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Above the Rim

                The Dispatch plays 21 Questions with Michigan Miss Basketball Finalist and

              McDonald’s All American Nominee Mayla Ham of Wayne Memorial High School

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                         CC:  Summarize this past bas-
             Mayla Ham, 17, was getting her                                                                       ketball  season—your  final  high
          hair done when she received some of                                                                     school season—in one, two, or three
          the best news of her life: Her coach                                                                    words.
          called to inform her that she was one                                                                      MH: That’s hard. I would say to-
          of five finalists in the running to re-                                                                 gether—that’s the word I would use
          ceive  the  state’s  most  prestigious                                                                  to describe our team. And that’s be-
          basketball  distinction:  The  2023                                                                     cause  after  the  games  we  lost,  we
          Michigan Miss Basketball award.                                                                         never  got  down  on  each  other,  we
             “Oh,  my  gosh.  I  just  felt  so…                                                                  never put the blame on anyone else.
          happy!” recalls Ham, a member of                                                                        We really tried to come together to
          the Wayne Memorial High School var-                                                                     figure out how we could fix the prob-
          sity girls basketball team. “I was so                                                                   lem to be better for the next game.
          excited for myself because I felt like                                                                  And that kept us together as a family.
          all the hard work I had put in [had                                                                        CC: What are three components
          paid  off],  and  I  got  recognized  for                                                               of  your  training  regimen  that  are
          something that I’ve always wanted to                                                                    non-negotiable?
          be a part of.”                                                                                             MH: Eating—and I’m not picky,
             And here’s perhaps the best part:                                                                    and I don’t have a special diet. But I
          This wasn’t the first time Ham had                                                                      really like chicken wings. I also listen
          received the kind of recognition re-                                                                    to  music—I  usually  listen  to  old
          served for a top-tier athlete. Earlier                                                                  school R&B. My third is sleeping! Be-
          this year, in January, Ham’s coach                                                                      fore every game I have to take a nap,
          had informed her that she had been                                                                      especially after the school day.
          named a 2023 McDonald’s All Amer-                                                                           CC:  You  walked  right  into  my
          ican Nominee.                                                                                           next question: How many hours of
             “I was excited about that as well!”                                                                  sleep do you get each night?
          Ham,  a  senior  who  graduates  this                                                                      MH: I  would  say  five…at  most.
          spring, said. “I love to see my name                                                                    I’m not a morning person—like, at
          among such great players.”                                                                              all—but I can stay up late at night-
             Ham, who lives in Canton, is in                                                                      time and not be tired.
          phenomenal  company.  This  year’s                                                                          CC: You have a different respon-
          class  of  McDonald’s  All  American                                                                    sibility than a student who just at-
          nominees follows in the footsteps of                                                                    tends school every day and then goes
          all-time  legends  such  as  Shaquille  Wayne Memorial varsity girls basketball Head Coach Jarvis Mitchell with Mayla  home. It requires motivation, organ-
          O’Neal,  Candace  Parker,  and  Kobe  Ham. Photo by Ryan Wright                                         ization, and other attributes to juggle
          Bryant. Only 722 of the nation’s high                                                                   the demands of being a student ath-
          school  basketball  players  received  Team All-Kensington Lakes Activities  drives her as a student-athlete.  lete. What is the most challenging as-
          the honor this season.             Association (KLAA) selection.                                        pect of that?
             And Ham is one of only four rep-   Ham, whose heart originally be-   Courtney Conover: How tall are     MH: Having  been  at  Wayne  Me-
          resenting the great state of Michigan.  longed  to  the  sport  of  gymnastics,  you?                   morial all four years, I guess I’m just
             “Acquiring accolades like that is  began playing basketball in elemen-  Mayla Ham: 5’8”              used to it. It really hasn’t been chal-
          good, but it’s even better when you  tary school—primarily because her   CC: How old were you when you  lenging. The schedule is well thought
          have a kid who really, really embod-  friends were doing it.          played your first game?           out: Go to school, practice, work out,
          ies  what  you  want  out  of  a  kid,”  The rest, as they say, is history,  MH: I was in third grade.   and go home—and we actually have
          Jarvis Mitchell, head coach of Wayne  and Ham is now headed to George-  CC: What  position  do  you  cur-  study hall before our practice. Then,
          Memorial  varsity  girls  basketball,  town University. She’s the first mem-  rently play?              we have the rest of the day to our-
          told WXYZ Channel 7 back in March.  ber of the graduating class of 2023  MH: I play a wing/shooting guard.  selves.
          “[Ham]  comes  to  work  every  day,  to sign with the Hoyas. And George-  CC: Did you always play that po-  CC: Name three things about bas-
          works hard, and is humble. She has  town  head  coach  James  Howard  sition?                           ketball that keep you coming back
          gotten better every year.”         couldn’t  be  happier.  “Mayla  has  a  MH:  I  used  to  play  forward  be-  for more.
             That’s an understatement.       very high basketball IQ and handles  cause I was usually taller than every-  MH:  The  competitiveness,  the
             Ham set the freshman record for  pressure  very  well.  She  is  a  shut  one.  But  as  I  got  older,  everyone  work that you have to put in, and
          rebounds  with  18  in  one  game  in  down defensive player that fits very  started  getting  taller  than  me.  But  just how fun it is. I really love basket-
          2019, led the Lady Zebras to a pair  well into our defensive philosophy."   my  ball  handling  skills  got  better,  ball.
          of  final  four  appearances  in  2021  The  Wayne  Dispatch  recently  and  my  shooting  skills  got  better.
          and 2022, and was a three-time First  caught up with Ham to learn what  That’s when I transition to guard.        See Basketball, page 4
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · May 2023 · 3
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