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City breaks ground on new Veterans Memorial

             A momentous day of accomplish-
          ment  and  excitement  was  held  on
          June 16th, 2020, as the Wayne Veter-
          ans Memorial Committee held the of-
          ficial groundbreaking ceremony on
          the  south  side  of  Wayne  City  Hall
          where a new Wayne Veterans Memo-
          rial will be erected.
             Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa said,
          “This memorial will be a focal point
          long  after  we’re  gone.  All  veterans
          made it possible for us to be here
          and there were many who made the
          ultimate sacrifice. Thanks for all you
          have done and continue to do.”
             City Manager and member of the
          Wayne Veterans Memorial Commit-
          tee, Lisa Nocerini, shared the long
          and winding road that lead to the Vet-
          erans Memorial. She shared how the
          City was approached by local Veter-
          ans who were passionate about the  Community Development Director and Veterans Memorial board member Lori Gouin speaks at the Veterans Memorial ground
          creation of a “true memorial” dedi-
          cated to them.                     breaking. Photo by Natalie Rhaesa
             The  fundraising  for  the  project  “This memorial will be a focal point long after we’re gone.     mittee. The bench donated by Miller
          started off with generous donations                                                                     and Nocerini will be in memory of
          from  Ford  Motor  Company  and      All veterans made it possible for us to be here and there were     Lloyd Allen.
          United Auto Workers Local 900 who                many who made the ultimate sacrifice.                     The committee is planning a rib-
          raised  nearly  $20,000  dollars  in                                                                    bon  cutting  ceremony  that  will  be
          seed funding to help get the project       Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.”            held in the fall. The committee is still
          on track. Mike Smith, Tom Porter,                                                                       seeking  donations  for  future  addi-
          Bill Johnson, and Lloyd Allen, mem-                 Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa                             tions to the memorial including but
          bers of U.A.W. Local 900 presented                                                                      not  limited  to  signage;  honorary
          checks to the City. Lloyd Allen, Jr. a  In February 2020, the Patronicity  the City for the Wayne Veterans Me-  plaques  or  bricks;  and  for  the  up-
          retired member of UAW Local 900,   Campaign went live and the fundrais-  morial Project. The committee grate-  keep and maintenance of the memo-
          citizen  of  Wayne,  and  a  proud  Vet-  ing began at a steady pace. Unfortu-  fully accepted the donation and the  rial.  Donations  can  be  mailed  or
          eran was a fervent supporter of the  nately, when the pandemic hit in late  monuments have been incorporated  dropped  off  at  Wayne  City  Hall  lo-
          future  Wayne  Veterans  Memorial.  March, the donations stopped. The  into the project. The U.A.W. monu-  cated  at  3355  South  Wayne  Road,
          Lloyd  unfortunately  lost  his  battle  M.E.D.C. Patronicity team provided  ments represent all five branches of  Wayne,  MI  48184.  Please  write
          with cancer in 2018, but is still an  the committee with an option to ex-  the  services  including;  the  United  “Wayne  Veterans  Memorial”  in  the
          honorary member of the Wayne Vet-  tend the fundraiser. The committee  States  Army,  United  States  Navy,  memo line on checks.
          erans  Memorial  Committee.    The  decided to extend the campaign an-  United States Marines, United States  The City of Wayne would like to
          City  Manager  spoke  about  Lloyd’s  other month hoping to meet or ex-  Air  Force,  and  the  United  States  thank the members of the Wayne Vet-
          commitment  to  the  project  at  the  ceed the $30,000.00 dollar goal. In  Coast Guard.  U.A.W. Local 845 also  erans Memorial Committee for their
          groundbreaking ceremony.           May 2020, the Patronicity campaign,  relocated  their  offices  from  Ply-  hard  work  and  dedication  to  this
             As  plans  moved  forward,  the  with  the  help  of  the  Wayne  Down-  mouth to Wayne earlier this year.   project.
          committee focused on fundraising ef-  town Development Authority who do-  While there is still much work to  Mayor John Rhaesa, Mayor Pro
          forts.  In  2019,  the  committee  had  nated $10,000.00 dollars and many  do, the cement slab is in place, the  Tem  Tom  Porter  (Veteran),  Ed
          raised $10,000 dollars more bring-  generous  donors  from  around  the  memorials  have  been  placed,  and  Queen,  Assistant  Director  of  the
          ing the total to $30,000.00 dollars.  country, the committee had exceeded  designated  Veterans  Parking  is  on  Wayne Department of Public Works
          In 2020, the Wayne Veterans Memo-  the  $30,000.00  dollar  goal  and  track. The memorial will soon see a  (Veteran), Mike Buiten, Director of
          rial Committee submitted the project  raised $35,000.00 dollars. The Pa-  new flag pole, lighting and the com-  the Wayne Building and Engineering
          to the Michigan Economic Develop-  tronicity  campaign  matched  the  mittee will be discussing plantings in  Department, Mike Smith, citizen and
          ment Corporation in an attempt to  $30,000.00  dollars  which  brought  the near future.                member of U.A.W .Local 900, Chris
          qualify for the Patronicity campaign  the total raised to $60,000.00 dol-  Benches  for  the  memorial  have  Miller, citizen and member of U.A.W.
          which would match donations dollar  lars. As donations continued to pour  been  donated  by  Mayor  Pro  Tem  Local 900, Alison Hug, U.A.W. Local
          for dollar over a selected period of  in, the total amount raised for the  Tom Porter, Bonnie Porter and their  845, Lori Gouin, Wayne Community
          time.  The  M.E.D.C.  accepted  the  Wayne  Veterans  Memorial  was   family, Councilman Kevin Dowd and  Development Director, Kathryn Sam-
          project  and  the  committee  set  the  $101,000.00 dollars.          his family, and Chris Miller, citizen  ple, Wayne Finance Director, Lisa No-
          goal  of  $30,000.00  dollars,  which  In the fall of 2019, United Auto  and member of the Wayne Veterans  cerini, City Manager and Lloyd Allen,
          would double to a $60,000.00 figure  Workers  Local  845,  contacted  the  Memorial  Committee  and  Lisa  No-  citizen,  retired  member  of  U.A.W.
          if the fundraising campaign was suc-  committee and offered to donate the  cerini, City Manager and member of  Local 900, and honorary committee
          cessful.                           monuments in front of their local to  the Wayne Veterans Memorial Com-  member.
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2020 · 3
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