of success.”       ing!, ICANdothis, or IwillREACHmy-
             Castrillon sites fear of losing one-  GOALS—anything  that  makes  you
          self (the prospect of money inflating  feel good. This may feel odd at first,
          one’s ego), fear of criticism (the no-  especially if you haven’t made a prac-
          tion that we’ll be rejected if we put  tice  of  reciting  affirmations.  But
          ourselves out there in any way), and  don’t let that stop you. Besides, pass-
          fear of change (as humans, we thrive  words  aren’t  something  you  share,
          on routine, and we tend to fear any-  so  you  don’t  have  to  worry  about
          thing unknown) as valid reasons why  how  others  will  perceive  your
          we  can  inadvertently  intercept  our  choices. The only thing that matters
          own success.                       is what sounds good to you.
             But here’s the good news, accord-  Wear your favorite outfit—even
          ing  to  Castrillon:  “Fear  of  success  if you’re not leaving the house
          isn’t  insurmountable,”  she  says.   It’s like a law of the universe or

          10 · January 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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