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First baby arrives at re-opened Beaumont Wayne

             The  Beaumont-  Wayne  Hospital
          reopened just in time for Wayne res-
          ident Amara Webster and her hus-
          band,  City  Councilman  Jeremiah
          Webster,  to  celebrate  the  birth  of
          their third child, Jameson Webster,
          at 4:22 a.m. on May 6. Jameson was
          the first baby born after the hospital
          reopened  although  Jeremiah  said
          there  was  one  other  couple  there
          who delivered their baby later in the
             Baby Jameson received a onesie
          decorated with moons and stars an-
          nouncing him as a Beaumont Baby.
          The couple are ecstatic their baby is
          healthy and happy.
             When  the  hospital  went  fully
          COVID-19 before closing last month,
          the Websters were told they would
          have to deliver their baby at Beau-
          mont  Dearborn.  Jeremiah  says  he
          wasn’t  confident  that  Beaumont
          Wayne would reopen, but he was cau-  Beaumont Birthing Center staff happy to be back at work to serve the community.
          tiously optimistic. He was pleasantly
          surprised when the Wayne campus    worried that they might have to start  The doctors and
          opened  as  Jameson  was  ready  to  over at a different hospital, if a differ-
          come  into  the  world.  “Everything  ent hospital would even accept them.
          aligned,” smiled Jeremiah. Jameson    With the birth of their previous nurses, he said, were
          joined a long line of Websters to be  son, Nolan, Jeremiah said they were
          born  in  Wayne.  Jeremiah,  Jere-  able to have so many family mem-   all talking about how
          miah’s  mother  and  sister,  and  the  bers  come  to  the  hospital  to  cele-
          Websters’ two other children were all  brate  with  them.  This  experience  thrilled they were to
          born at the hospital in Wayne.     was so different. Once Jeremiah en-
             “Everyone  is  so  happy  to  be  tered the hospital with Amara about  be back.  Amara’s
          back,” Jeremiah said. The doctors  to give birth, he was not allowed to
          and nurses, he said, were all talking  leave.  He  said  if  he  did  leave,  he  doctor told them he
          about how thrilled they were to be  would not have been able to come
          back.  Amara’s doctor told them he  back in. No other family members
          prefers  to  work  out  of  Beaumont  are  allowed  in  the  hospital.  They prefers to work out of
          Wayne. The doctors who were doing  have  had  to  video  chat  with  their
          their residencies at Beaumont Wayne  other two children to show off the  Beaumont Wayne.                Jameson Webster, born at 4:22 a.m. on
          were all thrilled to be back. They had  new baby brother.                                               May 6.
          Beaumont Wayne re-opens doors to community

          Carolyn Marnon                     COVID-19  hospital  as  the  state's  ities  or  laid-off  employees  in  the  were trying to work with their em-
             Beaumont  Wayne  Hospital  re-  largest hospital system braced for a  midst  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic  ployees, but employees indicated to
          opened  Tuesday,  May  5th,  after  a  surge.  The  surge  turned  out  to  be  where health care workers are con-  the Mayor that they didn’t know what
          month-long  controversy  over  the  more moderate, with state health of-  sidered heroes. Wayne city officials  was  actually  going  on.  “What  was
          healthcare facility’s sudden closure  ficials crediting social distancing, the  received numerous calls from health-  happening  inside  the  hospital  was
          in the middle of a nationwide pan-  stay at home order and other factors  care  workers  who  were  confused  not matching with what Beaumont
          demic. The hospital is now serving  for  that  progress.    On  March  26,  about what was happening in their  officials  were  saying”,  said  Mayor
          both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19     Beaumont was caring for 650 con-   own place of employment. Beaumont  Rhaesa.  “COVID-19 patients in crit-
          patients after receiving regulatory ap-  firmed COVID-19 patients and over  Wayne  has  been  prominent  in  the  ical condition were being moved to
          provals.  The hospital will be reopen-  200 patients with tests pending.   City of Wayne for years.     other hospitals even though Wayne
          ing in phases as additional staff is  Beaumont Wayne staff members      Mayor Rhaesa said the messages  was  designated  a  COVID-19  only
          brought back to work.              and  community  members  were  all  that Beaumont was releasing about  hospital”, the Mayor added. Mayor
             When the pandemic was starting  stunned when the hospital suddenly  the  closure  were  contradictory  to  Rhaesa went on to add that he felt
          to  hit  the  Detroit  area,  Beaumont  shut  their  doors  and  either  reas-  what  seemed  to  be  actually  occur-
          Wayne  was  designated  a  reserve  signed staff to other Beaumont facil-  ring.  Beaumont  officials  said  they   See Hospital, page 4
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · May 2020 · 3
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