Page 9 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 9

Return to Learn

          By Carolyn Marnon
             If there is one thing the COVID-19  Michigan’s Six
          pandemic has taught us, it’s how im-  Pandemic Phases
          portant our teachers are. As parents
          across the country wait for informa-    1. Uncontrolled Growth-in-
          tion on what returning to school in  creasing  new  cases  which
          the fall looks like, new Wayne West-  could  overwhelm  the  health
          land  Community  Schools  Superin-   system
          tendent John Dignan has addressed       2.  Persistent  Spread-still
          concerns for local families with the  seeing high case levels
          Return to Learn program.                3.  Flattening-epidemic  no
             Governor  Gretchen  Whitmer       longer  increasing  and  health  Benjamin Franklin Middle School along with the rest of the Wayne Westland Com-
          came  out  with  MI  Safe  Schools:  system capacity is sufficient    munity Schools are working on opening this fall to the community.
          Michigan’s  2020-21  Return  to         4. Improving-epidemic de-
          School Roadmap on June 30. The       creasing;  health  system  has         “We’re going to have to build all three plans
          report  outlines  protocols  for  safe  testing and contact tracing
          schooling throughout the six differ-    5.  Containing-epidemic  is            because we just don’t know what we’re
          ent phases of the pandemic (see side-  low  and  outbreaks  can  be
          bar).                                quickly contained; health sys-          going to encounter during the school year.”
             Dr.  Dignan  provided  a  power   tem strong
          point  presentation  showing  that      6. Post-pandemic-spread is                          John Dignan
          Wayne  County  Community  Health     not expect to return and econ-
          Department, the Centers for Disease  omy is fully reopened             Wayne Westland Community Schools Superintendent
          Control, and the State of Michigan
          executive orders all regulate what the  The district has put together re-  dents and parents once a week. Com-  same schedules. They are also trying
          school district does.              opening committees: transportation,  munity meetings are scheduled for  to  keep  in  mind  that  some  family
             If Wayne County is in Phases 1-3,  food  service,  technology,  curricu-  August 12 at 10:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m.  members have different last names.
          WWCSD schools would need to be     lum/instruction,  special  education,  and 7:00 p.m. online.         If Hybrid instruction is used and par-
          held with Virtual Instruction. Build-  operations, communications, child-  For those who want to forego any  ents have children that are assigned
          ings would not be allowed to open.  care, and social-emotional learning.  uncertainty  with  the  pandemic-  different days to attend, especially in
          Instruction  would  be  done  by   Some of these committees will have  based  plans,  they  are  welcome  to  the case of differing last names, the
          WWCSD  teachers  in  Google  Meet  subcommittees.  Because  buildings  apply  for  the  Online  Learning  pro-  parent needs to notify the school dis-
          classrooms.                        throughout the district are different,  gram the district has already had un-  trict so the matter can be resolved.
             Wayne County is, at the time of  the  logistics  of  the  various  plans  derway.  This  is  a  completely  If  learning  has  to  take  place  at
          this writing, in Phase 4. This phase  could  be  different.  The  district  is  separate program and is delivered  home, there are plans being put in
          would allow school to be held via Hy-  working on a baseline for everyone  through  a  third-party  vendor  with  place to get Chromebooks and inter-
          brid Instruction. Students would be  to work off of. The Return to Learn  teachers serving as mentors. If a stu-  net  access  for  families  who  don’t
          in school part of the week and un-  program is not a one-size fits all sys-  dent enrolls in the Online Learning  have them. The school bond meas-
          dergo remote instruction the other  tem.                              program and then decides they want  ure  that  was  recently  passed  will
          part. The plan calls for dividing stu-  The  Return  to  Learn  program  to switch back to the “regular” sys-  allow schools to become hot spots at
          dents up into two groups, for exam-  was to be submitted to the WWCSD  tem, perhaps because the pandemic  the end of the year.
          ple students with last names A-K and  School Board by July 30. There will  is over, would they be allowed to do  Supt. Dignan acknowledges that
          L-Z. One group would attend school  be a School Board study session on  so? Supt. Dignan wants to allow that  there are no easy answers to educa-
          Monday  and  Tuesday;  the  other  August 3. The School Board will vote  possibility, but it would probably be  tion in our current times. It’s a com-
          group  would  attend  Thursday  and  on the plan August 10. Every school  limited as to when that could hap-  plicated  process,  he  says,  to  put
          Friday. The online instruction would  board in Michigan must have their  pen, such as at the end of a grading  together a learning plan. Every issue
          then  be  reversed  to  the  other  two  district plan approved by August 15.  period.                  that  you  think  you  are  resolving
          days.  Wednesday  is  left  open  for  The approved plan has to be turned  There are several concerns about  might have several tentacles stretch-
          deep cleaning of the schools.      in to the independent school district,  dividing up the students for the Hy-  ing out that in turn also have to be
             “We’re going to have to build all  in WWCSD’s case, Wayne RESA by  brid model of instruction. Teachers  resolved.
          three  plans  because  we  just  don’t  August 17. It’s a fast-moving train try-  do not want to have 20 kids in one  According to WWCSD Communi-
          know what we’re going to encounter  ing to hit all the stations before com-  set of students and then 7 kids in the  cations  Director  Jenny  Johnson,
          during the school year,” said Supt.  ing to a stop at the final destination  other  set.  They  want  the  numbers  “School will start on September 1 no
          Dignan.  “I  think  the  more  we  can  on time.                      balanced  between  the  two  groups  matter what plan or phase we are in.
          frontload our plans, the better they’ll  “We are all in this together,” says  they  will  be  teaching.  Parents  are  Parents will receive more detailed in-
          be.”                               Supt. Dignan. He wants to hear from  concerned  because  they  want  all  formation about the school year after
             If Wayne County moves to Phase  students,  teachers  and  families.  their children to attend school the  August 17. “
          5 or 6, the traditional school model  There will be a dedicated page on the  same days. It would be a hardship to  With  everything  going  on,  the
          would prevail. However, there would  district’s website for Return to Learn  have a kid go to school on Monday  rules  and  regulations,  the  uncer-
          still be certain safety measures, such  information. Updated FAQ’s will try  and Tuesday and the other go Thurs-  tainty of it all, Supt. Dignan knows
          as hygiene and physical distancing,  to  address  concerns.  There  are  day and Friday. The District is work-  one  thing,  “We  want  to  err  on  the
          along with daily cleaning.         plans underway to survey staff, stu-  ing to keep family members on the  side of safety.”

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2020 · 9
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