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MILAN, Continued from page 4       ter to get ready for the next season.”  The  dragway’s  website,  milan-  July 22, which will return after a sev-
                                                But  here’s  the  silver  lining:,  is  chock-full  of  this  eral-year hiatus. The event will fea-
                                             There’s always something to look for-  season’s  upcoming  racing  events,  ture   jet   cars,   fireworks,
          ing car or a new Pro Mod vehicle to
          cost as much as a half million dol-  ward to.                         one of which is the Night of Fire on  nitro-burning  top-fuel  cars,  and
          lars.                                    “If you want to go fast, you have to be good                   more,  all  for  a  reasonably  priced
             “If you want to go fast, you have to                                                                 ticket.
          be good—and you have to have the    —and you have to have the money to buy the parts.”                     Bullock will be prepared for a full
          money to buy the parts,” he says.                                                                       house.“These race fans are the most
             But money is not all that these                     Harold Bullock                                   loyal  people  you  will  ever  meet  in
          racers invest to make their cars top-                                                                   your life,” says Bullock, proudly, of
          notch.                                                                                                  Milan Dragway patrons.
             Drag racing also requires an un-                                                                        The same can be said for the rac-
          conventional form of currency—one                                                                       ers themselves.
          of long hours, dedication, and the re-                                                                     “Our guys that come every week
          lentless pursuit of winning.                                                                            are  from  Toledo,  they  come  from
             “Some of these cars come out of                                                                      Mount Pleasant to race on Sunday.
          giant shops—with all kinds of money                                                                     People come from a long way away to
          backing them up. But, for some of                                                                       race here—and for our bigger races,
          these guys, their race shop is in their                                                                 we even get people from Florida and
          garage behind their house,” says Bul-                                                                   Texas,” says Bullock, who counts his
          lock.                                                                                                   wife,  Liz,  and  Merlo’s  wife,  Pam
                                                                                                                  Merlo, as consummate supporters of
          Going All In                                                                                            Milan Dragway.
             Bullock has learned through ex-                                                                         “All  four  of  us  are  a  team  and
          perience that owning and operating                                                                      work here every day,” says Bullock.
          a dragway is far from a 9 to 5. It’s not                                                                “And  I  feel  like  the  most  fortunate
          even a lifestyle. It becomes your life.                                                                 person in the world.”
             “When we purchased the dragway,                                                                         Milan  Dragway  is  located  at       In
          I was sure it was going to take a lot                                                                   10860  Plank  Rd,  Milan,  Michigan.
          of  effort  and  time,”  says  Bullock,                                                                 Visit them online for schedules and      h
          who remains at the track year-round                                                                     additional  information  at  www.mi-
          along with Merlo. “We work all win-                     A 1968 Camaro going down the track at Milan Dragway.

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · June 2023 · 5
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