Page 11 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Distinguished Young Woman of Wayne-Westland to be

          named March 6 during local scholarship competition

             The Distinguished Young Women                                                                        Rivera.
          of Wayne-Westland Scholarship Pro-                                                                         Tickets to the event can be pur-
          gram  will  be  holding  the  53rd  An-                                                                 chased from any participant or on
          nual Scholarship Program on Friday,                                                                     the night of the show for $10.00. All
          March  6,  at  Wayne  Memorial  High                                                                    proceeds  go  toward  scholarship
          School in Wayne at 6:30 p.m. Nine                                                                       awards. Come out to cheer on the
          contestants  from  Wayne,  Westland                                                                     contestants.
          and  Inkster  will  compete  for  thou-                                                                    The  Wayne-Westland  Local  Pro-
          sands of dollars in college scholar-                                                                    gram  is  part  of  the  Distinguished
          ships  and  the  chance  to  represent                                                                  Young Women of America, which has
          our communities at local events and                                                                     impacted  the  lives  of  more  than
          at the state finals in July 2020. This                                                                  765,000 young women since it first
          scholarship program is based on ac-                                                                     began in 1958. The mission is to em-
          ademic scholastics, leadership, phys-                                                                   power high school young women by
          ical fitness and talent.                                                                                providing scholarship opportunities,
             At the local program on March 6,  Front Row: Savannah Byers, Zuriel Phillips, Wendy Santiago-Rivera, Arleth Gonzalez  developing self-confidence and teach-
          contestants will perform an opening                                                                     ing crucial life skills needed for suc-
          number and compete in a perform-   and Isabella Riopelle.  Back Row: Shannon Blevins, Emma Elinski, Morgan Butler and  cess in college and beyond. National
          ing arts talent routine, a physical fit- La’Tavia Ventress.                                             sponsors  include  Mobile  County,
          ness  routine  and  self  expression.  annual scholarship program.    Glenn High School are Isabella Ri-  City of Mobile, Alabama Power Foun-
          Contestants are also evaluated based  We invite the public to come and  opelle,  Zuriel  Phillips,  Shannon  dation,   Encore   Rehabilitation,
          on academic scholastics and inter-  support these accomplished young  Blevins,  Emma  Elinski,  Savannah  Wintzell's Oyster House, Master Boat
          view. “This is an amazing group of  women”  said  Lauren  Reed,  Distin-  Byers, and Arleth Gonzalez.   Builders, Barbara Barrington Jones
          smart  and  talented  young  women  guished  Young  Women  of  Wayne-   Competing from Wayne Memorial   Family Foundation, Evonik, Regions
          and  we  are  excited  to  have  them  Westland Co-Director.          High  School  are  La‘Tavia  Ventress,  Financial Corporation, Jostens and
          showcase their talents at our 53rd    Competing this year from John   Morgan Butler, and Wendy Santiago-  Alabama Media Group.

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · March 2020 · 11
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