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Fashion show to raise funds

             Have you ever wondered what it  Into Fashion” will be Tuesday, Octo-
          would be like to attend Fashion Week  ber 15, at the First Congregational
          in  New  York,  London,  Milan  or  Church of Wayne, 2 Towne Square in
          Paris?  The members of the Wayne   Wayne. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.
          Ladies Literary Club might have won-  There will be light refreshments, bas-
          dered that too.  They can’t bring you  ket raffles, 50/50 drawing, shopping
          that  full-sensory  experience.  How-  and fun. Tickets are $35 each and
          ever,  they  can  bring  you  “Fall  Into  are  available  by  calling  Mary  Ann
          Fashion,” their 2019 Fashion Show  (734)  729-7247.  After  the  fashion
          Fundraiser. The Coral Sash, a mod-  show, there will be an opportunity
          ern boutique with vintage charm lo-  for you to shop and ask questions
          cated in South Lyon, will be bringing  about the fashions you saw on the
          their  latest  styles  to  the  runway  runway.
          using  real  women  as  models.  The  “I  am  so  excited  about  this
          Coral  Sash  bills  itself  as  a  space  fundraiser because the community is
          where “grandmothers, mothers, and  supporting the youth of today to fur-
          daughters  could  shop  together  in  ther their education for they are our
          one place.”                        future.  I am also looking forward to
             The  Ladies  Literary  Club  has  visiting  with  other  women  in  the
          been in existence since 1896. Their  area.  I have been to several of Coral
          mission is to stimulate intellectual  Sash’s Fashion Shows and they are
          development, give service to others,  great  and  you  can  shop  and  pur-
          grant student scholarships and pro-  chase a special outfit if you like.  I
          mote  good  fellowship  among  its  am looking forward to laughing, hav-
          members. The club gives two $1,000  ing fun and maybe winning a basket
          scholarships to female students each  or the 50/50 drawing.  The tickets
          year: one to a senior at Wayne Memo-  are going quickly so call and get your
          rial High School and one to a senior  ticket,”  said  Fashion  Show  Chair-
          at  John  Glenn  High  School.  “Fall  man Judy Howton.

          10 · October 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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