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There’s a new band director in town

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       a  program.  They  work  hard  every
             Longtime  band  director  Matt                                                                       day to reach a new level of success!
          Diroff resigned at the end of the last
          school year. A new band director is                                                                     What are 5 things about yourself
          in  town  at  Wayne  Memorial  High                                                                     that could let the Wayne commu-
          School. Let’s get to know him.                                                                          nity  get  to  know  you  better  as  a
          What  is  your  background  in                                                                             I  graduated  from  Wayne  State
          music?                                                                                                  University.
             I  have  played  saxophone  since                                                                       I was drum major in both high
          5th grade.  In high school I was very                                                                   school and college.
          active in band having participated in                                                                      I'm a VERY passionate Indianapo-
          the band program at Plymouth-Can-                                                                       lis Colts fan (I also love the Lions).
          ton  High  School.  During  my  time  Michael Wolf, Director of Bands and Orchestra at Wayne Memorial High School,  I love to play golf!
          there  I  was  in  the  marching  band,  watches from the press box as the band practices on the field.    My wife and I love to spend time
          wind ensemble, saxophone quartet                                                                        outside  playing  golf,  taking  walks,
          and pit orchestra. I credit my love  Wayne Memorial HS. My first experi-  for the program is amazing. The stu-  camping, fishing and kayaking.
          for  music  and  band  to  my  experi-  ence with the program was attending  dents would not be able to accom-
          ences that I had in high school.   a Blue Stars Drum and Bugle Corp   plish  what  they  do  without  the
             Recently, I graduated from Wayne  rehearsal  happening  at  Wayne  Me-  culture  and  support  that  the  pro-
          State University where I was active in  morial  HS  in  the  summer  2018.  I  gram already has.
          the marching band, pep band, wind  was impressed with how engaged the
          symphony,  saxophone  quartet  and  students were with the rehearsal and  What musical groups are you band
          saxophone  choir.  Along  with  my  that the community supported hous-  director  over?  Is  there  just  one
          studies at WSU, I have been active as  ing a Drum Corp for the week.  band and one orchestra? Do you
          a marching band instructor for the                                    direct the orchestra?
          past few years working with L'Anse  What has been your biggest chal-    I  direct  all  instrumental  music
          Creuse HS North, L'Anse Creuse HS  lenge in this new position?        classes at Wayne Memorial HS. I am
          Central, Rockford HS and more. My     The  biggest  challenge  has  been  responsible for two bands and two
          instructor  responsibilities  have  in-  making sure I start building a rela-  orchestras.    Other  duties  include
          cluded teaching woodwind sections,  tionship  and  making  connections  jazz band, marching band, chamber
          teaching  marching  technique  and  with every student. This is my pri-  groups and pit orchestra.
          even working with winter drumline!  mary  goal  as  a  teacher.    I  want  to                          Wayne Memorial Zebra Marching Band
             Currently,  I  am  the  Director  of  make  sure  I  build  strong  relation-  How  did  the  theme  for  United
          Bands and Orchestras at Wayne Me-  ships with students so that they get  come about?  (United is the theme  were the top performers at Gibraltar Carl-
          morial HS.                         the  most  out  of  their  time  in  the  of the WMHS band program this  son  Spectacular  Spectacular,  Drum
                                             Zebra Marching Band.               year.) What is involved with this  Major  Andres  Ochoa  and  Field  Com-
          How did you hear about the band       Has  anything  surprised  you   program for the year?             mander Delaney Green with the bands
          director position and why did you  about working with the Zebra band?   The theme for United was already
          apply?                                The culture of the Zebra March-  in  place  when  I  took  the  position. Class A First Place Trophy, Awards for
             I heard that the band director po-  ing Band continues to impress me  However, I feel that it is very relevant  Best Music, Best Marching, Best Percus-
          sition had opened from a friend who  every  day.  When  I  met  all  the  stu-  and symbolic for this season. Having  sion.  The WMHS ZMB score of 78.7
          works in the district.  I applied right  dents  on  day  1,  I  knew  that  there  a new director is not easy, but these  was the top score in all three competition
          away! I applied because I knew how  was  something  special  about  this  students have really come together
          supported the music program was at  program.  The  community  support  to continue growing and learning as  divisions. Photo by Kevin McKay

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · October 2019 · 3
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