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Peaceful protest marches through Wayne

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       sure the church wasn’t silent on the
             “Hands up!” yelled the lady with                                                                     issue.”
          the bullhorn.                                                                                              Darcel was one of the members
             “Don’t  shoot!”  came  the  reply                                                                    instrumental  in  organizing  the
          from the dozens of walkers in her                                                                       Prayer Walk. Over 300 people were
          immediate vicinity.                                                                                     invited,  including  elected  officials.
             This was the scene several weeks                                                                     Everyone who was invited was sup-
          ago as the Black Lives Matter Prayer                                                                    portive  of  the  event,  said  Darcel,
          Walk meandered its way along the                                                                        even if they were not able to attend
          streets from Burning Bush Interna-                                                                      because of a scheduling conflict.
          tional Ministries on Annapolis Rd in                                                                       “My skin is not a threat!”
          Westland to Attwood Park in Wayne,                                                                         “The inspiration (for the prayer
          drawing  hundreds  of  people  along                                                                    walk) is centered around the Black
          with them. Whether they came out of                                                                     Lives movement especially as it re-
          their houses to see what was happen-                                                                    lates  to  what  happened  to  George
          ing  in  their  neighborhood,  riding                                                                   Floyd,” said Bishop Shelby. “Youth
          their bicycles down the street, or al-                                                                  and millennials were getting involved
          ready  out  for  a  summer  evening                                                                     in protesting. They were encouraged
          walk,  people  joined  their  Black                                                                     to speak their voice. This was an op-
          neighbors  in  this  peaceful  protest                                                                  portunity to protest in what I feel is
          proclaiming that Black Lives Matter.                                                                    the right way—a peaceful protest. As
             “What  do  we  want?”  “Justice!”                                                                    Christians, we can protest and speak
          “When do we want it?” “Now!”                                                                            aloud about injustice but still let our
             “Hey hey, ho ho. These racist cops                                                                   light shine as Christians.”
          have got to go.”                   Protesters display their signs before the march into Wayne. Photo by Ryan Wright  The sign reads “There Comes a
             “Some young people had been ap-  church to be silent amongst all the  knelt  on  his  throat  for  over  eight  Time When Silence is Betrayal.”
          proaching  the  Bishop  saying  they  protests and upheaval ignited by the  minutes  while  George  struggled  to  “We would have been happy with
          wanted  their  voices  to  be  heard,”  most recent killing of George Floyd,  tell him he couldn’t breathe, Bishop  200 (people attending) when it was
          said  Darcel  Brown,  a  member  of  a  Black  man  in  Minneapolis,  Min-  Shelby  decided  to  have  a  Prayer
          Burning  Bush.  Not  wanting  the  nesota who died after a police officer  Walk for peace and equality “to be          See March, page 9

          8 · July 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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