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Sensory equipment helps Taft-Galloway students

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       pad have been the favorites since the
             What do pizza and Taft-Galloway                                                                      special  classroom  opened  last
          Elementary School in Wayne have in                                                                      month. In the past, autistic students
          common?  They both have the atten-                                                                      who  needed  a  “break”  from  the
          tion of Fredi the Pizzaman, a Melvin-                                                                   school day would put on a weighted
          dale businessman whose “Fredi the                                                                       backpack or exercise in the hallway.
          Pizzaman   Foundation”   recently                                                                       Now they have a specialized space to
          funded  some  special  classroom                                                                        take that break to help them prepare
          equipment.                                                                                              to re-enter the classroom.
             Taft-Galloway Elementary School                                                                         Amy  and  Nancy  say  Fredi  has
          was  assigned  two  classrooms  this                                                                    “been a very nice man in the commu-
          year for children in the Wayne West-                                                                    nity because he supports the public
          land School District who are autistic.                                                                  schools.”
          There is a Kindergarten to 2nd grade                                                                       Fredi Bello works 70 hours per
          classroom and a 3rd-5th grade class-                                                                    week  making  his  own  pizza  at  his
          room. Nancy Kelly has been an Occu-                                                                     small 4-table pizzeria in Melvindale
          pational Therapist with the school                                                                      (about  a  25-minute  drive  from
          district  for  22  years.  She  thought                                                                 Wayne). When he’s not working at his
          there needed to be more support for                                                                     restaurant, he’s working on his foun-
          these children, but she was told the                                                                    dation,  spreading  the  word  about
          district did not have any funds for                                                                     autism awareness.
          that support. Nancy got on the com-  “Fredi the Pizzaman Foundation” recently funded some special classroom equipment  Fredi  and  his  wife  have  3  chil-
          puter and made a request on Donors  for Taft-Galloway Elementary School.                                dren-ages  9,  7  and  6.  His  middle
          Choose, a website that helps teach-                                                                     child, Antonio, was diagnosed with
          ers receive items for classroom proj-    “The students have brought a new dimension                     autism.  The  Fredi  the  Pizzaman
          ects   from   generous    donors                                                                        Foundation was established to help
          throughout the country.                         of challenge and joy to our school.                     spread autism awareness and raise
             Last November, Nancy requested                                                                       money  to  equip  Michigan  class-
          help with a sensory room to give stu-  Students with autism typically have a unique learning            rooms with sensory equipment that
          dents  the  opportunity  to  have  sen-                                                                 aids in calming children with autism.
          sory  experiences.  She  wrote,  “The         style with their sensory motor needs,                     His foundation has already donated
          mission at our elementary school is                                                                     funds and sensory equipment to 15
          to create an engaging and safe school     processing and communication difficulties.”                   schools in Michigan, most of those in
          that inspires growth and learning for                                                                   Metro Detroit.
          all.  The  2019-20  school  year  in-                                                                      Fredi’s  foundation  recently  re-
          cluded the addition of two new class-  ent textures), visual (calming lighting  classroom at the end of a long hall-  ceived a $10,000 donation from the
          rooms for students with autism at  and  patterns),  auditory  (relaxing  way at the elementary school. Lead-  DTE  Foundation.  Fredi  also  holds
          our school.”                       sounds),  vestibular  (gentle  move-  ing up to the door was a multi-color  fundraisers.  He will be holding his
             “The students have brought a new  ment), and proprioceptive input (use  liquid  encased  floor  playmat.  The  5th Annual Golf Outing on August 1,
          dimension  of  challenge  and  joy  to  of big muscles with resistance). Re-  colored liquid danced across the tile  2020. He will be holding a Walk and
          our  school.  Students  with  autism  search  in  the  area  of  autism  and  as attendees walked down it into the  Bowling  for  Autism  event  on  April
          typically have a unique learning style  other sensory processing disorders  classroom where student Daniel en-  26.
          with their sensory motor needs, pro-  has  shown  by  providing  the  extra  thusiastically ran from item to item  When he started the foundation,
          cessing and communication difficul-  sensory inputs, students can organ-  to show how each worked. The class-  Fredi  said  he  had  no  plan.  “My
          ties. This group has been met by the  ize  and  regulate  their  sensory  sys-  room included a swing with a large  biggest fear is running out of money.”
          school community with open arms.   tems, helping them to feel safer and  round  seat  that  resembled  a  pa-  He  went  on  to  say  “These  rooms
          Our students with autism have their  less anxious.”                   pasan chair, a bean bag chair, a hip-  mean everything to me. It’s not about
          own special classrooms as a home      Taft’s Parent Coordinator Sarah  pity-hop ball to jump with, a large  my boy. I understand what the par-
          base. They are also mainstreamed as  Lewis had heard of Fredi’s founda-  exercise ball, a mini trampoline, a  ents are going through. I just try to
          often as possible into the general ed-  tion through social media. She con-  small  rocking  chair,  and  a  “crash  share my story.”
          ucation classrooms where teachers  tacted Fredi to see if his foundation  pad” (a 5-ft square blue velour land-  The  next  item  on  Nancy  Kelly’s
          and  students  alike  welcome  them  would be able to help equip a former  ing pad filled with foam blocks.)  wish list for the sensory room is a
          into the classroom family.”        storage  space  at  the  school.  “I’ll  Fredi Bello was presented with a  steam roller, a piece of equipment
             She went on to write, “A sensory  come out tomorrow,” he is quoted as  folder that included photos of chil-  with rollers that provide deep pres-
          room will be a great calming and ex-  saying. By December, the equipment  dren using the new sensory equip-  sure  while  the  student  crawls
          ploratory  area  for  our  elementary  was being ordered thanks to the gen-  ment and thank you cards written by  through  it.  Southpaw,  a  company
          students.  Our  new  students  with  erosity  of  several  Donors  Choose  each  of  the  students.  He  also  re-  that makes sensory integration prod-
          autism require extra sensory activity  donors and $1149.17 from Fredi the  ceived a Certificate of Appreciation  ucts, is currently selling the Steam
          during the day to develop their abil-  Pizzaman Foundation.           from Taft Principal Brandon Cox.  Roller Deluxe for $550. With addi-
          ity to process the many sensory stim-  A  ribbon-cutting  ceremony  was  ASD Teacher Amy Kinnelly, who  tional  replacement  bands,  Nancy
          uli they experience on a daily basis.  held on January 23 outside the new  has  been  with  the  district  for  11  says  they  will  need  $600  before  it
          These include tactile (touch of differ-  ASD  (Autism  Spectrum  Disorder)  years, said the swing and the crash  can be purchased.
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · March 2020 · 13
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