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Community Prayer Breakfast set for January 15th

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         $500.00 scholarships to assist col-
             The  International  Church  of                                                                       lege students, and a time of focused
          Metro Detroit is excited to invite you                                                                  prayers.
          to  their  third  Community  Prayer                                                                        The  International  Church  of
          Breakfast.                                                                                              Metro  Detroit  will  be  honored  by
             “The  goal  and  mission  of  the                                                                    guest  speakers,  including  mayors
          breakfast is to focus on important                                                                      and supervisors from surrounding
          values  in  the  time  we’re  living  in,”                                                              communities.
          said Art Wilson, founding pastor of                                                                        “The core focus is so citizens can
          International  Church  of  Metro  De-                                                                   have  access  to  people  they  elected
          troit. “Social media, politics, and the                                                                 and work for them and the city. They
          world  in  general  is  negative.  This                                                                 can see them, shake their hand, and
          breakfast is a place to bridge the gap                                                                  hear them speak,” said Pastor Wil-
          between the community and leaders                                                                       son. “There's not a venue that really
          - it’s a safe place to come together                                                                    creates a safe place for the commu-
          and it not be political.”                                                                               nity and its leadership to spend time
             The Community Prayer Breakfast                                                                       together  without  a  double  agenda.
          will  be  held  on  Monday,  January                                                                    We actually have it and make sure
          15th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day).                                                                      this event sticks to its mission.”
          The  event  will  start  at  10  a.m.  at                                                                  The  International  Church  of
          HYPE Athletics (4635 Howe Road) in                                                                      Metro Detroit held the Community
          the White Rose Banquet room.                                                                            Prayer Breakfast in honor of Septem-
             Highlights of the breakfast event                                                                    ber 11th last year and Pastor Wilson
          include:  honorable  mention  of  the                                                                   stated that five mayors attended, in-
          late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and                                                                    cluding the Wayne mayor.
          his  legacy  and  passion  for  Civil                                                                      “It's  a  really  big  deal  that  we’ve
          Rights, recognizing some of the non-                                                                    been able to create an event that we
          profit  groups  in  the  surrounding  Bishop Art Wilson, founding pastor of International Church of Metro Detroit with
          communities,    presenting    ten  his wife Bethany.                                                               See Breakfast, page 8

          6 · January 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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