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P. 5

Police add two new officers increase man power

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     recruiting law enforcement officers.   I’ve been coming here for 21 years,
             Two new police officers for Wayne                                    According to a 2019 report put  and it’s still a great place to work. We
          were  sworn  in  during  the  online                                  out by the Police Executive Research  treat people with respect.”
          Zoom city council meeting on July                                     Forum, “The Workforce Crisis, and    Chief Strong has announced that
          21.                                                                   What  Police  Agencies  are  Doing  Wayne’s police department now has
             Ryan Caprathe from Farmington                                      About it,” recruitment challenges are  24 officers with two more currently
          Hills has always wanted to be a po-                                   many. The number of people apply-  attending the police academy. When
          lice officer since a very young age. He                               ing for open positions has declined.  the  two  graduate,  if  all  stays  the
          enjoys helping people. Being a police                                 To  find  qualified  applicants  from  same with current staffing levels, the
          officer gives him the opportunity to                                  those  fewer  applications  is  a  chal-  department will have hit that magic
          answer  the  call  to  help  people  on     Officer           Officer   lenge.                          number of 26 they have long strived
          their  worst  days  or  on  their  best                                 Wayne Police Lt. Finley Carter is  for.
          days. “I chose Wayne because it is a  Ryan Caprathe    Adrian Ljalevic  in  charge  of  recruitment  at  Wayne  “I  want  to  welcome  Officer
          smaller  department.  I’ve  always  small  tightknit  community  the  de-  PD. He and Police Chief Ryan Strong  Caprathe and Officer Ljalijevic to the
          liked working with a group of people  partment had and was grateful for  have been getting themselves and the  City of Wayne. The department has
          I can get to know rather than a big  the sponsorship it provided him to  department  out  in  the  community.  been working hard on recruiting ef-
          station where you don’t know every-  attend the police academy.       They have visited every police acad-  forts and I am pleased to see the in-
          one.”  It’s  important  to  Officer   Officers Ljalevic and Caprathe re-  emy in Michigan’s lower peninsula  terest   in   the   Wayne   Police
          Caprathe to get to know people per-  cently  graduated  from  the  Wayne  and appeared at career fairs. They  Department growing. It has always
          sonally.                           County  Regional  Police  Academy.  have tried to focus on the local police  been a priority of mine to increase
             Adrian  Ljalevic  from  Dearborn  They will begin their Field Training  academies, the closest of which is in  the number of Police Officers and we
          has always enjoyed helping others;  Program at the Wayne Police Depart-  Livonia. They’ll take a younger offi-  are finally moving in the right direc-
          he served as a mentor in high school.  ment soon.                     cer with them who is fresh out of the  tion. The safety of this community is
          He was working in the Dearborn dis-   Wayne  Police  Department  has  academy to share their real-world ex-  a  top  priority,  “said  Mayor  John
          patch  center  when  Wayne  merged  struggled for several years to fill the  perience  with  the  Wayne  PD.  “The  Rhaesa. The Mayor also added that
          into that center. He found the staff in  26 officer positions the department  key is just to try to get ourselves out  this is the highest number of police
          Wayne were always kind and profes-  has been budgeted for. Wayne is not  there,” said Chief Strong. “Let people  officers the department has had in
          sional  with  him.  He  enjoyed  the  the only city that has had difficulty  know we treat our employees well.  nearly a decade.

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2020 · 5
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