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Coats for                          winning  novel  “Gone  With  The   don't  require  any  baking,  and  you  glass  on  glass  technique.  Class  is
          Veterans coat drive                Wind;”  the  1939  film  by  the  same  will be supplied with recipe cards if  limited to 12 students. $45 covers
             The City of Wayne will be joining  name;  Margaret  Mitchell’s  post-  you want to make the treats again at  all supplies. Once you have created
                                                                                                                  your glass piece, instructor Michelle
                                                                                home. You will need to bring a mi-
                                             GWTW life; and Gone With The Wind
          several other communities from now  in popular culture.               crowave-safe coffee mug; everything  Guernsey  will  grout  the  piece  and
          until October 21 for a Veterans Coat  Marcaccio  has  spoken  at  the  else will be supplied. Must be age 12  have it available for you to pick up
          Drive.                             Clark Gable Foundation 100th Cele-  or a teenager for this program.  No  one week after the session. Michelle
             The collection box is located in
          the  City  Hall  vestibule.  Men’s  and  bration in Cadiz, Ohio and the 2010  sign-up  required  for  this  event  on  will also have grouting kits available
                                             Gateway  to  the  Wind  event  in  St.
                                                                                                                  if you want to grout your own piece
                                                                                Wednesday, October 16, from 6:00-
          women’s new or gently used coats of  Louis.  In  2008,  she  cohosted  a  7:00 p.m.                     at  home;  no  extra  charge.  If  inter-
          any size are being sought.         GWTW Weekend at Meadow Brook                                         ested, call Helium Studio (734) 725-
             Donations will benefit veterans in  Theatre,  featuring  cast  member                                3811.
          our area and go to Veterans Haven in  Mickey  Kuhn.  In  2012,  Marcaccio  Hype up for Halloween
          Wayne and House by the Side of the  hosted a GWTW weekend at the Red-   HYPE  Athletics-Wayne  will  be  Tea at the library
          Road in Ann Arbor.                 ford  Theatre,  including  a  sold-out  holding  their  annual  Hype  Up  for  The Friends of the Wayne Public
             The coat drive is being sponsored  GWTW talk. In 2015, she hosted a  Halloween event on Sunday, October  Library  will  be  hosting  a  sophisti-
          by Veterans of The Foreign Wars Post  2nd  GWTW  weekend  honoring    27,  from  2:00-6:00  p.m.  This  free  cated afternoon fundraising tea on
          6695:  Mayflower-Lt.  Gamble;  Viet-  Mickey Kuhn. Marcaccio has organ-  Spooktacular family event will have  Saturday,  November  2,  from  1:00-
          nam  Veterans  of  America  Chapter  ized  group  GWTW  gatherings  and  trick-or-treaters walking through the  3:00  p.m.  at  the  Wayne  Public  Li-
          #528;  American  Legion  Post  398:  tours in Atlanta, Hollywood, Cadiz,  “haunted”  facility  collecting  candy  brary.  Tickets are $35 and can be
          Passage-Gayde;  and  Knights  of   and Austin, Texas as well as in the  and goodies from community part-  purchased at the library circulation
          Columbus  Assembly  #1536:  Pope   metro  Detroit  area;  displayed  her  ners. There will be apple cider and  desk.
          John XXIII.                                                           donuts while supplies last. For more
                                             collection in the Detroiters Collect!  information, call (734) 721-7400.
                                             Exhibition and at the Fellowship of                                  The happening-chapter 2
          Gone with the wind                 American Bibliophilic Societies 2010                                    The Wayne Historical Society will
             The Wayne Historical Society and  dinner; and has been featured in De-  Strike a pose: vogue         be holding their 2nd annual Happen-
          the  Wayne  Public  Library  will  be  troit-area newspapers and other pub-  The clothing you wear can say a  ing on Saturday, October 19, from
          hosting a presentation at the Wayne  lications. In 2012, she received the  lot about who you are. DIA: Behind  7:00-11:30 p.m. The museum will
          Public Library, 3737 S. Wayne Rd,  inaugural Windie of the Year award  the Seen Talk: Vogue explores cos-  be themed with live actors telling sto-
          about the book and movie versions  from the Gone With The Wind Mu-    tuming and adornment throughout   ries from Wayne’s past with a spooky
          of the 1939 classic "Gone with the  seum in Marietta, Georgia. She has  time and discovers the many ways  twist.  $5 entry fee.
          Wind" on Thursday, October 10, at  worked with 9 Midwest community    that personal, political and cultural
          7:00 p.m.                          and  professional  theatres  on  their  identity  is  communicated  through  Holiday fair
             Since 1994, Kathleen Marcaccio  productions of Moonlight and Mag-  our clothing and body art. A volun-  First  Congregational  Church,  2
          has presented her program on Mar-  nolias,  providing  GWTW  back-    teer from the DIA will present this  Towne Square, will be holding their
          garet Mitchell and “Gone With The  ground  and  lobby  displays  to   program on Wednesday, October 30,  73rd Annual Christmas Festival on
          Wind” to hundreds of people in a va-  enhance the theatergoer experience.  at 6:00 p.m. at the Wayne Public Li-  Thursday, November 7, and Friday,
          riety of settings, including libraries,                               brary.                            November 8, from 10:00 a.m.-8:00
          community colleges, retirement com-                                                                     p.m. Christmas decorations, a bou-
          munities, historical societies, book  Pumpkin spice                   Glass mosaic class                tique, home-made candy, a specialty
          clubs,  women’s  groups,  and  Civil  and everything nice               A Morning of Arting-Glass Mosaic  shop, country store, attic treasures,
          War  Round  Tables,  as  well  as  at  Teens! Are you a pumpkin spice  Class is being offered on Saturday,  books  and  more  will  be  available.
          GWTW events.                       lover?  Then  join  the  team  at  the  October 19, at 9:30 a.m. at Helium  The church will also have dinner and
             Marcaccio’s GWTW presentation   Wayne  Public  Library  as  they  help  Studio,  3127  S.  Wayne  Rd.  Atten-  lunch  available  for  purchase  both
          provides background on author Mar-  you  make  a  few  pumpkin  spice  dees  will  create  an  original  8x10  days. Lunch is 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
          garet Mitchell and her Pulitzer Prize-  snacks  of  your  own!  The  recipes  framed stained glass mosaic using a  and dinner is 5:00-7:00 p.m.

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