Page 10 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Governor appoints interim judge to district court

             Governor Gretchen Whitmer ap-                                      member of the Families Against Nar-  remainder of Mack’s term expiring
          pointed  Breeda  K.  O’Leary  to  the                                 cotics (FAN) Northwest Wayne Chap-  January 1, 2025.
          29th  District  Court  of  the  City  of                              ter, a member of the Wayne 100 Club,  “The  29th  District  Court  is  ex-
          Wayne and Brian C. Hartwell to the                                    vice president of Wayne Main Street,  cited to have Judge O’Leary as our
          43rd  District  Court  of  the  City  of                              and  a  member  of  the  Women    new Chief Judge,” said Linda Gable,
          Hazel Park.                                                           Lawyers  Association  of  Michigan.  Court  Administrator.  “With  her  ex-
             “Breeda  and  Brian  are  well-re-                                 She holds a Bachelor of Arts from  tensive  experience  in  nearly  all  as-
          spected within the legal community                                    Michigan  State  University’s  James  pects of district court practice, we
          and will be bringing their extensive                                  Madison College and a Juris Doctor  anticipate  that  she  will  seamlessly
          experiences to the bench,” Whitmer                                    degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law  transition into her new role.”
          said.  “I’m  confident  that  they  will                              School. Breeda lives in Wayne with   In  a  statement  from  retired
          both uphold a standard of excellence                                  her  husband  Jason  and  their  two  Wayne Judge Laura Mack, she wrote
          while performing their duties for the                                 daughters.                        “Judge O’Leary has the intelligence,
          citizens of Michigan in the 29th and                                    “I am humbled by the opportunity  energy and enthusiasm to ably serve
          43rd districts.”                                                      to  serve  the  citizens  in  my  home-  this community; and she is commit-
             Breeda  K.  O’Leary  currently                                     town.” O’Leary said. “A district court  ted to continuing and expanding the
          serves as an attorney with Fausone                                    judge  has  a  unique  opportunity  to  outreach programs I started, includ-
          Bohn, LLP. In her practice, she has                                   have  a  meaningful  impact  on  the  ing juvenile jurisdiction, the Regional
          served as a city attorney for the City                                community. As judge of the 29th Dis-  Behavioral  Treatment  Court,  the
          of Wayne, assistant city attorney for                                 trict Court, I will ensure that all indi-  Truancy Diversion Court, the Teen
          the City of Westland, and as a prose-                                 viduals are heard and treated with  Court  at  Wayne  Memorial  High
          cutor in the 29th and 18th District                                   respect.”                         School,  and  the  eviction  diversion
          Courts.  O’Leary’s  practice  also  in-                                 This  appointment  was  made  to  program.  I  believe  the  citizens  of
          cludes civil matters and probate and                    Judge O’Leary   fill a partial term, which expires at  Wayne are lucky to have her as their
          estate planning. During her time as  havioral  Mental  Health  Court  Pro-  twelve  o’clock  noon  on  January  1,  district judge; and if the court is con-
          an  attorney,  O’Leary  has  provided  gram  and  participated  in  the  18th  2021,  after  Judge  Laura  R.  Mack  solidated  at  some  point,  I  think
          pro-bono assistance to local senior  District  Court  Sobriety  Court  Pro-  stepped  down  effective  March  1,  Judge O’Leary will honorably repre-
          citizens, participated in training for  gram.                         2020. O’Leary is running in this up-  sent Wayne in the consolidated juris-
          the 29th District Court's Regional Be-  O’Leary  is  an  advisory  board  coming election in order to fulfill the  diction.”

          10 · July 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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