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Zooming to a new school district superintendent

          By Carolyn Marnon                  lected,” John replied. “I can’t wait to  matches high school students to ed-  happen.  Each  school  has  its  own
             Like everything else that has been  get started!”                  ucational and career development ex-  problems,  and  it’s  important  to
          affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,    John  Dignan  is  a  resident  of  periences  like  classes,  summer  know what those problems are.
          the Board of Education’s search for  Shelby Township.  He has been the  programs, internships and jobs.    Cradle 2 Career is an experience
          a new Wayne West-                  Director  of  Post-Secondary  Op-    There are two strategies Mr. Dig-  Mr. Dignan feels is needed beyond
          land  Community                    tions/Community  Partnerships  for  nan would like to pursue to attract  the basics for students to succeed.
          School   District                  Southfield  Public  Schools  since  more students to the district. Brand-  This program highlights career ex-
          Superintendent                     2018.  Past positions include Warren  ing would be one. The other is creat-  ploration for middle school students
          took  a  new  ap-                  Consolidated Schools Principal, and  ing unique opportunities. He would  and  career  preparation  for  high
          proach.                            Lincoln Consolidated Schools Princi-  like to find out why families are leav-  school  students.  He  also  supports
             Board  of  Edu-                 pal,   Assistant   Principal   and  ing the district, so the district can  field  trips  to  college  campuses  as
          cation  members                    Teacher/Coach.                     make changes. He would also like to  part of a grade level system with a
          were  going  to  in-  John Dignan     Mr. Dignan has Bachelors of Arts  highlight the points of pride of each  field trip to a particular local college
          terview the two re-                in the College of Social Science and  school in the district and cultivate re-  targeted at each grade level.
          maining  finalist  candidates  at  the  the College of Communications from  lationships with realtors so that they  The first step Mr. Dignan would
          Board of Education offices in mid-  Michigan State University, Bachelor  can  share  that  pride  information  like to take as the new superinten-
          March. The candidates had to wait  of Arts College of Education/Teacher  with potential home buyers. Other  dent as part of a comprehensive five-
          until April 21 to be interviewed; the  Certificate from Wayne State Univer-  opportunities could include a K-12  year  strategic  plan  for  the  district
          interview took place over the Zoom  sity, Master Degree  from the College  virtual school with Section 23 fund-  would  start  with  his  90  Day  Plan
          conference  platform  online  that  of History at Eastern Michigan Uni-  ing  and  perhaps  instituting  a  Mi-  which incorporates a listening tour
          many  are  becoming  familiar  with  versity,  Master  Degree  in  Educa-  crosoft   TEALS   (Technology  as he goes around and listens to var-
          during this pandemic.  The two can-  tional  Leadership  from  Madonna  Education and Literacy in Schools)  ious stakeholders in the district-the
          didates were John Dignan, Ed.S., Di-  University, Education Specialist/Ed-  at the soon-to-be-shuttered Marshall  Board of Education, the surrounding
          rector  of  Post-Secondary  Options  ucational Leadership from Oakland  Middle School.                  communities  and  their  leadership,
          and Community Partnerships for the  University  and  is  currently  in  “Any great relationship starts with  central office, union leadership and
          Southfield Public Schools in South-  progress to earn an Ed.D. in Leader-  trust,” says Mr. Dignan. He believes  the  various  school  buildings.  He
          field, MI and Keith McDonald, Ed.S.,  ship and Innovation at Madonna Uni-  teachers are a million-dollar invest-  wants to talk to all these stakehold-
          Director  of  Human  Resources  for  versity.                         ment and that when it comes to col-  ers to design a framework for the fu-
          Livonia Public Schools in Livonia.    John told the Board during his  lective  bargaining,  “You  have  to  ture. Especially since COVID-19 has
             The Board of Education voted on  interview that he has a favorable im-  bargain in good faith.”      closed school buildings, he’d like to
          May 4 unanimously 7-0 to offer John  pression of the district. He praised  When asked how he would attract  ramp  up  online  learning  and  dis-
          Dignan the position of new Superin-  the people and the pride they have  skilled and trained employees to the  cover what that would actually look
          tendent of Wayne-Westland schools.  towards the district.             district  beyond  compensation,  Mr.  like for the district. Until he talks to
          The  Board  called  John  to  inform  He has observed that Wayne West-  Dignan  stated  that  teachers  make  everyone, he feels it’s premature for
          him  of  their  offer  which  he  gra-  land is surrounded by industry and  the magic happen.  He wants to build  him to say the plan should be X, Y
          ciously accepted.                  higher-learning institutions. He feels  relationships with Eastern Michigan,  and Z.
             “That is awesome! I’m so ecstatic,  it’s  important  to  build  strong  rela-  Oakland and Wayne State so the dis-  Mr. Dignan plans to be visible in
          eager  and  excited  to  get  started,”  tionships  with  businesses  and  the  trict  can  have  building  substitute  the community. That means attend-
          John said. “I’ll be honest, I feel my  community. One of his ideas is part-  teachers.  He  also  feels  that  home-  ing sporting events, band concerts,
          heart fell in my shoe a little bit,” he  nering with Wayne State University’s  grown talent is important and there  city  council  meetings,  visiting
          chuckled.                          STEM-enrichment program that in-   could be a program with dual enroll-  churches and industry partners. He
             Board President David Cox told  volves cybersecurity, drones and 32  ment in teaching.               said you can’t be an invisible man
          John “Your energy is a great fit for  other learning channels. He wants to  “Everything is rooted in commu-  and then ask for help. He told the
          us.  We’re  completely  supportive  of  leverage relationships he already has  nications,” said Mr. Dignan. He says  Board he is very much a people per-
          you.”                              and in his interview, mentioned Pro:  mistakes are an opportunity to men-  son.  “A  building  does  not  make  a
             “I’m so appreciative of being se-  Up,  a  program  in  Detroit  that  tor  people  because  mistakes  will  school community. People make it.”

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