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Celebrating Black History Month by

          highlighting businesses in Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         Whitehead, Klassy Kellection owner.
             Black History Month was created                                                                      “I  feel  very  accomplished  as  black
          to recognize and honor all African                                                                      woman to overcome not only health
          American people from all periods of                                                                     issues but different obstacles in life
          U.S. history. In celebration of Black                                                                   as black person in general.”
          History Month, we want to highlight                                                                        Whitehead is planning on adding
          some of the black-owned businesses                                                                      shoes into her Kellections in the fu-
          in Wayne. Our first acknowledgment                                                                      ture.
          goes to Puffer Reds, which was estab-                                                                      Klassy  Kellection  is  located  at
          lished  in  1979,  and  has  been  in                                                                   34840 W Michigan Ave, and is open
          Wayne since 2005.                                                                                       Wednesday-Saturday 9a.m.-7p.m.
             Puffer Reds is a street-wear bou-                                                                       For  more  information  about
          tique that carries the latest apparel,                                                                  Klassy Kellection or to shop online,
          footwear, and accessories in fashion.                                                                   visit  or  call
          Puffer Reds is in direct account with                                                                   (734)398-1440.
          suppliers such as: Nike, Jordan, Adi-                                                                      “I’d like to thank the community
          das, Purple Brand, Timberland, and                                                                      for the support, I hope to continue to
          countless other brands.                                                                                 do great business, and remember to
             Need inspiration with putting an                                                                     “keep it klassy”,” said Whitehead.
          outfit  together?  Puffer  Reds  has                                                                       Our  next  acknowledgment  goes
          head-to-toe pre-set outfits on display                                                                  to  Brookie’s  Cafe,  which  opened
          in the store to make the customer ex-  Cory Calhoun manages the downtown  Wayne Puffer Reds store for owner Eric  March 2021 in Wayne.
          perience easier.                                                                                           Brookie’s  Cafe  is  a  family-ori-
             Throughout the month of Febru-  Williams.                                                            ented bar and grill. The food is in the
          ary, Puffer Reds has special sales for                                                                  middle  of  southern  comfort  and
          every brand throughout the store.                                                                       northern  class,  and  Brookie’s  is
             Puffer Reds is located at 5002 W                                                                     known for its Alfredo pasta – the Al-
          Michigan Ave, and is open Monday-                                                                       fredo sauce being housemade.
          Saturday 11a.m-7p.m.                                                                                       “There  is  a  variety  of  food  for
             For  more  information  about                                                                        everyone,  young  and  old,”  said
          Puffer Reds, visit or                                                                    Andre Mosley, Brookie’s Cafe owner.
          call  (734)722-6630.  You  can  find                                                                       Troy Dillard and Andre Dixon are
          them on Facebook, Twitter, and In-                                                                      also  partners  associated  with
          stagram by searching “Puffer Reds.”                                                                     Brookie’s Cafe.
             “I want to thank the city of Wayne                                                                      Brookie’s  has  weekly  specials
          for the support they've given over the                                                                  from 4-7p.m. dine-in only, including:
          last almost two decades,” said Eric                                                                     $1.50  Wing  Wednesdays,  $10  Al-
          Williams, Puffer Reds owner. “I ap-                                                                     fredo Alley Potato on Thursday, $12
          preciate being part of the city.”                                                                       Fish and Fries on Friday, and more.
             Our  second  acknowledgment                                                                          Weekly  drink  specials  include:  $5
          goes  to  Gents  on  the  Ave  Barber                                                                   Lemon Drop on Thursday, $3 Green
          Shop, which has been in Wayne for                                                                       Tea Shots on Friday, and more.
          10 years.                                                                                                  Brookie’s Cafe is launching a new
             Gents  on  the  Ave  is  a  family-  Gents on the Ave Barber Shop master barbers Marcel Hardeman, Keith Knight, Randy  brunch menu, inspired by live jazz.
          friendly,  full  service  barber  shop. Moore and Rob Fuller.                                              “We’re excited about our brunch
          Gents on the Ave provides the follow-  located at 34836 Michigan Ave, and  storefront with lots of windows for  menu  for  an  added  twist,”  said
          ing  services:  men’s  haircut,  men’s  is open Tuesday-Saturday 9:30a.m.-  mannequins and the building is sec-  Mosley.”  It’s  giving  our  great  chefs
          lineup,  beard  mustache  trim,  and  7:30p.m.                        tioned in half, making it extremely  and line cooks a chance to explore
          kids’ haircut.                        For  more  information  about   easy to separate the salon and the  their talents.”
             Gents on the Ave offers senior cit-  Gents on the Ave Barber Shop, call  boutique.                      Brookie’s  Cafe  is  located  at
          izen discounts.                    (734)344-0075  or  book  online  at  Klassy Kellection has salon serv-  35234 W Michigan Ave, and is open
             “Thank  you  for  welcoming  us  or  Booksy  -  ices, accessories, and women's cloth-  Tuesday 12-10:30p.m., Wednesday-
          here and being supportive for over  Marcel at Gents on the Ave.       ing ranging from sizes small to 3X.   Thursday  12p.m.-12a.m.,  Friday-
          10 years,” said Rob Fuller, Gents on  Our third acknowledgement goes    In honor of Black History Month,  Saturday  12p.m.-1:30a.m.,  and
          the Ave Barber Shop owner.         to Klassy Kellection, which opened  Klassy Kellection is offering 20% dis-  Sunday 2p.m.-11p.m.
             Keith Knight is the other owner of  in Wayne in March 2021.        counts this month.                   For  more  information  about
          Gents on the Ave.                     Klassy Kellection is a salon and  “I feel proud to be a black busi-
             Gents on the Ave Barber Shop is  boutique, all in one location. It is a  ness  owner  in  Wayne,”  said  Kelly  See BUSINESS, page 8

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · February 2024 · 3
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