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plaque  bacteria  use  that  sugar  to
          HALLOWEEN, Continued from page 4
                                             produce  acids  that  attack  your
          quent drinks of coffee and tea may  enamel,  the  hard  surface  of  your
          also stain your teeth. If you do con-  tooth. Most carbonated soft drinks,
          sume, make sure to drink plenty of  including diet soda, are acidic and
          water and try to keep the add-ons to  therefore,  bad  for  your  teeth.  Caf-
          a minimum.                         feinated beverages, such as colas can
             Sticky  foods  are  your  mouth's  also dry out your mouth. If you do
          worst nightmare:  When it comes to  consume  soft  drinks,  try  to  drink
          picking healthy snacks, many people  alongside a cup of water.
          put dried fruit at the top of the list.  Limit alcohol consumption: Alco-
          But  many  dried  fruits  are  sticky.  hol  causes  dehydration  and  dry
          Sticky foods can damage your teeth  mouth. People who drink excessively
          since they tend to stay on the teeth  may find their saliva flow is reduced
          longer  than  other  types  of  food.  If  over time, which can lead to tooth
          you find yourself eating dried fruits  decay and other oral infections such
          or trail mix often, make sure to rinse  as gum disease. Heavy alcohol use
          with water after and to brush and  also increases your risk for mouth
          floss carefully.                   cancer.
             Beware of things that go "crunch":  Watch out for sports drinks: They
          Who doesn’t love the nice, satisfying  sound healthy, but sugar is a top in-
          crunch  of  a  potato  chip?  Unfortu-  gredient for many sports and energy
          nately  potato  chips  are  filled  with  drinks.  The  American  Academy  of
          starch, which tends to get trapped in  Pediatrics says sports drinks can be
          your teeth. If you choose to indulge  helpful for young athletes engaged in
          in snacks like these, take extra care  prolonged, vigorous physical activi-
          when you floss that day to remove all  ties, but unnecessary in most cases.
          the  food  particles  that  can  lead  to  Before your next sip, check the label
          plaque build-up.                   to make sure your drink of choice is
             Swap out soda with water:  When  low in sugar or drink water.
          you eat sugary foods or sip sugary
          drinks  for  long  periods  of  time,               Courtesy of ADA

          6 · October 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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